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物探与化探  2020, Vol. 44 Issue (5): 1183-1189    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2020.1606
  方法研究·信息处理·仪器研制 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
胡佳豪1(), 李貅1, 刘航2, 胡伟明1, 岳鑫1
1.长安大学 地质工程与测绘学院,陕西 西安 710061
2.中煤科工集团西安研究院有限公司,陕西 西安 710077
Research on the advanced detection of transient electromagnetic in tunnel construction by TBM
HU Jia-Hao1(), LI Xiu1, LIU Hang2, HU Wei-Ming1, YUE Xin1
1.College of Geological Engineering and Geomatics, Chang'an University , Xi'an 710061 , China
2.Xi'an Research Institute, China Coal Technology & Engineering Group Corp., Xi'an 710077 , China
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关键词 隧道超前预报TBM瞬变电磁法电性源电场分量采集    

When the tunnel passes through the complex strata with bad geological development, it often encounters geological disasters such as water inrush, mud inrush, collapse and roof fall. During the construction of the tunnel, the advanced geological prediction for the adverse geological disasters such as water and mud inrush has become an important issue to ensure the construction safety. Transient electromagnetic method has been widely used in the prediction of tunnel and underground cavern construction period. However, with the increasingly complex construction environment, the application of traditional TEM is restricted by various factors. For example, in TBM construction tunnel, the traditional transient electromagnetic device form is limited by TBM machinery, and the metal components of TBM produce strong electromagnetic interference to the collection of secondary field attenuation voltage, which makes this kind of method difficult to apply to TBM construction tunnel at present. In order to overcome the difficulties encountered by TEM in TBM tunnel construction, the authors, based on previous work, attempted to put forward a type of TEM advanced detection device based on electrical source excitation and electric field component acquisition. According to the different working conditions of drilling and blasting method and TBM construction tunnel, the three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain method is used to simulate the distribution and response characteristics of transient electromagnetic field in front of the tunnel excited by a single electrical source. Based on the analysis of the distribution and response characteristics of transient electromagnetic field, the authors hold that the single electrical source launching device not only can be used in the tunnel construction by drilling and blasting but also has the capability of advanced prediction in the tunnel construction by TBM.

Key wordstunnel advance prediction    TBM    transient electromagnetic method    electrical source    electric field component acquisition
收稿日期: 2019-12-27      出版日期: 2020-10-26
:  P631  
作者简介: 胡佳豪(1996- ),男,就读于长安大学地质工程与测绘学院地球物理系,硕士研究生,研究方向:瞬变电磁法。Email:
胡佳豪, 李貅, 刘航, 胡伟明, 岳鑫. TBM机施工隧道瞬变电磁超前探测研究[J]. 物探与化探, 2020, 44(5): 1183-1189.
HU Jia-Hao, LI Xiu, LIU Hang, HU Wei-Ming, YUE Xin. Research on the advanced detection of transient electromagnetic in tunnel construction by TBM. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2020, 44(5): 1183-1189.
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Fig.1  FDTD计算采用的Yee晶胞格式
Fig.2  隧道模型示意
Fig.3  隧道掌子面发射源与接收点布设示意
Fig.4  TBM机计算模型
Fig.5  含TBM机的模型示意
Fig.6  关断后10 μs 隧道模型掌子面前方电场分布
Fig.7  关断后10 μs TBM机模型掌子面前方电场分布
Fig.8  隧道掌子面上观测点的电场ExEyEz分量衰减曲线对比(观测点见图3所示)
Fig.9  TBM机不同退刀距离下关断后10 μs后Ex分量在xOz平面上的分布
Fig.10  TBM机不同退刀距离下的Ex分量的衰减曲线(观测点见图3所示)
Fig.11  计算模型示意
Fig.12  TBM施工隧道含水断层距离隧道掌子面不同距离下Ex异常响应曲线(观测点见图3所示)
Fig.13  含水异常体距隧道掌子面15 m模型下的电场水平分量衰减曲线及视电阻率曲线
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