Application of comprehensive geophysical prospecting in exploration of the Duhu copper deposit in Xinxing County |
HE Jun-Fei( ) |
Guangdong Nonferrous Metals Geological Exploration Institution, Guangzhou 510080, China |
Abstract Since individual geophysical exploration methods suffer the multiplicity of solutions, comprehensive geophysical prospecting has been extensively applied in deep ore prospecting presently. This study conducted the geological exploration of the Duhu porphyry copper deposit in Xinxing County using multiple geophysical methods such as high-precision magnetic survey and controlled source audio-frequency magnetotellurics (CSAMT). It was inferred that the CSAMT-derived medium-low resistivity anomalies and the low-gentle anomalies derived from the high-precision magnetic survey serve as significant prospecting indicators. Satisfactory results were achieved in follow-up verification of the anomalies. Specifically, copper, molybdenum, silver, and gold mineralized bodies with a cumulative thickness of 178.2 m were identified in a 1 000 m deep borehole, with the highest copper grade of 1.45%. The application of comprehensive geophysical prospecting holds great significance in guiding the exploration of porphyry copper deposits in western Guangdong.
Received: 14 March 2023
Published: 16 April 2024
The map of geology and geophysical stations arrangement in the area 1—Quaternary diluvium and slope deposit;2—late Cretaceous granite porphyry;3—late Jurassic granophyric biotite granite;4—potassium feldspar sericite zone (potassic zone);5—sericite chlorite zone(mudstone zone);6—chlorite epidote zone(propylitic zone);7—geological prediction faults and numbers;8—boundary lines of altered lithofacies;9—CSAMT and high-precision magnetic method coincidence points;10—high-precision magnetic method points
岩性名称 | 标本数 | κ/(4π·10-6SI) | Jr/(10-3A·m-1) | 电阻率/(Ω·m) | 电阻率均值/(Ω·m) | 晚侏罗世黑云母花岗岩 | 32 | 无磁—微磁 | 无磁—微磁 | 2031~18632 | 4442 | 晚白垩世花岗斑岩 | 35 | 无磁 | 无磁 | 1532~16287 | 3232 | 闪长斑岩 | 14 | 109~1480 | 41~186 | 1532~16861 | 3566 | 绢云母蚀变岩 | 11 | 微磁—弱磁 | 微磁—弱磁 | 844~7980 | 1969 | 铅锌矿化、黄铁矿化、黄铜矿化 | 15 | 微磁—弱磁 | 微磁—弱磁 | 82~1362 | 262 |
Statistics of physical parameters of rocks
The plane anomaly map of high-precision magnetic method 1—late Cretaceous granite porphyry;2—late Jurassic granophyric biotite granite;3—potassium feldspar sericite zone (potassic zone);4—sericite chlorite zone(mudstone zone);5—chlorite epidote zone(propylitic zone);6—boundary lines of late Cretaceous granite porphyry;7—boundary lines of altered lithofacies;8—geological prediction faults and numbers
The profile map of comprehensive geophysical anomalies with line 3 1—geophysical prediction faults and numbers;2—geophysical verification hole and azimuth angle;3—old drill holes and numbers;4—boundary lines of relatively low resistance anomaly;5—prediction of granite porphyry intrusion boundary;6—industrial copper ore body (w(Cu)≥0.4%);7—low grade copper body (0.2%≤w(Cu)< 0.4%)
The profile map of comprehensive geophysical anomalies with line 4 1—geophysical prediction faults and numbers;2—boundary lines of relatively low resistance anomaly;3—prediction of granite porphyry intrusion boundary
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