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物探与化探  2021, Vol. 45 Issue (6): 1402-1408    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2021.1364
  地质调查·资源勘查 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
王迪1(), 张益明1, 牛聪1, 黄饶1, 韩利2
1.中海油研究总院有限责任公司,北京 100028
2.中国海洋石油国际有限公司,北京 100028
The optimization of sensitive fluid factor removing the effect of porosity and its application to hydrocarbon detection
WANG Di1(), ZHANG Yi-Ming1, NIU Cong1, HUANG Rao1, HAN Li2
1. CNOOC Research Institute Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100028,China
2. CNOOC International Ltd.,Beijing 100028,China
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关键词 尼日尔三角洲亮点流体因子定量分析烃类检测    

The deep-water turbidite sandstone reservoirs in Niger Delta basin have great oil-gas exploration potential.Drilling results in S Block area indicate that high-porosity water sandstones show "bright spot" and class II-III AVO anomaly,which are similar to features of oil sandstones. It is critical to remove the effect of porosity while fluid detection is conducted.However,conventional analysis method seldom considers the effect of porosity,and the selected fluid factor is sensitive to both hydrocarbon and porosity,which leads to inaccurate detection result.Therefore,in this study,a new quantitative evaluation method based on fluid and porosity substitution is proposed to choose the most sensitive fluid factor,which can highlight hydrocarbon and suppress the effect of porosity.The analysis result shows that λ/μ is the most suitable elastic parameter in this area and can be used to detect hydrocarbon.The real data application result shows that λ/μ can effectively distinguish "bright spot" water sandstones from oil sandstones, and the predicted results are well consistent with the drilling data, which proves the feasibility of this method.

Key wordsNiger Delta basin    bright spot    fluid factor    quantitative evaluation    hydrocarbon detection
收稿日期: 2021-01-20      修回日期: 2021-06-17      出版日期: 2021-12-20
ZTFLH:  P631.4  
作者简介: 王迪(1988-),男,硕士研究生,主要从事储层预测和流体检测方面的研究工作。 Email:
王迪, 张益明, 牛聪, 黄饶, 韩利. 压制孔隙影响的流体敏感因子优选及其在烃类检测中的应用[J]. 物探与化探, 2021, 45(6): 1402-1408.
WANG Di, ZHANG Yi-Ming, NIU Cong, HUANG Rao, HAN Li. The optimization of sensitive fluid factor removing the effect of porosity and its application to hydrocarbon detection. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2021, 45(6): 1402-1408.
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Fig.1  研究区位置示意
井名 钻探结果 孔隙度/% 厚度/m 含油饱和度/%
W1 油层 26.0 18.0 90%
W2 油层 23.4 26.5 85%
W3 水层 29.7 24.0 8%
Table 1  研究区已钻井结果
Fig.2  过W1、W2和W3井的连井地震剖面
Fig.3  叠后振幅影响因素分析
Fig.4  W1、W2和W3井旁地震道集
Fig.5  油层(a)及水层(b)AVO特征随孔隙度变化
Fig.6  不同流体、孔隙度的截距—梯度交会
弹性参数 σ AI/
(106 m-2·kg·s-1)
(106 m-2·kg·s-1)
(1012 m-4·kg2·s-2)
(1012 m-4·kg2·s-2)
λ/μ 泊松阻抗PI/
(106 m-2·kg·s-1)
(1012 m-4·kg2·s-2)
原状地层 0.2293 5.6825 3.3678 11.3420 9.6063 0.8470 0.9675 16.4115
流体替代 0.2973 6.3717 3.4223 11.7126 17.1739 1.4463 1.5804 24.2015
孔隙度替代 0.2231 5.0941 3.0413 9.2494 7.4515 0.8056 0.8364 13.0011
系数A 0.1281 0.0571 0.0080 0.0161 0.2825 0.2677 0.2405 0.1918
系数B 0.0137 0.0546 0.0509 0.1016 0.1263 0.0250 0.0723 0.1159
评价因子C 0.7918 0.0232 -0.7274 -0.7268 0.3821 0.8391 0.5357 0.2465
Table 2  流体和孔隙度替代后弹性参数值及敏感系数计算结果
Fig.7  不同弹性参数的流体敏感系数A(a)、孔隙度敏感系数B(b)和评价因子C(c)
Fig.8  λρ (a)及λ/μ (b) 流体识别效果对比
Fig.9  过W1、W2、W3井的λρ反演剖面(a)和流体因子λ/μ反演剖面(b)
Fig.10  R1180层均方根振幅(a)和流体因子λ/μ反演结果(b)
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