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物探与化探  2022, Vol. 46 Issue (3): 576-584    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2022.1468
  《全域地球物理探测与智能感知》专栏 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
石泽玉1(), 张志厚1,2(), 刘鹏飞1, 范祥泰1
1.西南交通大学 地球科学与环境工程学院,四川 成都 611756
2.西南交通大学 高速铁路线路工程教育部重点实验室,四川 成都 610031
Moving-footprint-based large-scale model decomposition method for forward modeling of gravity and gravity gradient anomalies
SHI Ze-Yu1(), ZHANG Zhi-Hou1,2(), LIU Peng-Fei1, FAN Xiang-Tai1
1. Faculty of Geosciences and Environmental Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 611756, China
2. Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of High-speed Railway Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China
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重力及其梯度异常正演计算效率决定了反演的可行性,也是高效构建足量、多样深度学习样本数据的基础。为了进一步提高重力及其梯度异常正演的计算速度,受航空电磁领域“Moving-footprint”快速正演技术的启发,本文在基于网格点几何格架函数空间域快速正演的基础上,提出了一种“Moving-footprint”大尺度模型分解的重力及其梯度异常正演计算方法。此方法在地下半空间内选择观测点正下方一定有效范围的子空间,该观测点异常近似为其对应子空间内长方体单元的异常和,而忽略子空间外长方体单元产生的异常;当观测点移动,其对应的子空间随之移动,从而可以将地下半空间长方体模型进行大尺度模型分解,为每一个计算点所对应的子空间进行正演计算。模型实验表明,在256×256×15个长方体模型的地下半空间内选取32×32×15的子空间进行计算,重力异常及部分梯度异常的相对平均误差小于10%,计算速度提高19倍;文中方法针对1 024×1 024×15个长方体模型计算时间约为32 min,相比已有算法中存在的超常规计算量的瓶颈问题具有显著的计算优势。

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关键词 重力异常Moving-footprint快速正演模型分解    

The computational efficiency of the forward modeling for gravity and gravity gradient anomalies determines the feasibility of inverse modeling. It also forms the basis for the efficient building of sufficient and diverse deep learning sample data. Inspired by the application of moving-footprint—a fast forward modeling method in the aerospace electromagnetic field and based on the fast space-domain forward modeling of geometric lattice functions of grid points, the authors proposed a computation method for the forward modeling of gravity and gravity gradient anomalies by applying “moving-footprint”, aiming to further improve the speed of the forward calculation for gravity and gravity gradient anomalies. Specifically, this method selects the subspace in a certain effective range directly below an observation point in the underground half-space. The observation point anomaly approximates the total anomalies of the cuboid units in the corresponding subspace while ignoring the anomalies produced by the cuboid units outside the subspace. When the observation point moves, the corresponding subspace moves accordingly. Therefore, the large-scale underground half-space cuboid model can be decomposed into the subspace corresponding to each calculation point for the forward calculation. As shown by the results of a model test, when 32×32×15 subspace was selected in the underground half-space of a 256×256×15 rectangular parallelepiped model for calculation, the relative average error of gravity anomalies and partial gradient anomalies was less than 10% and the calculation speed was increased by 19 times. Moreover, the calculation time of 1024×1024×15 rectangular parallelepiped model is approximately 32 minutes. Compared with the existing algorithms with a bottleneck in the ultra-conventional calculations, the method proposed in this study has significant advantages regarding computation.

Key wordsgravity anomaly    moving-footprint    fast forward modeling    model decomposition
收稿日期: 2021-08-24      修回日期: 2022-04-02      出版日期: 2022-06-20
ZTFLH:  P631  
通讯作者: 张志厚
作者简介: 石泽玉(1998-),女,在读硕士生,主要研究领域为地球物理重力勘探。Email:
石泽玉, 张志厚, 刘鹏飞, 范祥泰. 重力及其梯度异常正演的Moving-footprint大尺度模型分解方法[J]. 物探与化探, 2022, 46(3): 576-584.
SHI Ze-Yu, ZHANG Zhi-Hou, LIU Peng-Fei, FAN Xiang-Tai. Moving-footprint-based large-scale model decomposition method for forward modeling of gravity and gravity gradient anomalies. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2022, 46(3): 576-584.
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Fig.1  地下半空间单元划分
Fig.2  地下网格体子空间划分示意
Fig.3  模型示意
Fig.4  256×256全空间运行结果
Fig.5  32×32子空间运行结果
Fig.6  24×24子空间运行结果
Fig.7  16×16子空间运行结果
选取子空间大小 运行时间/s
16×16 151.9600
24×24 320.8600
32×32 553.1300
256×256 10806
Table 1  256×256全空间不同子空间运行时间
Fig.8  全/子空间运算时间比值
Fig.9  256×256全空间与选取32×32子空间计算误差
数据 U0/(g.u.) Uxx/E Uxy/E Uxz/E Uyy/E Uyz/E Uzz/E
72.1270 17.8441 19.0480 42.8058 17.8441 42.8058 43.7269
0.0896 -25.1108 -18.8929 -42.8058 -25.1108 -42.8058 -10.1804
0.7175 1.2194 1.2663 0.4103 1.2193 0.4113 0.8841
1.3265 0.8269 0.0245 0.0179 0.8327 -0.0136 -1.6595
Table 2  全空间重力及其梯度异常最大、最小值及计算值与理论值误差的均值和均方差
数据 U0/(g.u.) Uxx/E Uxy/E Uxz/E Uyy/E Uyz/E Uzz/E
均方差 1.5081 1.4733 1.2665 0.4107 1.4765 0.4115 1.8803
平均相对误差 9.01% 19.90% 29.09% 4.76% 19.94% 4.77% 15.47%
Table 3  32×32子空间计算结果的均方差和平均相对误差
Fig.10  全空间16×16×9不同方法反演结果
Fig.11  全空间32×32×9不同方法反演结果
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