With the train of thought ‘from the test and study along the known profile through the establishment of prospecting model to the prospecting prognosis in unknown area’, the authors conducted the prospecting application study of the geo-electrochemical integrated technology. The results obtained have proved the feasibility of applying the geo-electrochemical integrated technology to the prospecting for similar concealed lead-zinc deposits in this area. Combined with ore-forming geological setting, the authors established geo-electrochemical prospecting model. With this model, one Grade I prognostic target area, two Grade Ⅱ prognostic target areas and one Grade Ⅲ prognostic target area were delineated in the study area.
刘攀峰, 文美兰, 张佳莉. 地电化学集成技术在云南西邑铅锌矿区的找矿应用[J]. 物探与化探, 2016, 40(4): 655-660.
LIU Pan-Feng, WEN Mei-Lan, ZHANG Jia-Li. The application of geo-electrochemical integrated technology to the prospecting in the Xiyi Pb-Zn deposit, Yunnan Province. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2016, 40(4): 655-660.