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物探与化探  2023, Vol. 47 Issue (2): 331-342    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2023.1192
  地质调查·资源勘查 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
魏振宏1(), 赵吉昌2(), 曲正钢3, 樊新祥2, 李省晔2, 陈海云2, 刘永彪2, 杨镇熙2
1.甘肃省自然资源厅,甘肃 兰州 730000
2.甘肃省地质矿产勘查开发局 第四地质矿产勘查院,甘肃 酒泉 735000
3.甘肃省地质调查院,甘肃 兰州 730000
Application of shallow drilling geochemical survey to shallow overburden area at the peripheral of Nanjinshan gold mine in Beishan, Gansu Province
WEI Zhen-Hong1(), ZHAO Ji-Chang2(), QU Zheng-Gang3, FAN Xin-Xiang2, LI Sheng-Ye2, CHEN Hai-Yun2, LIU Yong-Biao2, YANG Zhen-Xi2
1. Natural Resources Department of Gansu Province, Lanzhou, 730000, China
2. Fourth Institute of Geological and Mineral Exploraton of Gansu Provinical Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resourses,Jiuquan 735000, China
3. Geological Survey of Gansu Province, Lanzhou 730000, China
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关键词 浅钻地球化学测量浅覆盖区南金山金矿甘肃北山    

The Nanjinshan gold deposit is a typical epithermal deposit in Beishan metallogenic belt, which extends in a N-E direction to the peripheral shallow cover zone. In order to further achieve the breakthrough of prospecting in the peripheral shallow overburden area, the pilot work of motorized shallow drilling geochemical survey carried out. Based on the nature and thickness of the overburden, 126 motorized shallow drilling geochemical exploration samples are taken in the shallow overburden area using the vehicle mounted air positive circulation and three wing alloy scraper drilling or pneumatic DTH hammer drilling technology, with a sampling density of 16.8 points per square kilometer. The shallow drilling geochemical exploration methods and technologies in the shallow overburden area are further discussed, including the selection of drilling technology, sampling network, sampling materials, sample collection, etc. Soil survey was carried out in sporadic bedrock areas, and 278 samples were collected, and the sampling density was 48.77 points per square kilometer. Fifteen elements including Au, Ag, as, Sb, Hg, Cu, Pb, Zn, W, Sn, Mo, Bi, Cr, Co and Ni were analyzed. Through the above work, seven comprehensive geochemical anomalies were delineated. After anomaly investigation, six gold deposit bodies and one silver deposit body were found in the new circle in the bedrock area, and two concealed gold deposits and one silver deposit body were found in the shallow overburden area. The results show that shallow drilling geochemical survey is effective and feasible in the shallow overburden area of arid Gobi landscape in Beishan.

Key wordsshallow drilling geochemical survey    shallow overburden area    Nanjinshan gold mine    Beishan, Gansu
收稿日期: 2022-04-15      修回日期: 2022-08-01      出版日期: 2023-04-20
ZTFLH:  P632  
通讯作者: 赵吉昌(1984-),男,正高级工程师,从事区域矿产地质调查及矿产勘查工作。
魏振宏, 赵吉昌, 曲正钢, 樊新祥, 李省晔, 陈海云, 刘永彪, 杨镇熙. 浅钻地球化学测量在甘肃北山南金山金矿外围浅覆盖区的应用[J]. 物探与化探, 2023, 47(2): 331-342.
WEI Zhen-Hong, ZHAO Ji-Chang, QU Zheng-Gang, FAN Xin-Xiang, LI Sheng-Ye, CHEN Hai-Yun, LIU Yong-Biao, YANG Zhen-Xi. Application of shallow drilling geochemical survey to shallow overburden area at the peripheral of Nanjinshan gold mine in Beishan, Gansu Province. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2023, 47(2): 331-342.
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Fig.1  南金山金矿外围一带地质矿产分布(据1:5万野马大泉幅修编[22])
Fig.2  研究区覆盖结构单元层综合柱状图(a)、覆盖层厚度等值线(b)及覆盖层沉积示意(c)
Fig.3  研究区浅覆盖区地貌景观(a)及机动浅钻现场施工照片(b)
参数 Cr Co Ni Cu Zn Mo W Pb Bi As Sb Sn Ag Hg Au
算术平均值 X ˉ 1 72.0 8.3 26.6 31.1 96.7 2.42 3.15 22.8 0.27 70.8 4.37 1.1 66.528 35 5.5
X ˉ 2 62.8 6.9 24.4 20.4 69.2 1.91 2.48 23.4 0.28 62.5 5.37 1.4 71.539 55 5
校正系数 k1 0.87 0.83 0.92 0.66 0.72 0.79 0.79 1.03 1.04 0.88 1.23 1.27 1.08 1.57 0.91
k2 1.15 1.20 1.09 1.52 1.40 1.27 1.27 0.97 0.96 1.13 0.81 0.79 0.93 0.64 1.10
Table 1  经过迭代剔除后的算术平均值及校正系数
元素 地球化学场(n=384) 地球化学背景场 D 北山地区
X ˉ S Cv Kk X ˉ 0 S0 Cv0 Kk0
Cr 73.40 87.70 1.19 1.63 66.00 22.30 0.50 1.47 4.37 44.94
Co 8.30 9.80 1.18 0.88 7.40 3.30 0.35 0.78 3.33 9.43
Ni 29.10 30.90 1.06 1.24 25.30 12.10 0.52 1.08 2.94 23.38
Cu 29.20 42.50 1.46 1.72 24.40 13.40 0.79 1.44 3.80 17.00
Zn 93.30 79.40 0.85 2.21 78.50 34.10 0.81 1.86 2.77 42.30
Mo 2.76 2.98 1.08 3.58 1.86 1.13 1.47 2.42 3.91 0.77
W 4.29 6.85 1.60 4.77 2.61 1.16 1.29 2.90 9.71 0.90
Pb 34.90 87.60 2.51 2.53 23.50 10.50 0.76 1.70 12.39 13.80
Bi 0.43 0.72 1.67 0.62 0.27 0.12 0.17 0.39 9.56 0.69
As 122.10 185.60 1.52 33.73 66.20 69.10 19.09 18.29 4.95 3.62
Sb 8.02 9.98 1.24 19.56 5.03 4.50 10.98 12.27 3.54 0.41
Sn 1.40 0.70 0.50 0.76 1.30 0.30 0.16 0.70 2.51 1.85
Ag 286.91 764.48 2.66 5.58 69.69 21.32 0.41 1.36 147.62 51.40
Hg 52.00 35.00 0.67 3.05 49.00 29.00 1.70 2.88 1.28 17.03
Au 22.90 88.20 3.85 18.62 4.90 3.80 3.09 3.98 108.47 1.23
Table 2  研究区地球化学参数统计
Fig.4  元素聚类分析谱系
元素 成分
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
Cr -0.039 0.041 0.952 -0.002 0.043 0.08
Co 0.099 0.896 0.295 0.063 0.017 0.016
Ni 0.123 0.458 0.835 0.02 0.088 0.023
Cu 0.199 0.912 0.039 0.108 0.038 0.003
Zn 0.151 0.183 0.17 0.019 0.863 0.012
Mo 0.603 0.299 -0.037 0.003 0.252 0.014
W -0.187 0.075 -0.044 0.787 0.198 0.056
Pb 0.029 -0.092 -0.045 0.002 0.852 0.099
Bi -0.066 0.081 -0.138 -0.035 0.165 0.857
As 0.699 0.36 0.086 -0.018 0.033 -0.156
Sb 0.842 0.093 0.069 0.194 0.133 -0.061
Sn 0.039 -0.072 0.356 0.06 -0.036 0.752
Ag 0.494 -0.017 0.123 0.642 -0.091 -0.038
Hg 0.541 -0.253 -0.083 0.063 -0.147 0.275
Au 0.223 0.085 -0.004 0.786 -0.111 -0.008
Table 3  因子旋转后的成分矩阵
Fig.5  研究区地质简图(a)、Au地球化学异常分布(b)及Ag地球化学异常分布(c)
Fig.6  基岩区Au1~Au3矿体(a)和Au4~Au6矿体(b)采样平面
1—凝灰质砾岩;2—含砾凝灰质砂岩;3—沉凝灰岩;4—硅质灰岩;5—英安质凝灰岩; 6—次生石英岩脉;7—闪长岩脉;8—Au矿体及编号;9— Ag矿体及编号;10—实测性质不明断层;11—实测逆断层;12—地层产状;13—勘探线位置及编号;14—见矿钻孔位置及编号;15—完工探槽及编号;16—矿体厚度(m)/金平均品位(g/t) 银平均品位(g/t)
Fig.7  研究区96勘探线视极化率断面(a)、视电阻率断面(b)、元素曲线(c)及勘探线剖面(d)
Fig.8  南金山外围ZK9601钻孔中矿石(a)及显微镜下南金山金矿石(b)[33]照片
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