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物探与化探  2022, Vol. 46 Issue (6): 1315-1326    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2022.1453
  地质调查·资源勘查 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
岳航羽1,2,3,4(), 王小江2,3(), 王磊5, 陈孝强1, 姜春香2,3, 李培2,3, 张保卫1,2,3
1.中国地质调查局 地球物理调查中心,河北 廊坊 065000
2.中国地质科学院 地球物理地球化学勘查研究所,河北 廊坊 065000
3.国家现代地质勘查工程技术研究中心,河北 廊坊 065000
4.中国地质大学(北京) 地球物理与信息技术学院,北京 100083
5.辽宁省地质矿产研究院有限责任公司,辽宁 沈阳 110032
Key techniques for seismic data processing of deep metal deposits:A case study of the Chaganhua molybdenum orefield in Inner Mongolia
YUE Hang-Yu1,2,3,4(), WANG Xiao-Jiang2,3(), WANG Lei5, CHEN Xiao-Qiang1, JIANG Chun-Xiang2,3, LI Pei2,3, ZHANG Bao-Wei1,2,3
1. Center for Geophysical Survey,China Geological Survey,Langfang 065000,China
2. Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Langfang 065000,China
3. National Center for Geological Exploration Technology,Langfang 065000,China
4. School of Geophysics and Information Technology,China University of Geosciences (Beijing),Beijing 100083,China
5. Liaoning Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources Co., Ltd.,Shenyang 110032,China
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关键词 深部金属矿地震数据处理关键技术查干花钼矿区    

Deep metal deposits tend to be associated with heterogeneous geological bodies on different scales.Moreover,their orefields mostly lie in areas with complex geological structures,developed faults,and intense lithological changes and have complex surface conditions and structures.As a result,the seismic data of metal deposits frequently originate from complex and variable seismic wave fields suffering the mutual inference of multiple types of waves.Therefore,the seismic data have extremely low signal-to-noise ratios,which severely restricts the seismic interpretation of metal deposits and the prediction of concealed orebodies. With the 2D seismic data of the Chaganhua molybdenum orefield in Inner Mongolia as a case study,this study explored the key techniques for the seismic data processing of deep metal deposits.Specifically,this study analyzed the characteristic of seismic data of the Chaganhua molybdenum deposit and summarized the difficulties with seismic data processing of the metal deposit.Based on these,this study developed a set of processes for the data processing of the Chaganhua molybdenum orefield.The actual processing results agree well with the known orebody distribution in the geological borehole section.To be specific,zones with thick ore bodies generated strong reflected energy,while thinner ore bodies exhibited low-amplitude reflected waves.The results of this study can provide strong support for inferring geological structures and delineating concealed orebodies in the study area.

Key wordsdeep metal deposits    seismic data processing    key technology    Chaganhua molybdenum orefield
收稿日期: 2021-08-27      修回日期: 2022-09-29      出版日期: 2022-12-20
ZTFLH:  P631.4  
通讯作者: 王小江
作者简介: 岳航羽(1989-),男,高级工程师,博士在读,现主要从事地震数据采集、处理及综合研究工作。
岳航羽, 王小江, 王磊, 陈孝强, 姜春香, 李培, 张保卫. 深部金属矿地震数据处理关键技术研究——以内蒙古查干花钼矿区为例[J]. 物探与化探, 2022, 46(6): 1315-1326.
YUE Hang-Yu, WANG Xiao-Jiang, WANG Lei, CHEN Xiao-Qiang, JIANG Chun-Xiang, LI Pei, ZHANG Bao-Wei. Key techniques for seismic data processing of deep metal deposits:A case study of the Chaganhua molybdenum orefield in Inner Mongolia. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2022, 46(6): 1315-1326.
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Fig.1  查干花钼矿区二维地震测线位置
Fig.2  查干花钼矿区测线上不同位置的原始单炮记录
Fig.3  查干花钼矿区地震数据处理流程
Fig.4  查干花钼矿区金属矿地震静校正前(a)后(b)的单炮记录对比
Fig.5  查干花钼矿区金属矿地震静校正前(a)后(b)的叠加剖面对比
Fig.6  查干花钼矿区金属矿地震真振幅恢复前(a)后(b)的单炮记录对比
Fig.7  查干花钼矿区金属矿地震真振幅恢复前(a)后(b)的叠加剖面对比
Fig.8  查干花钼矿区金属矿地震叠前噪声衰减前(a)后(b)的单炮记录对比
Fig.9  查干花钼矿区金属矿地震叠前噪声衰减前(a)后(b)的叠加剖面对比
Fig.10  查干花钼矿区金属矿地震反褶积前(a)后(b)的单炮记录对比
Fig.11  查干花钼矿区金属矿地震反褶积前(a)后(b)的叠加剖面对比
Fig.12  查干花钼矿区金属矿地震反褶积前(a)后(b)的频谱特征对比
Fig.13  查干花钼矿区金属矿地震高精度速度分析
Fig.14  查干花钼矿区金属矿地震偏移成像前(a)后(b)的剖面对比
Fig.15  查干花钼矿区金属矿地震成像剖面放大显示(a)和已知矿体地质钻孔剖面(b)
Fig.16  查干花钼矿区金属矿地震数据处理成果剖面
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