Nian Zhongyuan |
Commission on Exploration Geophysics, Geological Society of China, Langfang 102849 |
Abstract 1995 was the last year of China's Eighth Five-Year Plan.Over the past five years,oil and gas geophysical work has developed steadily;techniques such as three-dimensional seism,reservoir description and transverse prediction geophysics have made considerable progress;three-dimensional seismic pre-stack depth offset processing has begun its application;more importance has been attached to direct oil and gas goophysical prospecting technology; some problems such as nonlinear inversion,viscosity and elasticity,double phase and anisotropic media have become focuses of the research.Geophysical work on solid resources has not yet got itself out of the depression;nevertheless,the related techniques remain in progress Our own sofware and hardware system attached to transient electromagnetic method has been basically formed, and gratifying achievements have been acquired in the aspects of distributive type multichannel synchronous electromagnetic system and processing- interpretation working station of integrated electrical method.The increasing market demands for engineering and environmental geophysics have promoted the development of shallow geophysical technique,which,however,still needs the guidance and support from systematic key research projects.
Received: 09 October 1996
Published: 24 December 1996