Speciation and distribution of heavy metals in sediments in Haihe River Basin and their effects on ecological risk assessment
责任编辑: 蒋实
收稿日期: 2021-02-5 修回日期: 2021-09-22
基金资助: |
Received: 2021-02-5 Revised: 2021-09-22
作者简介 About authors
Since a large amount of domestic and industrial wastewater containing heavy metals has been discharged into the Haihe River Basin, many heavy metals enter the water environment and accumulate in the sediments. Traditional ecological risk assessment methods ignore the speciation and distribution of heavy metals, leading to the low reliability of ecological risk assessment. This study investigated the plain section of the Haihe River Basin and researched the speciation and distribution of heavy metals in the sediments in the Haihe River Basin and carried out the ecological risk assessment. Sediment samples were collected at the collection points deployed in the Haihe River Basin. Afterward, the samples were processed using mixed acids at the laboratory. Then, the contents of heavy metals in the samples were determined using atomic absorption spectrometry, and the speciation and distribution of heavy metals in the sediments were analyzed. For the ecological risk assessment, abundance calculation was adopted to improve the ecological risk assessment indices and design the ecological risk assessment standard of heavy metals. The experimental results show that the obtained evaluation of the sampling points and various heavy metals were closer to the actual situation, has higher reliability, and displayed better evaluation performance compared to results obtained using traditional assessment methods.
LI Sheng-Qing.
0 引言
1 海河流域沉积物重金属形态分布特征
1.1 采集样品
表1 采样点坐标
Table 1
采样点编号 | 坐标 | |
北纬 | 东经 | |
D1 | 39°51'52″ | 114°59'26″ |
D2 | 38°28'26″ | 114°53'58″ |
D3 | 39°53'54″ | 114°37'39″ |
D4 | 37°14'25″ | 115°23'52″ |
D5 | 36°26'53″ | 115°24'57″ |
D6 | 38°58'33″ | 115°32'46″ |
D7 | 39°34'32″ | 115°27'58″ |
D8 | 36°54'35″ | 114°39'42″ |
D9 | 37°31'41″ | 115°44'76″ |
在各个采样点中得到海河流域的沉积物,沉积物形状为水平层状,采集的样品主要是黑灰色与黄褐色的淤泥。笔者在采样过程中,使用沉积柱取样器,所取得的样品为剖面沉积物,统一所有采样点的挖掘深度为80 cm,间距为10 cm,自上而下连续取样。将得到的样品装入干燥洁净的密封袋中,带到实验室中进行处理。
1.2 样品处理
将采集到的样品冷冻后放入机器中干燥,再将其捣碎过200目的筛子,在此过程中,去除样品中的石块、植物等干扰物质,使用陶瓷研钵进行研磨,过100目筛,最终得到粉末样品后,在4 ℃条件下避光保存[7-8]。利用酸溶法将经过处理的粉末样品进一步进行处理,其中的重金属与酸反应会生成易于检测的可溶性盐。酸溶法中使用的酸一般为混合酸,主要原因是单一品种的酸溶解重金属的能力较弱[9]。为了精准测定沉积物中的重金属组分,选择硝酸、氢氟酸和高氯酸的混合酸对样品进行消解,再采用原子吸收法[10]测定重金属铬、镉、砷、铅、汞的含量,具体步骤如下:首先称取0.5 g经过处理后的沉积物样品放入容器内,加入蒸馏水进行润湿,随后加入10 mL的稀盐酸并加热,稀盐酸蒸发减少到3 mL后停止加热,冷却至室温后向其中加入5 mL硝酸、5 mL氢氟酸和3 mL高氯酸,并将容器盖上盖子继续加热1 h[11];加热完毕后,容器壁上出现黑色物质,打开容器盖并间断性摇晃容器,当容器中有浓厚白烟冒出时盖上容器盖;当容器壁上的黑色物质完全消失后打开盖子,将容器内的混合酸与样品的混合物加热至黏稠状停止加热,若无法出现黏稠状,则说明消解不到位,此时可以向容器中加入3 mL硝酸、3 mL氢氟酸和1 mL高氯酸重复上述操作;停止加热并冷却至室温后,用蒸馏水清洗容器及盖子,最后加入1 mL硝酸将剩余样品完全溶解;将经过上述操作后得到的沉积物样品进行离心,离心参数选择为:离心速率3 000 rpm,离心时间10 min;经过离心后,得到沉积物样品的上清液,使用0.45 μm的滤膜过滤后,将滤液冷却,使用容量瓶定容到50 mL,利用原子吸收法测定样品中重金属铬、镉、砷、铅、汞的含量。
1.3 重金属形态分布特征
经过上述方法测定,得到海河流域中沉积物重金属含量数据。由于篇幅原因,选择采样点深40 cm处的含量测定结果进行举例分析,得到的结果统计如表2所示。
表2 沉积物40 cm深度处样品重金属含量测定结果
Table 2
采样点 编号 | 重金属元素含量/10-6 | ||||
铬 | 镉 | 砷 | 铅 | 汞 | |
D1 | 63.5 | 0.36 | 192.3 | 112.3 | 0.36 |
D2 | 72.3 | 0.58 | 132.4 | 103.6 | 0.34 |
D3 | 51.6 | 1.22 | 241.5 | 122.4 | 0.51 |
D4 | 77.3 | 0.49 | 203.6 | 159.5 | 0.29 |
D5 | 108.3 | 0.68 | 125.6 | 114.3 | 0.59 |
D6 | 54.3 | 0.91 | 144.7 | 126.3 | 0.67 |
D7 | 166.8 | 1.32 | 156.8 | 142.8 | 0.84 |
D8 | 553.5 | 0.97 | 165.4 | 114.7 | 0.61 |
D9 | 221.3 | 0.42 | 177.3 | 135.0 | 0.55 |
平均值 | 152.1 | 0.77 | 171.1 | 125.7 | 0.53 |
背景值[12] | 60 | 0.5 | 15 | 25 | 0.25 |
从图2可以看出,在所选择的实验海河流域段中,重金属元素铅在-70~-80 cm中达到了峰值195.6×10-6,-60~-70 cm次之,达到了135.2×10-6;重金属元素砷在-40~-50 cm达到了峰值269.5×10-6,-50~-60 cm达到了241.2×10-6;重金属元素铬在-70~-80 cm达到了峰值188.3×10-6,-60~-70 cm次之,达到了161.2×10-6;重金属元素汞在-70~-80 cm达到了峰值0.53×10-6,-60~-70 cm次之,达到了0.47×10-6;重金属元素镉在-60~-70 cm达到了峰值0.83×10-6,-70~-80 cm次之,达到了0.62×10-6;根据上述的分析可知,在选择的实验区域段中,在-60~-70 cm、-70~-80 cm深度处的重金属污染最严重。
2 海河流域沉积物重金属生态风险评估方法
2.1 完善生态风险评估指数
2.2 设计重金属生态风险评估标准
表3 重金属生态风险评估标准等级划分
Table 3
风险评估等级 | 潜在生态风险评估指数 | 污染程度 |
Z | <5 | 无污染 |
Ⅰ | 10~20 | 极轻度污染 |
Ⅱ | 20~40 | 轻度污染 |
Ⅲ | 40~80 | 中度污染 |
Ⅳ | 80~160 | 强污染 |
Ⅴ | 160~320 | 极强污染 |
Ⅵ | ≥320 | 严重污染 |
3 实验分析
3.1 实验准备
为了验证本文设计的生态风险评估方法是否具有可靠性,需要设计具体的实验进行验证。在实验中,选择某流域中的沉积物作为实验数据的来源,按照上文所述的方案对该片流域的沉积物进行采样并处理。利用局部估计总体的思路,样本抽取严格遵循了概率抽样程序,且在具体的实施过程中,没有未应答和样本替换现象。采样参考实验流域排污口位置和分布最近的情况,在海河流域段内设置的若干采样点中随机选取5个采样点,经过检测后,得到这5个采样点在40 cm深度处样品的重金属含量情况如表4所示。
表4 实验流域沉积物40 cm深度处样品重金属含量测定结果
Table 4
采样点编号 | 重金属元素含量/10-6 | ||||
铬 | 镉 | 砷 | 铅 | 汞 | |
① | 77.2 | 0.56 | 106.3 | 112.3 | 0.15 |
② | 66.7 | 0.82 | 89.6 | 103.7 | 0.28 |
③ | 43.8 | 1.08 | 92.5 | 122.4 | 0.33 |
④ | 58.3 | 0.66 | 117.3 | 159.5 | 0.34 |
⑤ | 99.5 | 0.89 | 159.7 | 114.3 | 0.29 |
平均值 | 69.1 | 0.80 | 113.1 | 122.4 | 0.28 |
背景值[12] | 44 | 0.6 | 70 | 48 | 0.30 |
3.2 实验结果对比
表5 两种评估方法的评估结果对比
Table 5
采样点 | 传统方法 | 本文方法 | ||||||||
铬 | 镉 | 砷 | 铅 | 汞 | 铬 | 镉 | 砷 | 铅 | 汞 | |
① | Ⅲ | Ⅰ | Ⅴ | Ⅵ | Ⅴ | Ⅱ | Z | Ⅲ | Ⅲ | Z |
② | Ⅱ | Ⅲ | Ⅲ | Ⅱ | Ⅰ | Ⅰ | Ⅰ | Ⅱ | Ⅳ | Z |
③ | Ⅱ | Ⅲ | Ⅲ | Ⅲ | Ⅲ | Z | Ⅱ | Ⅱ | Ⅲ | Ⅰ |
④ | Ⅳ | Ⅱ | Ⅱ | Ⅱ | Ⅱ | Ⅰ | Ⅰ | Ⅲ | Ⅴ | Ⅰ |
⑤ | Ⅲ | Ⅳ | Ⅳ | Ⅱ | Ⅱ | Ⅲ | Ⅱ | Ⅳ | Ⅳ | Z |
4 结语
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Distribution characteristics and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in the sediments of Paihe in the water diversion channel from the Yangtze River to the Huaihe River
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Distribution and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in columnar sediments in the coastal waters of Xigang, Xiamen
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Ecological risk assessment and verification of typical heavy metals in the sediments of the Haihe River Basin
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Distribution characteristics and ecological risks of heavy metals in the surface sediments of Jianhu Lake, Northwestern Yunnan
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The present work was designed to study the pH, sand, silt, clay, lime, organic carbon (OC), cation exchange capacity and heavy metals (Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn) in agricultural soils of Mashhad plain, Northeastern Iran. Pearson's correlation analysis showed that OC influenced the retention of Cu and Mn in both surface and subsurface agricultural soil samples. The results of contamination factor, pollution index and potential ecological risk (RI) indicated low pollution of Mn, Zn and Cu in the agricultural soil samples. The enrichment factor showed very high enrichment of heavy metals in surface (88.1%) and subsurface (79.1%) agricultural soil samples. The geoaccumulation index also indicated very high contamination of heavy metals in surface (87.5%) and subsurface (82.6%) soil samples. The modified potential ecological risk (MRI) showed 37.5% ecological risk in surface, and 32.5% ecological risk in subsurface soil samples of Mashhad plain, Northeastern Iran. : Fe: Iron; Mn: Manganese; Cu: Copper; Zn: Zinc; PCA: Principal component analysis; CA: Cluster analysis; CF: Contamination factor; EF: Enrichment factor; Igeo: Geoaccumulation index; PI: Pollution index; MPI: Modified pollution index; RI: Potential ecological risk index; MRI: Modified potential ecological risk index.
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