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物探与化探  2022, Vol. 46 Issue (3): 781-786    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2022.1074
  生态环境调查 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
山东省地质矿产勘查开发局 八〇一水文地质工程地质大队,山东 济南 250014
Speciation and distribution of heavy metals in sediments in Haihe River Basin and their effects on ecological risk assessment
LI Sheng-Qing
No. 801 Hydrogeological and Engineering Geological Brigade of Shandong Provincial Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources,Jinan 250014, China
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关键词 海河流域沉积物重金属形态分布特征生态风险评估    

Since a large amount of domestic and industrial wastewater containing heavy metals has been discharged into the Haihe River Basin, many heavy metals enter the water environment and accumulate in the sediments. Traditional ecological risk assessment methods ignore the speciation and distribution of heavy metals, leading to the low reliability of ecological risk assessment. This study investigated the plain section of the Haihe River Basin and researched the speciation and distribution of heavy metals in the sediments in the Haihe River Basin and carried out the ecological risk assessment. Sediment samples were collected at the collection points deployed in the Haihe River Basin. Afterward, the samples were processed using mixed acids at the laboratory. Then, the contents of heavy metals in the samples were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry, and the speciation and distribution of heavy metals in the sediments were analyzed. For the ecological risk assessment, abundance calculation was adopted to improve the ecological risk assessment indices and design the ecological risk assessment standard of heavy metals. The experimental results show that the obtained evaluation of the sampling points and various heavy metals were closer to the actual situation, has higher reliability, and displayed better evaluation performance compared to results obtained using traditional assessment methods.

Key wordsHaihe River Basin    sediment    heavy metal    speciation and distribution characteristics    ecological risk assessment
收稿日期: 2021-02-05      修回日期: 2021-09-22      出版日期: 2022-06-20
ZTFLH:  P692  
作者简介: 李生清(1983-),女,青海海东人,大学本科,高级工程师,研究方向为水文地质工程地质环境地质。
李生清. 海河流域沉积物重金属形态分布特征及生态风险评估[J]. 物探与化探, 2022, 46(3): 781-786.
LI Sheng-Qing. Speciation and distribution of heavy metals in sediments in Haihe River Basin and their effects on ecological risk assessment. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2022, 46(3): 781-786.
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Fig.1  采样点的分布情况示意
采样点编号 坐标
北纬 东经
D1 39°51'52″ 114°59'26″
D2 38°28'26″ 114°53'58″
D3 39°53'54″ 114°37'39″
D4 37°14'25″ 115°23'52″
D5 36°26'53″ 115°24'57″
D6 38°58'33″ 115°32'46″
D7 39°34'32″ 115°27'58″
D8 36°54'35″ 114°39'42″
D9 37°31'41″ 115°44'76″
Table 1  采样点坐标
D1 63.5 0.36 192.3 112.3 0.36
D2 72.3 0.58 132.4 103.6 0.34
D3 51.6 1.22 241.5 122.4 0.51
D4 77.3 0.49 203.6 159.5 0.29
D5 108.3 0.68 125.6 114.3 0.59
D6 54.3 0.91 144.7 126.3 0.67
D7 166.8 1.32 156.8 142.8 0.84
D8 553.5 0.97 165.4 114.7 0.61
D9 221.3 0.42 177.3 135.0 0.55
平均值 152.1 0.77 171.1 125.7 0.53
背景值[12] 60 0.5 15 25 0.25
Table 2  沉积物40 cm深度处样品重金属含量测定结果
Fig.2  重金属垂向分布特征
风险评估等级 潜在生态风险评估指数 污染程度
Z <5 无污染
10~20 极轻度污染
20~40 轻度污染
40~80 中度污染
80~160 强污染
160~320 极强污染
≥320 严重污染
Table 3  重金属生态风险评估标准等级划分
采样点编号 重金属元素含量/10-6
77.2 0.56 106.3 112.3 0.15
66.7 0.82 89.6 103.7 0.28
43.8 1.08 92.5 122.4 0.33
58.3 0.66 117.3 159.5 0.34
99.5 0.89 159.7 114.3 0.29
平均值 69.1 0.80 113.1 122.4 0.28
背景值[12] 44 0.6 70 48 0.30
Table 4  实验流域沉积物40 cm深度处样品重金属含量测定结果
采样点 传统方法 本文方法
Table 5  两种评估方法的评估结果对比
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