Three-dimensional numerical simulation of grounded-source transient electromagnetic responses in roadways |
JIA Bo1( ), ZHANG Fu-Ming2( ), ZHANG Li-Jun1, LIU Hao-Hao1, GUO Liang-Liang1, SONG Wei1, ZHANG Chao-Yang1, HE Hai-Long1, WANG Gang1 |
1. Shanxi Qinhe Green Intelligent Coal Research Institute Co., Ltd., Jincheng 048200, China 2. Coal Geological Geophysical Exploration Surveying & Mapping Institute of Shanxi Province, Jinzhong 030600, China |
Abstract Owing to the successful application of grounded-source in recent years, roadway detection using the grounded-source transient electromagnetic (TEM) method has attracted significant academic interest. Using the three-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, this study simulated the grounded-source TEM responses of the anomalies in the roadway floors and between roadways. The simulation results are as follows: (1) For anomalies in the roadway floors, their surfaces show violent changes in the horizontal and vertical components of the electric field subjected to the surface charge of anomalies. The horizontal electric field exhibits a strong ability to discriminate low-resistivity bodies but a weak ability to discriminate high-resistivity bodies. The vertical electric field displays opposite response signs from the low- and high-resistivity bodies. The low- and high-resistivity bodies correspond to opposite ∂By/∂t responses in the early and late stages. Specifically, the response signs are negative in the early stage and positive in the late stage for low-resistivity bodies, whereas the results are contrary for high-resistivity bodies; (2) For anomalies between roadways, the horizontal electric field also exhibits a strong ability to discriminate low-resistivity bodies but a weak ability to discriminate high-resistivity bodies. The ∂Bz/∂t response curves are above the background curves in the model of high-resistivity bodies but below the background curves in the model of low-resistivity bodies, suggesting the discrimination ability of the ∂Bz/∂t response for both low- and high-resistivity bodies.
Received: 15 February 2023
Published: 21 October 2024
Schematic diagram of tunnel transient electromagnetic method device
Schematic diagram of Yee grid unit
Abnormal body in roadway floor
Contour distribution of horizontal electric field at different times
Contour distribution of vertical electric field
Contour distribution of horizontal magnetic field
TEM response curve of abnormal body in roadway floor
Model with abnormal bodies in roadways
TEM response curve of different abnormal body between roadways
Multi channel response of Ex and ?Bz/?t for different anomalous body between roadways
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