3D simulations of geological structures in coastal cities using a electrical resistivity method |
LIU Hong-Hua1,2(), ZHANG Hui1,2, WANG Ru-Jie1,2, YU Peng1,2,3(), QIN Sheng-Qiang1,2, LI Wen-Yu4, CHE Rong-Qi4 |
1. Key Laboratory of Geological Safety of Coastal Urban Underground Space, Ministry of Natural Resources, Qingdao 266100, China 2. Qingdao Geo-Engineering Surveying Institute (Qingdao Geological Exploration Development Bureau), Qingdao 266100, China 3. Key Laboratory of Coupling Process and Effect of Natural Resources Elements,Beijing 100055, China 4. School of Resource and Geosciences, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China |
Abstract For the underground construction of coastal cities in China, there is an urgent need to accurately position unfavorable geobodies such as faults and boulders. Based on the geological characteristics of coastal cities, this study conducted 3D numerical simulations using a high-density resistivity method, determining the effects of the electrical properties and thickness of the overburden on the survey results, as well as the DC electric field characteristics varying with the sizes and burial depths of detection targets. The results show that the resistivity difference between the overburden and the targets serves as a critical factor in determining the influence of the overburden. For low-resistivity fracture zones, a higher resistivity of the overburden signifies more prominent responses from the fracture zone. Under middle- to high-resistivity overburden conditions, shallowly buried boulders can be easily found, and larger boulders exhibit more significant high-resistivity characteristics. In the exploration along the Qingdao metro line 5, the high-density resistivity method played a vital role in exploring fracture zones and boulders, verifying the effective application effects of the method. The results of this study provide a basis for selecting engineering exploration methods and determining operating parameters in coastal cities.
Received: 11 August 2023
Published: 19 September 2024
Geoelectric model for numerical simulation
序号 | 描述 | 参数 | 电阻率等参数数值 | 1 | 第一层介质,素填土、粉质粘土、淤泥质粉质 粘土、含淤泥粉细砂、中细砂 | ρ1 | 10、50、100、200、500 W×m | h1 | 5、10、15、20 m | 2 | 第二层介质,强风化花岗岩、强风化煌斑岩 | ρ2 | 300 W×m | h2 | (30~h1)m | 3 | 第三层介质,中微风化花岗岩、中微风化煌斑岩 | ρ3 | 1000 W×m | h3 | 90 m | 4 | 断裂 | ρf1 | 50 W×m | 5 | 构造破碎带 | ρf2 | 100 W×m | 6 | 孤石 | ρr | 5000 W×m | h | 0、10、30、50 m | d | 10、20、30、40 m |
Model parameters
Inversed resistivity sections for different overburden resistivity
Resistivity curves of different overburden resistivity
Inversed resistivity sections for different overburden thicks
Resistivity curves with different thickness of covering layer
Inversed resistivity sections for different boulder sizes
Resistivity curves of different sizes of boulders
Inversed resistivity sections for different boulder depth
Resistivity curves of boulders with different buried depths
Lines layout for resistivity measurement
Inversed resistivity section for Line 5
Inversed resistivity section for Line 16
Resistivity model
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