AMT-based geological-geophysical prospecting model for the gold ore zone in the Daduhe area, Shimian County, Sichuan Province |
YAO Wen( ), GUO Jun( ), SUN Chong-Bo, ZHOU Hong-Bing, ZHANG Hong-Chao |
Sichuan Institute of Metal Geological Survey, Chengdu 611730, China |
Abstract The gold ore zone in the Daduhe area of Shimian County, Sichuan Province, is located in the rare metal-precious metal-nonferrous polymetal metallogenic belt in the southern segment of the Songpan-Ganzi orogenic belt. It exhibits complex structures and steep terrains, severely restricting prospecting and exploration. Based on the geological settings, conditions, and geophysical characteristics for regional mineralization, this study investigated the typical Luoluoping gold deposit in Shimian by conducting deep geophysical exploration centered on audio-frequency magnetotellurics (AMT). Three low-resistivity anomalies (M1, M2, and M3) were identified, corresponding to the mineralized alteration zone I, the gold mineralization zone III, and the gold-copper ore body, respectively, demonstrating the effectiveness and applicability of geophysical methods for deep prospecting. Combined with geological understanding and engineering verification, this study summarized geological and geophysical prospecting markers for the typical gold deposit, establishing the geological-geophysical prospecting model for the gold ore zone in the study area. Therefore, this study provides technical support for deep prospecting in the study area.
Received: 19 December 2023
Published: 21 October 2024
Geotectonic location of the study area
Geological schematic map of Dadu River in Shimian area 1—granite;2—basite;3—diabase;4—Quaternary;5—deposits;6—principal shear zone;7—nappe belt;8—thrust belt;9—strike-slip fault;10—mylonite zone
Structure rigid diagram of Luoluoping typical orefield
Regional physical property results plan
岩性 | 标本数 量/块 | 电阻率/ (Ω·m) | 电阻 特性 | 最小值 | 最大值 | 算术平均值 | 白云质灰岩 | 31 | 3062.5 | 340071.9 | 39320.81 | 高阻 | 微晶灰岩 | 32 | 3612.16 | 382537 | 59746.91 | 高阻 | 变质岩屑砂岩 | 30 | 2382.35 | 6745.45 | 4665.61 | 中阻 | 绢云母板岩 | 31 | 2021.15 | 8334.22 | 5778.55 | 中阻 | 辉绿岩 | 32 | 769.28 | 7485.58 | 3403.02 | 中阻 | 金多金属矿矿石 | 30 | 85.93 | 2369.44 | 1351.4 | 低阻 | 炭质板岩 | 31 | 0.39 | 1021.5 | 53.56 | 低阻 |
Statistical table of electrical parameters
Topographic map of typical mining area and geophysical exploratory line
Resistivity-depth inversion profiles
Comprehensive stereogram of AMT low resistance anomalous body
Geology-low resistivity anomaly M1 stereogram
Geology-low resistivity anomaly M2 stereogram
Geology-low resistivity anomaly M3 stereogram
标志类型 | 找矿标志 | 地质 | 构造破碎带 | 矿区内近SN走向构造破碎带的 主控矿构造 | 侵入岩 | 近SN向展布的辉绿岩脉,外接触带是 成矿的有利地带 | 围岩蚀变 | 孔雀石化、蓝铜矿化、强褐铁矿化、硅化、 矽卡岩化等 | 地球物理 | 电阻率异常 | 音频大地电磁测深反映的 低电阻率异常 |
Typical mining area prospecting signs
Geological and geophysical prospecting model of Dadu River area in Shimian
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