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物探与化探  2022, Vol. 46 Issue (1): 96-103    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2022.2375
  方法研究·信息处理·仪器研制 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
肖关华(), 张伟, 陈恒春, 卓武, 王艳君, 任丽莹
中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司 辽河物探处,辽宁 盘锦 124010
Application of shallow seismic reflection surveys in the exploration of urban underground space in Jinan
XIAO Guan-Hua(), ZHANG Wei, CHEN Heng-Chun, ZHUO Wu, WANG Yan-Jun, REN Li-Ying
Liaohe Geophysical Exploratione Company Branch of BGP CNPC,Panjin 124010,China
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关键词 浅层地震勘探高分辨率地质模型数据处理智慧城市    

Shallow seismic reflection (SSR) surveys are an indispensable method in the exploration of urban underground space.Their exploration effects are affected by many aspects such as excitation,receiving factors,acquisition parameters,and processing methods,which should be systematically scientifically demonstrated and selected according to geological tasks.Taking an underground space exploration project in Jinan as an example,the authors discussed the method of improving the resolution of SSR surveys.Through the comprehensive analysis of the collected data,a reasonable seismic geological model was established.Based on this model,the forward analysis and illumination analysis were performed using the fluctuation equation of seismic data acquisition parameters,obtaining a high-density two-dimensional seismic observation plan.Meanwhile,high-resolution reflection images were obtained through the study on targeted data processing techniques such as pre-stack denoising,deconvolution,and velocity field optimization.Excellent exploration results have been achieved in the project.This study will provide reliable geophysical exploration data for the construction of the smart city in Jinan,and can serve as references for the implementation of SSR exploration in this area in the future.

Key wordsshallow seismic reflection survey    high resolution    geological model    data processing    smart city
收稿日期: 2020-08-03      修回日期: 2021-09-07      出版日期: 2022-02-20
ZTFLH:  P631  
作者简介: 肖关华(1983-),男,2006年毕业于中国海洋大学,本科,工程师,主要从事地面地震采集技术有关的研究工作。Email:
肖关华, 张伟, 陈恒春, 卓武, 王艳君, 任丽莹. 浅层地震技术在济南地下空间探测中的应用[J]. 物探与化探, 2022, 46(1): 96-103.
XIAO Guan-Hua, ZHANG Wei, CHEN Heng-Chun, ZHUO Wu, WANG Yan-Jun, REN Li-Ying. Application of shallow seismic reflection surveys in the exploration of urban underground space in Jinan. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2022, 46(1): 96-103.
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Fig.1  浅层地质模型
Fig.2  不同道距正演模拟单炮F-K谱分析
Fig.3  速度分析精度(a)和动校拉伸畸变分析(b)
Fig.4  波动方程正演波场快照分析
Fig.5  不同炮检距波动方程照明对比
a—炮检距360 m;b—炮检距450 m;c—炮检距540 m;d—炮检距630 m
Fig.6  静校正前(a)后(b)剖面对比
Fig.7  去噪总流程
Fig.8  去噪前(a)后(b)剖面对比
Fig.9  提高分辨率处理流程
Fig.10  速度场优化前(a)后(b)剖面对比
Fig.11  最终处理偏移剖面
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