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物探与化探  2021, Vol. 45 Issue (3): 692-701    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2021.1283
  方法研究·信息处理·仪器研制 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
孙永壮(), 李键, 秦德文, 刘庆文
中海石油(中国)有限公司 上海分公司研究院,上海 200335
The application of 3D edge-preserving de-noising methods based on structure oriented in a complex faults block:A case study of C oilfield in East China Sea
SUN Yong-Zhuang(), LI Jian, QIN De-Wen, LIU Qing-Wen
Shanghai Branch of CNOOC (China) Ltd.,Shanghai 200335,China
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关键词 地质构造约束复杂断块各向异性扩散滤波F-X边缘保持滤波    

Block C of the East China Sea has the characteristics of complex fault block development,strong stratigraphic heterogeneity,and complex reservoir connectivity.Affected by acquisition and other factors, the random noise of seismic data is relatively serious, which brings great challenges to subsequent exploration and development work.To eliminate random noise effectively and keep the structure information of seismic reflection at the same time,this paper proposes a de-noising method by combining anisotropic diffusion filter technique and F-X edge-preserving filter method.The new method obtains the dip and azimuth of the target formation by gradient structure tensor,extracts the filter window at the target point under the constraints of the dip and azimuth information,and uses adaptive F-X filtering in the filter window to suppress random noise,finally reaching the goals of improving the continuity of seismic reflection in complex fault zone and enhancing the coherence of reflection event and highlighting the edges.The results of 3D modeling and application in real 3D data indicate that the new method has effectively smoothed the reflection events without blurring relevant details of faults and discontinuities on seismic sections. Compared with conventional de-noising method,the new method can improve signal-to-noise ratio and protect seismic reflection and structural information.Meanwhile,the continuity of the edge information of the geological body is better displayed in the time slice.

Key wordsstructure oriented    complex fault block    anisotropic diffusion filter    F-X    edge-preserving
收稿日期: 2020-06-03      修回日期: 2021-03-04      出版日期: 2021-06-20
ZTFLH:  P631.4  
作者简介: 孙永壮(1988-),男,硕士,现主要从事地球物理资料处理、解释方法研究工作。Email:
孙永壮, 李键, 秦德文, 刘庆文. 三维边缘保持滤波方法在海上地震数据噪声压制中的应用研究——以东海某凹陷为例[J]. 物探与化探, 2021, 45(3): 692-701.
SUN Yong-Zhuang, LI Jian, QIN De-Wen, LIU Qing-Wen. The application of 3D edge-preserving de-noising methods based on structure oriented in a complex faults block:A case study of C oilfield in East China Sea. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2021, 45(3): 692-701.
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地质结构 特征向量对应物理含义 特征值关系
连续沉积较平缓的层结构位置 v1方向数据趋势急剧变化,其他方向变化不明显 λ1λ2λ3
不连续地质体边界(断层、尖灭等)线结构位置 v1v2方向数据趋势急剧变化,其他方向变化不明显 λ1λ2λ3
无明显地震结构的各向同性地质体非线性结构位置 三方向数据变化趋势相似 λ1λ2λ3>0
Table 1  特征值、特征向量对应的地质结构
Fig.1  根据结构张量矩阵估计得到局部地层的法线方向v1
Fig.2  多窗口滤波窗口示意
Fig.3  原始三维断层模型及含噪三维断层模型
a—原始无噪三维模型;b—含5 dB噪声的三维模型
Fig.4  原始模型及噪声模型切片
Fig.5  常规F-X方法去噪结果
Fig.6  各向异性扩散滤波去噪结果
Fig.7  本文方法去噪结果
Fig.8  原始无噪数据和含噪数据以及3种去噪方法结果单道数据对比显示
Fig.9  原始地震数据及对应的构造倾角、方位角剖面
Fig.10  不同的去噪结果剖面
Fig.11  不同去噪结果水平切片
Fig.12  数据压噪前后对比示意
Fig.13  不同去噪方法压制的噪声剖面
Fig.14  不同去噪方法压制的噪声水平切片
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