SU Mei-liang1, FANG Yun1, ZHOU Wei-qiang2, CHEN Hui-li3 |
1. Faculty of Engineering, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan 430074, China; 2. Xi'an Conservation Repair Center, Xi'an 710000, China; 3. Chongqing Art Museum of Dazu Rock Carvings, Chongqing 402360, China |
Abstract In the quantitative study of the condensation water of Avalokitesvara statue in Dazu Rock Carvings, it is difficult to see and delineate the distribution area of the condensation water due to the adsorption of mantle rock regolith on sandstone sculpture. Therefore, according to the significant differences of infrared radiation characteristics between the condensate area and the surrounding area, the authors used infrared thermal imaging devices to detect the condensate zone of Avalokitesvara statue. The results show that the condensation water of Avalokitesvara statues is very serious. Even in the relatively dry winter and spring, the condensate zone takes up about 9.26% and 51.05% of the whole area. Meanwhile, the regional difference in the distribution of the condensation water is obvious, that is, condensation water in the lower left corner of the Avalokitesvara statue is the most abundant, and it gradually decreases from the bottom of the distribution area upward. Studies show that the infrared thermal imaging technology can accurately detect the area of the condensation water.
Received: 23 May 2011
Published: 10 April 2013