The application of multiple geophysical methods to the study of deep metallogenic regularity in the Sanhexu mining area, the Xianghualing orefield, Hunan Province
QU Li-Jun(), WANG Qing, LI Bo, YAO Wei
Geophysical and Geochemical Institute of Hunan Province, Changsha 410116, China
In this study, the surface anomaly distribution characteristics were quickly grasped by performing high-precision magnetic methods on the ground in the Sanhexu mining area of the Xianghualing orefield. Preliminary prediction anomalies are mainly caused by northeastward fault zones. The magnetic anomalies were analyzed by using CSAMT, and a continuous high-resistance uplift was found in the middle and deep parts. The anomaly is inferred to be granite. On such a basis, the authors began inversion of the magnetic anomaly, and it is found that the magnetic object is layered at the edge of the granite and is located in a low-resistance anomaly zone. According to the results of geophysical inference, the favorable metallogenic sites were selected for drilling and exposure. The boreholes ZK502, ZK1601, and ZK3001 successfully verified the inferred granite and revealed high level tin-lead-zinc polymetallic orebody in the sandstone of the Tiaomajian stratum. Based on the results of drilling, geophysical prospecting, and geological background, the authors carried out a comprehensive analysis and study of the metallogenic regularity of the mining area, established a metallogenic model, and delineated the next target for ore prospecting. The above two geophysical methods have good effects on the prediction of deep mineralization.
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QU Li-Jun, WANG Qing, LI Bo, YAO Wei. The application of multiple geophysical methods to the study of deep metallogenic regularity in the Sanhexu mining area, the Xianghualing orefield, Hunan Province. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2020, 44(6): 1313-1321.
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