A comparative study of Mur second-order absorbing boundary condition and unsplit recursive convolutional perfectly matched layer method under multi-source concurrency
CUI Fan1,2(), CHEN Yi1(), XUE Han-Peng1, PENG Su-Ping1,2, DU Yun-Fei1
1. School of Geosciences and Surveying Engineering,China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing),Beijing 100083,China 2. State Key Laboratory of Coal Resources and Safe Mining,China University of Mining and Technology(Beijing),Beijing 100083,China
Plane beam signals form when multiple excitation sources simultaneously emit pulses with the same center frequency (multiple-source concurrency),thus enhancing the quality of data records.This paper compares and analyzes the electromagnetic wave absorption effects of unsplit recursive convolutional perfectly matched layer (PML) as the absorbing boundary condition and Mur second-order absorbing boundary condition under multi-source concurrency through numerical simulation.According to study results,the traditional Mur second-order absorbing boundary condition did not perform well in absorbing electromagnetic waves under the conditions of multi-source concurrency and multi-angle grazing,and it will cause waveform distortion and spurious reflections in the case of large offsets.For the unsplit recursive convolutional perfectly matched layer as the absorbing boundary condition under multi-source concurrency,coordinate scale factors were introduced into the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) algorithm.Then,the PML equation for coordinate stretching was transformed from frequency domain into time domain through the inverse Fourier transform.Finally,the electric and magnetic field values were solved using the recursive convolution method in the discrete state,thus avoiding the complicated calculation involved in directly determining the numerical solution of convolution.This allows less memory space and high calculation efficiency while ensuring accuracy.Therefore,the unsplit recursive convolutional perfectly matched layer method improves the electromagnetic wave absorption effect at the positions where the grid terminate without inducing wave-field splitting.
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