A study of joint inversion of gravity data from multi-planes and boreholes |
GAO Xiu-He1,2,3(), XIONG Sheng-Qing1(), YU Chang-Chun1, SUN Si-Yuan1 |
1. China Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center for Natural Resources, Beijing 100083, China 2. Airborne Geophysics and Remote Sensing Geology Ministry of Natural Resources, Beijing 100029, China 3. School of Geophysics and Information Technology, China University of Geosciences (Beijing), Beijing 100029, China |
Abstract The essential factor for determining the effect of gravity 3D inversion is the observation data, which include the quality, quantity and location. In this paper, the regularized inversion method is used to study the influence of gravity data from different heights and well observations on the inversion results. First of all, gravity data of different heights are inverted separately to verify the relationship between the inversion effect and the height of the observation surface. Then, the gravity data of different heights are inverted together to verify the improvement effect of the joint inversion. On the basis of the beneficial effects of joint inversion, when multi-plane observation data are unavailable, continuation gravity data at different heights are obtained through continuation technology, and joint continuation data and observation data are inverted to improve the inversion effect. This applies to a variety of situations. For example, when only the ground observation gravity data are available, the down continuation data and ground observation gravity data are inverted jointly; when only the airborne observation gravity data are available, the down continuation data and airborne observation gravity data are inverted jointly. Finally, taking advantage of the fact that the measured data in the boreholes are closer to the anomaly, it is added to the inversion to further improve the vertical resolution.
Received: 13 December 2019
Published: 29 December 2020
Corresponding Authors:
XIONG Sheng-Qing
E-mail: gaoxiuhevip@163.com;842091616@qq.com;xsq@agrs.cn
Cube model and its forward gravity data
Vertical slices of inversion results of gravity data at different heights
Vertical slices of inversion results of joint gravity data at different heights(y=2.5 km)
Inverted density models using the joint observed gravity and continuation gravity data(y=2.5 km)
Well gravity and well density at different locations
Recovered density models in the constraint of well data(the solid white line represents the drilling location)
Gravity data based on double prisms
The simulated data observed in the wells
Recovered double-prism models(the solid white line represents the drilling location)
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