A method for seismic data denoising based on the neural network with a retractable attention mechanism |
ZHANG Min1,2(), XU Yi-Zhuo1,2, YI Ji-Dong1,2 |
1. School of Geosciences,China University of Petroleum(East China),Qingdao 266580,China 2. Key Laboratory of Deep Oil and Gas,Qingdao 266580,China |
Abstract Random noise in seismic data impairs the quality of the data,thus affecting the accuracy of subsequent processing and interpretation.Conventional denoising methods,constrained by prior conditions,exhibit low efficiency.Neural networks possess a strong feature extraction ability,which can make up for these shortcomings.However,the limitations of convolution kernels in conventional neural networks may lead to the loss of global information.Hence,this study introduced a retractable attention mechanism to the convolutional neural network (CNN).This mechanism presents both dense and sparse self-attention modules in the CNN.The alternate use of the two self-attention modules can significantly enhance the performance of the CNN and expand the receptive field.The shallow and deep features of seismic data were extracted using the convolutional layer and self-attention modules.Combined with CNN's local modeling ability and Transformer's global modeling ability,they contributed to enhancing CNN's global interaction and ability to reduce noise and deal with details.As indicated by the experimental results of synthetic and field data,the method used in this study can more effectively suppress noise and retain effective information of seismic data compared to Unet and DnCNN,significantly improving the signal-to-noise ratio and thus assisting in the processing and interpretation of seismic data.
Received: 20 September 2023
Published: 19 September 2024
STCNN network model
Residual group
Dense attention and sparse attention a—dense attention;b—sparse attention
Partial training samples of synthetic seismic data
Partial training samples of real seismic data
Synthetic seismic data(a) and noisy seismic data(b)
Results of three denoising methods in synthetic seismic data a—DnCNN denoising result;b—noise data removed by DnCNN;c—similarity map between panels fig.a and fig.b;d—Unet denoising result;e—noise data removed by Unet;f—similarity map between panels fig.d and fig.e;g—STCNN denoising result;h—noise data removed by STCNN;i—similarity map between panels fig.g and fig.h
Comparison of the f-k spectrum of three denoising results in synthetic seismic data testing a—f-k spectra of clean seismic data;b—f-k spectra of noisy seismic data;c—f-k spectra of DnCNN denoising result;d—f-k spectra of Unet denoising result;e—f-k spectra of STCNN denoising result;f—f-k spectra of noise data removed by DnCNN;g—f-k spectra of noise data removed by Unet;h—f-k spectra of f-k spectra of noise data removed by STCNN
加入噪声水平 | 去噪算法 | 去噪后PSNR/dB | 去噪后SSIM | σ= 10% PSNR:18.45 | DnCNN Unet STCNN | 32.91 34.73 35.15 | 0.9712 0.9837 0.9901 | σ= 20% PSNR:12.57 | DnCNN Unet STCNN | 28.31 29.62 31.12 | 0.9015 0.9286 0.9474 | σ= 50% PSNR:5.36 | DnCNN Unet STCNN | 13.64 14.12 19.54 | 0.6845 0.6926 0.7687 |
Comparison of denoising effect indexes at different noise levels
Loss function curves of the three networks
去噪方法 | DnCNN | Unet | STCNN | 训练时间/h | 1.45 | 3.36 | 2.87 |
Comparison of the running time of the three methods
Field seismic signal denoising results a—field seismic data;b—DnCNN denoising result;c—noise data removed by DnCNN;d—similarity map between panels fig.b and fig.c;e—Unet denoising result;f—noise data removed by Unet;g—similarity map between panels fig.e and fig.f;h—STCNN denoising result;i—noise data removed by STCNN;j—similarity map between panels fig.h and fig.i
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