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物探与化探  2021, Vol. 45 Issue (3): 712-725    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2021.1238
  方法研究·信息处理·仪器研制 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
李凡1(), 周明2, 李开天1, 鲁恺1, 李振宇1()
1.中国地质大学(武汉) 地球物理与空间信息学院, 湖北 武汉 430074
2.广西交通工程检测有限公司, 广西 南宁 530012
Inversion of magnetic resonance sounding under the condition of surface slope
LI Fan1(), ZHOU Ming2, LI Kai-Tian1, LU Kai1, LI Zhen-Yu1()
1. Institute of Geophysics & Geomatics, China University of Geosciences(Wuhan), Wuhan 430074,China
2. Guangxi Communications Design Group Co.,Ltd., Nanning 530012,China
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关键词 磁共振测深方法单斜地形反演等效地磁倾角    

Magnetic resonance sounding is a geophysical exploration method based on the difference of relaxation characteristics of hydrogen proton in geomagnetic field. It can detect the content and distribution of groundwater without damage. In recent years, with the expansion of the application of magnetic resonance sounding, this method is often faced with the detection when the surface has a large slope. When traditional inversion methods are used, inaccurate inversion results often occur. In this paper, the angle between the geomagnetic field vector and the coil is introduced, which is called the effective geomagnetic inclination, and the inversion method of the magnetic resonance sounding under surface slope is given. According to the prior information provided by geological data or other geophysical methods, the distribution of parallel or horizontal layered kernel functions of the magnetic resonance sounding is obtained, so as to carry out the inversion of the NMR signal under the condition of surface slope. In this paper, 1D and 2D aquifer models are constructed with the sloping surface, the corresponding NMR signals are obtained by forward calculation, and the kernel functions calculated by effective geomagnetic inclination and traditional method are used for inversion. The results show that, in the case of surface slope, the traditional inversion method of magnetic resonance sounding will inevitably produce errors, while the kernel function calculated by effective geomagnetic inclination can suppress the influence of surface slope. The validity and feasibility of the method were verified by the inversion of the filed NMR data in Baishuihe landslide area. Therefore, the inversion method based on the effective geomagnetic inclination proposed in this paper can greatly improve the application scope of magnetic resonance sounding.

Key wordsmagnetic resonance sounding    surface slope    inversion    effective geomagnetic inclination
收稿日期: 2020-05-07      修回日期: 2021-01-13      出版日期: 2021-06-20
ZTFLH:  P631  
通讯作者: 李振宇
作者简介: 李凡(1990-),男,河南郑州市人,中国地质大学(武汉)博士在读,主要研究方向为电磁法勘探。Email:
李凡, 周明, 李开天, 鲁恺, 李振宇. 单斜地形情况下的磁共振测深方法反演研究[J]. 物探与化探, 2021, 45(3): 712-725.
LI Fan, ZHOU Ming, LI Kai-Tian, LU Kai, LI Zhen-Yu. Inversion of magnetic resonance sounding under the condition of surface slope. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2021, 45(3): 712-725.
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Fig.1  地表水平及倾斜情况下线圈与地磁场角度关系示意
Fig.2  地表水平与倾斜情况下坐标系转换关系
Fig.3  不同地形倾角情况下MRS方法的核函数断面
a—α=0°;b—α=30°;c—α=45°;d—α=90°;各子图已按照真实地形角度摆放,红色坐标轴为水平坐标系。计算用参数为:激发—接收线圈为半径10 m的圆形,2匝。地下电阻率100 Ω·m,激发脉冲矩为10 A·s,地磁倾角45°N,倾向正南,磁偏角0°
Fig.4  地下含水体分布示意
Fig.5  倾斜地表的情况二维核函数求取示意
a—沿倾向方向分布的二维核函数;b—沿走向方向分布的二维核函数;右侧附图为空间几何位置示意图。计算参数为:激发/接收线圈为半径10 m的圆形,2匝。地下电阻率100 Ω·m,地形倾角30°,倾向正南,地磁倾角45°N,磁偏角0°,激发脉冲矩为10 A·s
Fig.6  倾斜地表的情况一维核函数求取示意
Fig.7  单斜地形一维含水体模型设置及核函数分布
a—预设含水层模型,代表含水层位于地下5~9 m及15~21 m处;b—正演计算得出的平行含水层、水平含水层及在无地形倾角情况下的NMR信号初始振幅与激发脉冲矩关系曲线;c—无倾斜地形情况下的核函数分布;d—单斜地形情况下的平行分层核函数;e—单斜地形情况下的水平分层核函数
Fig.8  单斜地形平行含水层的NMR信号一维反演结果
Fig.9  单斜地形水平含水层的NMR信号一维反演结果
Fig.10  单斜地形二维含水体模型设置及NMR信号正演结果
Fig.11  单斜地形NMR信号的二维反演结果
Fig.12  白水河滑坡地质剖面
Fig.13  白水河滑坡磁共振测深方法反演结果对比
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