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物探与化探  2022, Vol. 46 Issue (5): 1157-1166    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2022.0028
  地质调查·资源勘查 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
喻翔1,2(), 汪硕3(), 胡英才3, 段书新3
1.清华大学 能源动力与工程系,北京 100084
2.中国核工业地质局, 北京 100029
3.核工业北京地质研究院 铀资源勘查与评价技术重点实验室,北京 100029
Study on electrical structure and uranium metallogenic environment of basalt-covered area in the northern Erlian Basin
Yu Xiang1,2(), Wang Shuo3(), Hu Ying-Cai3, Duan Shu-Xin3
1. Department of Energy and Power Engineering, Tsinghua Vniversity, Beijing 100084, China
2. China Nuclear Geology, Beijing 100029, China
3. CNNC Key Laboratory of Uranium Resources Exploration and Evaluation Technology, Beijing Research Institute of Uranium Geology,Beijing 100029, China
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关键词 砂岩型铀矿玄武岩大地电磁探测二连盆地成矿作用    

Sandstone type uranium deposits in Erlian Basin are concentrated in the Ba-Sai-Qi ancient channel. The northern part of the channel is mostly covered by basalt, which increases the difficulty of uranium exploration. According to the electrical characteristics of the basalt-covered area, the audio frequency magnetotelluric survey (AMT) was optimized and carried out to obtain uranium metallogenic information such as fracture, sand body, basalt distribution, basement, and tectonic framework, providing deep electrical data support for evaluating the prospecting prospect in the area. There are ternary electrical structures-basalt cap, sedimentary strata and basement rock in basalt-covered area. The sand bodies and fractures of Saihan Formation favorable for uranium mineralization are well developed in the area, and the deep thermal fluid can provide heat source for uranium superimposed mineralization. Uranium accumulation in sedimentary strata near basalt caprock should be considered in uranium exploration, and also uranium source conditions. Therefore, it is suggested to find out the NNW-trending fracture distribution in the west of basalt-covered area so as to provide a basis for uranium exploration of hydrothermal superimposed mineralization.

Key wordssandstone-type uranium deposit    basalt    acoustic magnetotelluric method    Erlian Basin    mineralization
收稿日期: 2022-01-26      修回日期: 2022-05-29      出版日期: 2022-10-20
ZTFLH:  P631  
通讯作者: 汪硕
作者简介: 喻翔(1988-),男,江西赣州人,从事铀矿地质与勘查技术研究和管理工作。
喻翔, 汪硕, 胡英才, 段书新. 二连盆地北部玄武岩覆盖区电性结构与铀成矿环境研究[J]. 物探与化探, 2022, 46(5): 1157-1166.
Yu Xiang, Wang Shuo, Hu Ying-Cai, Duan Shu-Xin. Study on electrical structure and uranium metallogenic environment of basalt-covered area in the northern Erlian Basin. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2022, 46(5): 1157-1166.
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Fig.1  内蒙古二连盆地二级构造单元划分
Fig.2  马尼特坳陷玄武岩覆盖区地质情况及AMT测线布置
Fig.3  AMT测点视电阻率(a)及相位(b)曲线
Fig.4  L01线地面电磁法反演电阻率断面与钻孔对比
Fig.5  L01线地面0~50 km段、50~99.6 km段电磁法反演电阻率剖面(a)、(c)及地质解释(b)、(d)
Fig.6  L09线地面0~50 km、50~99.6 km段电磁法反演电阻率断面(a)、(c)及地质解释(b)、(d)
Fig.7  玄武岩覆盖区平面综合地质解释
Fig.8  玄武岩覆盖区推断下白垩统赛罕组地层三维地质模型
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