Suppression of random noise in deep seismic reflection data using adaptive threshold-based Shearlet transform
WANG Tong1,2(), Liu Jian-Xun1,2, WANG Xing-Yu1,2(), LI Guang-Cai1,2, TIAN Mi1,2
1. National Technical Research Center for Modern Geological Exploration Engineering,Langfang 065000,China 2. Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Langfang 065000,China
Deep seismic reflection is one of the most effective means of studying the deep geological structure of the Earth.However,the energy of seismic waves exponentially decreases due to the filtering by the Earth,resulting in weak energy of effective deep seismic reflection signals.In this case,deep seismic reflection data are liable to be seriously disturbed by background noise,and thus it is difficult to obtain accurate images of deep geological structures.According to the study on the differences in the distribution of effective signals and random noise of deep seismic reflection data on different scales in the Shearlet domain,seismic signals on different scales are affected by random noise to different extents.Furthermore,with the signal-to-noise ratio,the L2 norm of Shearlet coefficients,and the residual errors of random noise in deep seismic reflection data as the parameters for threshold estimation,this study developed a random noise suppression method that is adaptive to different scales to minimize the effects of random noise.Theoretical model data and actual tests of deep seismic reflection data verified that this method can effectively eliminate the disturbance of random noise,improve the overall signal-to-noise ratio of seismic sections,and realize the accurate imaging of weak deep seismic reflection signals.
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WANG Tong, Liu Jian-Xun, WANG Xing-Yu, LI Guang-Cai, TIAN Mi. Suppression of random noise in deep seismic reflection data using adaptive threshold-based Shearlet transform. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2022, 46(3): 704-713.
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