Application of particle swarm algorithm based on Lévy flight in magnetotelluric inversion
ZHANG Yang-Yang1(), DU Wei2(), WANG Zhi-Shui1, MIAO Xu-Huang1, ZHANG Xiang1
1. Geological Exploration Technology Institute of Anhui Province, Hefei 230031, China 2. Yunnan University School of Earth Sciences,Kunming 650091,China
Particle swarm optimization algorithm has many advantages compared with linear inversion algorithm in magnetotelluric sounding inversion.However, the standard particle swarm algorithm also suffers from premature maturity in multidimensional optimization problems.Therefore, an optimized particle swarm algorithm based on the Lévy flight randomized wandering strategy is used to escape the local optimal solution,The results show that compared with the standard particle swarm optimization algorithm, the optimized particle swarm algorithm has faster fitness decline and better optimization ability.Finally, the improved particle swarm optimization algorithm is applied to the measured data of known boreholes, and the results show that the algorithm has good practicability.
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