TANG Yong-kang1, WANG meng2, ZHU De-bing2
1. Shuohuang Railway Development Limited Liability Company, Suning 062350, China;
2. School of Geosciences and Info-physics, Central South University, Changsha 410083, China
Abstract:In civil engineering project accounting and completion acceptance, the detection of the lengths of one-dimensional good conductors such as anchors and bolts is very important. The problem can be solved ultimately as the length can be accurately measured by utilizing the mise-a-la-masse method while the electric field distribution in a parallel hole (test hole) is tested at the flanking region. Theoretical analysis and physical simulation test in tank indicate that the relative distance between the bolt and the hole and the parallelism have tiny influence on the accuracy of the bolt length. The irrelevant good lateral conductor also only has slight interference on the result. Several bolts around the test hole can be measured simultaneously. This effective method for geophysical prospecting may be popularized to the exact length detection of the similar good conductors as reinforcement cage.
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