Application cases of the short-offset transient electromagnetic method in detecting goafs with thick overburden in a coal mine |
HUANG Shi-Mao1,2( ), YANG Guang1,2( ), WANG Jun-Cheng1,2, LUO Chuan-Gen1,2, XU Ming-Zuan1,2, ZHOU Nan-Nan3, ZHAO Peng4 |
1. Geological Exploration Technology Institute of Jiangsu Province, Nanjing 210049, China 2. Jiangsu Province Engineering Research Center of Airborne Detecting and Intelligent Perceptive Technology, Nanjing 210049, China 3. Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100029, China 4. Beijing Zhongkediyuan Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing 100029, China |
Abstract Within a coal mine in Peixian County, Xuzhou City, brick-red Paleogene and Neogene strata were deposited in the faulted basin during the Cenozoic, with extensive Quaternary strata overlying various strata. The Quaternary, Jurassic, and Cretaceous strata exhibit thick overburden, up to over 500 m. This study explored the coal mine using the short-offset transient electromagnetic (SOTEM) method. Based on geoelectric conditions, reasonable observation parameters were designed to obtain the subterranean electric structure within a burial depth of 1500 m. Goafs were detected at a burial depth of 900 m, with their delineated boundaries aligning with the mining situation of the coal mine. The results of this study serve as a reference for detecting goafs with thick overburden in North China-type coalfields.
Received: 30 May 2023
Published: 21 October 2024
地层 | | 电阻率/(Ω·m) | 岩性描述 | 第四系 | Q | | 10~50 | 由东往西增厚,按成因分为全新统、更新统。全新统主要由粉砂岩组成;更新统由富砂姜的黏土夹中粗砂组成,底部含砾。 | 古近系 | E | 90.16 | F24以南揭露,底部为砾岩;中上部以砂质泥岩为主,夹砂岩薄层,含灰岩、砂岩、砂泥岩砾 | 侏罗—白垩系 | J-K | >576.49 | 10~90 | 该段在F24以南揭露,下部以砂质泥岩、泥岩与砾岩互层为主,上部以砂质泥岩为主,夹砂岩薄层 | | 由于受断块升降和剥蚀的影响,厚度变化大,每一断块由南向北增厚,由东向西变化不大,与煤系地层大致吻合。上部为粉砂岩、泥岩段,中部为杂色泥岩段,下部为紫褐色砂岩段 | 二叠系 | | | 15~1000 | 底部一层通称为奎山砂岩,个别孔其上保留有杂色泥岩、粉砂岩、砂岩 | | | 下段底部为分界砂岩,上部为砂质泥岩夹细砂岩,含煤线;中段以中细砂岩为主;上段以泥岩、黏土岩为主 | | | 主要由泥岩、粉砂岩、细砂岩、粉细互层、中粗砂岩、煤层组成,含有主采煤层7、9煤 | 石炭系 | C2 | | 45~1200 | 主要由粉砂岩、泥岩、薄—中厚石灰岩、中细砂岩、黏土岩及煤层组成。可采煤层17、21煤 | C1 | | 上部为灰岩夹黏土岩及中粗砂,下部为铁质泥岩 | 奥陶系 | O2 | >58.19 | >200 | 由厚层状灰岩夹砾状灰岩、白云质灰岩、白云岩,偶夹薄层泥岩组成 |
Stratigraphy and electrical properties of the study area
Outline of exploration zone structure
Schematic diagram of SOTEM device
SOTEM survey line and emission source layout
Measurement results at point 1500 on the line L10
Multi-channel voltage profile measured by the line L10
Inverse interpretation section of the line L10
Inverse interpretation section of the line L20
Inverse interpretation section of the line L30
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