Staining algorithm-based reverse time migration imaging for pre-salt structures |
ZHAO Guo-Yong1(), ZHANG Jian1, LIU Chang2,3, REN Yi2,3, XING Bo-Shen2,3, LI Zi-Zheng2,3, QU Ying-Ming2,3() |
1. R&D Center of Science and Technology,Sinopec Geophysical Corporation,Nanjing 210005,China 2. Key Laboratory of Deep Oil and Gas,China University of Petroleum(East China),Qingdao 266580,China 3. School of Geosciences,China University of Petroleum(East China),Qingdao 266580,China |
Abstract The reverse time migration (RTM) technique can accurately simulate the propagation of seismic waves in subsurface media and image subsurface structures.However,seismic waves can be reflected,refracted,or scattered in weakly illuminated areas,leading to locally reduced signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) in RTM imaging results.The staining algorithm can achieve the tracking and imaging of known geobodies by generalizing the wave equation to the complex domain.It requires a conventional real velocity and an imaginary velocity field as inputs.A conventional staining algorithm requires known real subsurface structures,which is impractical in this study.Hence,this study put forward regional staining to promote the practical development of the staining algorithm.Focusing on subsalt imaging,this study proposed a staining algorithm-based RTM imaging method for subsalt structures.The salt dome model demonstrated that the method proposed in this study can significantly improve the imaging SNRs and resolution of self-selected target regions.
Received: 20 July 2023
Published: 19 September 2024
RTM imaging principle
Salt velocity model
Snapshot of the wavefield of the salt a—snapshot of the wavefield at the time 1 200 ms; b—snapshot of the wavefield at the time 1 400 ms
Salt shot record a—shot record with direct wave; b—shot record without direct wave
Salt RTM imaging result
Staining algorithm RTM flowchart
Salt complex domain velocity model
Snapshot of the wavefield of complex domain a—snapshot of the wavefield at the time 1 200 ms;b—snapshot of the wavefield at the time 1 400 ms
Salt complex domain shot record
Salt staining RTM imaging result
fig. 5 and fig. 10 local enlargement a—figure 5 localized enlargment;b—figure 10 localized enlargment ">
Comparison of fig. 5 and fig. 10 local enlargement a—figure 5 localized enlargment;b—figure 10 localized enlargment
Salt model illumination
Salt model a—enlarged salt complex domain velocity model;b—enlarged salt staining RTM imaging result
Random error analysis a—migration velocity field with ±5% random error;b—difference between the velocity field after introducing random errors and the true velocity field;c—RTM based on random error migration velocity field; d—stained RTM based on random error migration velocity
Analysis of anomalies a—new salt model containing thin layer;b—RTM of new salt model containing thin layer;c—complex domain velocity of precision staining;d—RTM based on precision staining
Constrained area staining imaging a—complex domain velocity of area staining;b—RTM based on area staining;c—RTM based on constrained area staining;d—time-limited absorption boundary condition RTM
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