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物探与化探  2019, Vol. 43 Issue (5): 958-965    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2019.0293
  地质调查·资源勘查 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
王振亮1,2, 邓友茂1,2, 孟银生1,2, 刘瑞德1,2
1. 自然资源部 地球化学探测技术重点实验室,河北 廊坊 065000
2. 中国地质科学院 地球物理地球化学勘查研究所,河北 廊坊 065000
The application of integrated geophysical prospecting method to the prospecting for concealed orebodies in the northern area of the Weilasituo copper polymetallic deposit
Zhen-Liang WANG1,2, You-Mao DENG1,2, Yin-Sheng MENG1,2, Rui-De LIU1,2
1. Key Laboratory of Geochemical Exploration, Ministry of Natural Resources, Langfang 065000,China
2. Institute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration,Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences,Langfang 065000,China
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关键词 重力CSAMT铜多金属矿隐伏矿体    

The northern area of the Weilasituo copper polymetallic deposit is covered seriously. It is difficult to find concealed orebody with the surface geological means; therefore, in this paper, based on the study of geological data, the authors investigated the study area by using the comprehensive exploration methods such as gravity, magnetic survey, induced polarization in median gradient array and CSAMT. On such a basis, three faults were detected through inference, two metallogenic prediction target areas were delineated and, by drilling, a concealed orebody was successfully found. The combinational technologies and methods in the search for concealed orebodies in the coverage area was summarized.

Key wordsgravity    CSAMT    copper polymetallic deposit    concealed orebody
收稿日期: 2019-05-27      出版日期: 2019-10-25
:  P631  
作者简介: 王振亮(1985-),男,硕士,工程师,从事矿产普查与勘探工作。Email:
王振亮, 邓友茂, 孟银生, 刘瑞德. 综合物探方法在维拉斯托铜多金属矿床北侧寻找隐伏矿体的应用[J]. 物探与化探, 2019, 43(5): 958-965.
Zhen-Liang WANG, You-Mao DENG, Yin-Sheng MENG, Rui-De LIU. The application of integrated geophysical prospecting method to the prospecting for concealed orebodies in the northern area of the Weilasituo copper polymetallic deposit. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2019, 43(5): 958-965.
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Fig.1  大兴安岭中南段大地构造简图[33]
Fig.2  研究区地质简图
岩矿石名称 块数 密度/(g/cm3) 磁化率/10-6 SI 剩磁强度/(/10-3 A/m) 电阻率/(Ω·m) 极化率/%
变化范围 平均值 变化范围 平均值 变化范围 平均值 变化范围 平均值 变化范围 平均值
闪长岩 31 2.544~2.854 2.655 7.4~9025.9 664.5 0.1~3576.5 153.0 925.3~5205.7 2832.4 0.1~1.2 0.4
片麻岩 35 2.618~2.890 2.712 25.1~10222.7 658.1 0.1~4314.8 157.3 198.3~7180.0 2690.1 0.1~54.0 2.7
基性脉岩(矿化) 4 3.000~4.514 3.500 629.2~178041.1 46599.8 13.8~9448.0 3386.7 53.5~2174.6 773.3 0.3~84.9 52.1
闪长岩(矿化) 4 2.874~4.650 3.728 54.2~15624.3 4076.3 0.3~3586.3 902.5 54.9~257.3 147.4 6.7~79.7 56.0
闪锌矿 8 3.260~4.871 4.289 4692.4~327656.5 58987.0 212.7~23488.8 8858.2 42.0~185.5 90.3 26.6~94.4 71.6
铜锌矿 6 3.699~4.381 3.992 4008.3~27642.1 10874.1 22.8~2988.1 1112.9 18.8~61.2 41.4 70.7~89.8 80.8
黄铜矿 1 4.227 39632.9 15206.8 40.8 90.5
矿体 3 2.951~4.124 3.670 15896.4~374226.3 135800.0 356.5~47985.2 17021.3
Table 1  研究区岩矿石物性统计
Fig.3  研究区工程布置
Fig.4  研究区布格重力等值线(红色虚线为推断断层)
Fig.5  研究区磁场等值线
Fig.6  研究区磁场上延500 m等值线
Fig.7  研究区视充电率等值线
Fig.8  研究区激电中梯视电阻率等值线
Fig.9  0线CSAMT电阻率反演剖面
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