An application test of broadband magnetotelluric method (BMT) for the evaluation of uranium resources in the Erlian Basin |
WU Xian-Hong1,2( ), XU Di-Qiao1,2, LI Mao1,2( ) |
1. Airborne Survey and Remote Sensing Center of Nuclear Industry,Shijiazhuang 050002,China 2. CNNC Key Laboratory of Uranium Resources Geophysical Exploration Technology, Shijiazhuang 050002,China |
Abstract An application test of the broadband magnetotelluric method (BMT) was carried out in the Mandulatu area based on the construction needs of a large-scale sandstone-type uranium deposit base in the Erlian Basin. The purpose is to study the detection ability and effect of this method at a depth of 2,000 m and above, provide effective technical support for the evaluation of uranium resources in the area, and improve the effects and benefits of uranium prospecting. In this study, the data acquisition time and the lowest frequency were tested by the test area method. Given the work efficiency and benefit, it is determined that the lowest detection frequency is 0.10 Hz and the observation time is 60 min so that the prospecting depth of Erlian Basin can reach the requirement of 1,500~2,000 m. The comparative analysis of the test results with borehole and shallow seismic data shows that BMT is feasible in solving geological problems such as caprock structure, basement structure, sand body development characteristics of the target layer, and fault structure in the basin.
Received: 06 August 2021
Published: 17 August 2022
Corresponding Authors:
LI Mao
E-mail: Xuliang16@126.com;lm703@126.com
Schematic diagram of BMT principle
Schematic diagram of detection frequency range of different electromagnetic methods
Geological aketch of test area
地层 | 岩性 | 电阻率/(Ω·m) | 第四系(Q) | 冲洪积物、砂砾石、风积物 | 3~300 | 新近系(N)+古近系(E) | 泥岩、砂质泥岩 | 6~15 | 松散含砾粗砂岩、粗砂岩 | 20~150 | 砂砾岩、砾岩 | 20~70 | 下白垩统赛汉组(K1s) | 上段:含砾砂岩、砾质砂岩夹粉沙岩和薄层泥岩 下段:泥岩、层状粉砂质泥岩夹含砾砂岩 | 10~40 6~12 | 下白垩统阿尔善组(K1a) | 砂砾岩夹泥岩 | 10~25 | 下白垩统腾格尔组(K1t) | 砂岩、泥岩、粉砂岩 | 10~25 | 火成岩与变质岩 | 花岗岩、玄武岩、安山岩、板岩等 | >50 |
Statistical table of different rocks of resistivity
Schematic diagram of BMTmeasuring device
Comparison of apparent resistivity sounding curves in three time periods
14](a) and BSY01 line inversion resistivity profile(b) ">
Seismic stacking depth profile of D01 line[14](a) and BSY01 line inversion resistivity profile(b)
Inversion of resistivity section of BSY02 line and its geological interpretation
Comparison of data near borehole 1—Paleogene and Neogene; 2—upper member of saihan Formation;3— lower member of saihan Formation;4—lithologic boundary;5—geological boundary
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