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物探与化探  2020, Vol. 44 Issue (4): 748-755    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2020.1116
  方法研究·仪器研制 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
胡文革1(), 邹宁1, 李丹丹1, 黄知娟1, 雷健2(), 郭宇航2, 潘保芝2
1.中石化西北油田分公司,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830012
2.吉林大学 地球探测科学与技术学院,吉林 长春 130026
The numerical simulation for the influence of reservoir depth on well temperature in karstic-fault reservoir
Wen-Ge HU1(), Ning ZOU1, Dan-Dan LI1, Zhi-Juan WANG1, Jian LEI2(), Yu-Hang GUO2, Bao-Zhi PAN2
1. Sinopec Northwest Oilfield Company,Urumqi 830012,China
2. College of GeoExploration Sicence and Technology,Jilin University,Changchun 130026,China
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关键词 断溶体油藏数值模拟井温曲线油源位置    

The carbonate karstic-fault oil-bearing reservoir is rich in oil resources storage,and large karst caves and fractures are the main reservoir space and flow channels.There are mud leakage and hole collapse in the drilling process,so it is difficult to carry out conventional logging measurement,and reservoir evaluation or even reservoir depth (i.e. oil source location) can not be determined.Temperature curve is often used in production logging,and it is not affected by borehole condition and it can reflect the depth of the reservoir.Based on the morphological characteristics and size of karstic-fault reservoir,the authors constructed the geometric models of wellbore,formation,fracture and cave,and simulated the variation of wellbore temperature in the production of karstic-fault reservoir by numerical simulation method.The simulation results were analyzed,and then the oil source depth of karstic-fault reservoir was estimated by well temperature curve,which provides technical support for further development of karstic-fault reservoir.

Key wordskarstic-fault reservoir    numerical simulation    well temperature curve    reservoir depth
收稿日期: 2019-03-12      出版日期: 2020-08-28
:  P631.4  
通讯作者: 雷健
作者简介: 胡文革(1966-),男,博士,教授级高级工程,从事油气田开发研究与管理工作。
胡文革, 邹宁, 李丹丹, 黄知娟, 雷健, 郭宇航, 潘保芝. 断溶体油藏油源深度对井温分布影响的数值模拟[J]. 物探与化探, 2020, 44(4): 748-755.
Wen-Ge HU, Ning ZOU, Dan-Dan LI, Zhi-Juan WANG, Jian LEI, Yu-Hang GUO, Bao-Zhi PAN. The numerical simulation for the influence of reservoir depth on well temperature in karstic-fault reservoir. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2020, 44(4): 748-755.
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Fig.1  沿断层的地震图像(图中蓝色虚线区域为溶洞[17])
Fig.2  物理模型示意
名称 符号 单位
石油密度 ρ kg·m-1 793.6
石油恒压热容 Cρ J·(kg·℃)-1 2200
石油粘度 μ Pa·s 0.002
石油导热系数 k W·(m·℃)-1 1
地层密度 ρf kg·m-1 2715
地层恒压热容 Cf J·(kg·℃)-1 700
地层导热系数 kf W·(m·℃)-1 3.1
地温梯度 gT ℃·m-1 0.01818
地面温度 T0 23
石油流入速度 ν kg·s-1 1.39
Table 1  模拟参数
Fig.3  地层的初始状态
Fig.4  模型4的网格剖分
Fig.5  只有井筒时(模型1)的温度分布和井温曲线
Fig.6  溶洞在井底下方(模型2)的温度分布和井温曲线
Fig.7  溶洞在井底下方(模型3)的温度分布和井温曲线
Fig.8  溶洞在井底上方(模型4)的温度分布和井温曲线
Fig.9  实测与模拟井温曲线对比
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