In recent years, exploration of gold ore deposits in the Qinba region of Shaanxi Province has become increasingly difficult. Based on the study of gold enrichment patterns and geochemical prospecting models for different types of gold deposits in this area and following the rules of finding the similar deposits with similar geological conditions and similar anomaly characteristics. Starting with the characteristics of Au anomaly distribution, elemental composition and geological background, combined with the current exploration results for gold ore deposits, and based on analysis, comparison, classification and screening of anomalies, the authors divided the Qinba region in Shaanxi Province into 12 gold prospecting areas. The characteristics of geology, geochemistry, ore-controlling conditions, major ore-prone areas and mineral types of each prospecting area were also figured out. In addition, the direction for the prospecting deployment in this region were pointed out for reference.
樊会民, 安兴, 张嘉声, 柏千惠. 陕西省秦巴地区金元素找矿预测区划分及其地球化学特征[J]. 物探与化探, 2018, 42(4): 682-688.
Hui-Min FAN, Xing AN, Jia-Sheng ZHANG, Qian-Hui BAI. Division of gold element prospecting area in Qinba region of Shaanxi Province and its geochemical characteristics. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2018, 42(4): 682-688.