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物探与化探  2020, Vol. 44 Issue (6): 1313-1321    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2020.0135
  地质调查·资源勘查 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
屈利军(), 王庆, 李波, 姚伟
湖南省地球物理地球化学勘查院,湖南 长沙 410116
The application of multiple geophysical methods to the study of deep metallogenic regularity in the Sanhexu mining area, the Xianghualing orefield, Hunan Province
QU Li-Jun(), WANG Qing, LI Bo, YAO Wei
Geophysical and Geochemical Institute of Hunan Province, Changsha 410116, China
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关键词 高精度磁法可控源音频大地电磁测深深部找矿成矿模型    

In this study, the surface anomaly distribution characteristics were quickly grasped by performing high-precision magnetic methods on the ground in the Sanhexu mining area of the Xianghualing orefield. Preliminary prediction anomalies are mainly caused by northeastward fault zones. The magnetic anomalies were analyzed by using CSAMT, and a continuous high-resistance uplift was found in the middle and deep parts. The anomaly is inferred to be granite. On such a basis, the authors began inversion of the magnetic anomaly, and it is found that the magnetic object is layered at the edge of the granite and is located in a low-resistance anomaly zone. According to the results of geophysical inference, the favorable metallogenic sites were selected for drilling and exposure. The boreholes ZK502, ZK1601, and ZK3001 successfully verified the inferred granite and revealed high level tin-lead-zinc polymetallic orebody in the sandstone of the Tiaomajian stratum. Based on the results of drilling, geophysical prospecting, and geological background, the authors carried out a comprehensive analysis and study of the metallogenic regularity of the mining area, established a metallogenic model, and delineated the next target for ore prospecting. The above two geophysical methods have good effects on the prediction of deep mineralization.

Key wordshigh precision magnetic method    CSAMT    deep prospecting    metallogenic model
收稿日期: 2020-03-23      出版日期: 2020-12-29
:  P631  
作者简介: 屈利军(1988-),男,工程师,2011年毕业于成都理工大学,主要从事地球物理勘探研究工作。
屈利军, 王庆, 李波, 姚伟. 综合物探方法在湖南香花岭矿田三合圩矿区深部成矿规律研究中的应用[J]. 物探与化探, 2020, 44(6): 1313-1321.
QU Li-Jun, WANG Qing, LI Bo, YAO Wei. The application of multiple geophysical methods to the study of deep metallogenic regularity in the Sanhexu mining area, the Xianghualing orefield, Hunan Province. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2020, 44(6): 1313-1321.
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Fig.1  勘查区区域地质及地球物理背景
地层代号 岩矿石名称 K平均值/
灰岩 0 0 12023
白云岩 0 0 10233
D2q 铅锌矿化白云岩 0 0 2291
黄铁矿化泥灰岩 646 2570 2754
磁黄铁矿化铅锌矿 415 2643 457
D2t 赤磁铁矿石 57544 87096 55
赤-磁铁矿化变质粉砂岩 3945 2891 5152
磁黄铁矿化变质石英粉砂岩 2188 8318 7104
变质石英粉砂岩 1076 3954 6966
磁黄铁矿化石英角岩 1278 3440 2793
石英角岩 830 2138 5916
Table 1  工区不同岩石物性参数统计
Fig.2  勘查区地质情况及物探剖面布设
Fig.3  勘查区高精度磁法推断成果
Fig.4  10线综合物探推断成果
Fig.5  16线综合物探推断成果
Fig.6  20线综合物探推断成果
Fig.7  ZK3001钻孔地质剖面
Fig.8  矿体与地层、岩体的空间位置关系
Fig.9  成矿预测模型
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