The Yubei area in Tarim Basin is characterized by complex geological conditions and desert land form with widely distributed mobile sand dunes. Seismic signals are severely attenuated in the area due to the absorption by desert surface, leading to a low signal-noise ratio and low resolution of data and thereby making hydrocarbon exploration difficult. The method using mobile forms for geochemical prospecting of hydrocarbons is not affected by the desert land form and can detect information of underlying hydrocarbons in adirect, rapid, and economic manner. The mobile form indicators of free hydrocarbon gas, headspace gas, fluorescence spectra, and microorganisms were selected for the geochemical prospecting of hydrocarbons in the Yubei area, Tarim Basin. The results are as follows. The anomaly zones of the methane,butane oxidizing bacteria and the integrated indicators (entropy) can effectively indicate the hydrocarbon-bearing scope of the area controlled by Well Yubei-1. Based on the spatial combination and configuration relationship of the anomaly zones of these indicators, six favorable zones of geochemical anomalieswere delineated, and their integrated anomalous levels were determined. Among these favorable zones, the tectonoclastic zone of Well Yebue-1 is the most favorable target area for hydrocarbon exploration, followed by the marginal regions of the tectonoclastic zone. These results provide a geochemical basis for further deployment of hydrocarbon exploration in the Yuebei area, Tarim Basin.
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