Because of the particular depositional mode,black organic matter-rich shales are generally characterized by strong velocity anisotropy;however,most researches on shale are on the basis of isotropic theory,which obviously ignores the geological characteristics of shale.In this paper,anisotropic parameters of shale are calculated by combining rock mechanical measurements in the laboratory with the empirical methods from the literature.On the one hand,the parameters are used to investigate their effects on the calculation of velocity versus bedding direction and rock mechanical parameters,and the result shows that the anisotropic characteristics of shale cannot be neglected when the dip angle of the strata is large.On the other hand,little difference between AVO responses of anisotropic and isotropic methods when the incidence angle is less than 40° indicates the feasibility of isotropic pre-stack seismic inversion in predicting shale "sweet spot".
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