The application of ANSYS to TEM 3D forward modeling
ZHI Qing-Quan1,2(), WU Jun-Jie1,2, WANG Xing-Chun1,2, SUN Huai-Feng3, YANG Yi1,2, ZHANG Jie1,2, DENG Xiao-Hong1,2, CHEN Xiao-Dong1,2, DU Li-Ming4
1. Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, Langfang 065000, China 2. Laboratory of Geophysical EM Probing Technologies, MLR, Langfang 065000, China 3. Laboratory of Earth Electromagnetic Exploration, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China 4. Geological Exploration Institute of Shandong Zhengyuan, Jinan 250101, China
The forward modeling is an effective way to study the characteristics of transient electromagnetic (TEM) responses. The high precision and fast 3D forward modeling technology is a hot spot in the study of TEM forward modeling. The multiphysics module in ANSYS software is suitable for the forward modeling of TEM. In this paper, the application method of ANSYS software in TEM 3D forward modeling is introduced by some model examples, including the preprocessing, loading, solution setting and post-processing. The numerical results show that the simulation of TEM forward modeling by using ANSYS software has high accuracy. The TEM forward modeling using ANSYS can improve the efficiency of forward simulation calculation and provide a strong support for analyzing and understanding the characteristics of TEM response.
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ZHI Qing-Quan, WU Jun-Jie, WANG Xing-Chun, SUN Huai-Feng, YANG Yi, ZHANG Jie, DENG Xiao-Hong, CHEN Xiao-Dong, DU Li-Ming. The application of ANSYS to TEM 3D forward modeling. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2021, 45(4): 1037-1042.
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