The application of fretting exploration technology in the exploration of middle and deep clean energy |
DONG Yao1(), LI Guang-Hui1, GAO Peng-Ju2, REN Jing1, XIAO Juan1 |
1. Henan Aero Geophysical Survey and Remote Sensing Center, Zhengzhou 450053,China 2. The Institude of Exploration Techniques,CAGS,Langfang 065000,China |
Abstract With the further advancement of the energy reform,the exploration,development and utilization of geothermal energy in the middle and deep clean energy are imminent.At present,the exploration,development and utilization focus on the middle and deep level, mainly in urban areas,which limits the use of conventional seismic,magnetotelluric and other geophysical prospecting methods, and new methods need to be introduced. In this article,through micro exploration technology in some urban areas to carry out the relevant experiments, comparison of previous high precision gravity,magnetotelluric sounding,geothermal hole data,verified the micro test result,interpretation of stratigraphic classification and tectonic position was consistent with known data,deserves further research and promotion,to realize micro exploration technology in deep geothermal energy in the fast exploration and development is of great significance.
Received: 11 November 2019
Published: 29 December 2020
Regional geological map
Regional bouguer gravity anomaly map
Regional magnetic field characteristics
地层单位 | 主 要 岩 性 | 电阻率/(Ω·m) | 界 | 群(系) | 代号 | 新生界 | 第四系 | Q | 黄土 | 10~200 | 新近系- 古近系 | E-N | 粘土岩、砂岩 | 3~200 | 中生界 | 白垩系 | K | 泥岩、粉砂质泥岩、泥灰岩、砾岩 | 100~200 | 侏罗系 | J | 石英砂岩、泥岩、煤层、砾岩 | 100~200 | 三叠系 | T | 砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩互层 | 80~200 | 古生界 | 二叠系 | P | 砂岩、页岩、粘土岩 | 20~400 | 石炭系 | C2 | 粘土岩、炭质页岩、灰岩 | 60~200 | 奥陶系 | O | 灰岩 | 60~1500 | 寒武系 | ∈ | 白云岩、灰岩、页岩 | | 古元古界 | 震旦系 | Z | 石英岩、白云大理岩、绢云石英片岩 | 100~350 | 太古宇 | | Ar | 黑云斜长片麻岩、斜长角闪片岩、黑云变粒岩、 二云石英片岩 | 100~2000 |
Statistics of strata and rock mineralogy in Henan Province
Observation system of fretting surface wave
Maximum radius effective sounding depth test of test site
Test point station effective detection test
Test point 600 m maximum array radius finite time test
Inversed S-wave-like velocity profile
Magnetotelluric profile
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