The application of 2D seismic exploration to the exploration of sandstone type uranium deposits at the southern end of Daqing placanticline |
LIANG Jian-Gang1,2(), YANG Wei-Min3, SUN Da-Peng1,2, KUANG Hai-Yang1,2 |
1. Tianjin Center,China Geology Survey,Tianjin 300170,China 2. Key Laboratory of Energy Geology such as Uranium,Tianjin 300170,China 3. Insitute of Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration of Shanxi Province,Yuncheng 044000,China |
Abstract In the early stage of the exploration project of sandstone type uranium deposit in the south end of Daqing placanticline,many scattered industrial holes were found by using the drilling data of the oil field,which were proved by drilling.In order to further expand the prospecting results,the authors carried out seismic exploration.According to the characteristics of the buried depth of the strata in the working area,the reasonable acquisition parameters were selected,the stratigraphic division of the working area was unified,the sand body was delineated,and then the ancient river course was inferred,the reservoir problem in the exploration of sandstone type uranium deposit was solved,and good results were obtained.It is proved that seismic exploration can be used as the main method in the search for favorable reservoirs in sandstone type uranium exploration.
Received: 12 October 2019
Published: 29 December 2020
Structural unit zoning map of northern SongliaoBasin(adapted from reference[3])
层位 | 地震波场特征(层位底界面) | 测井曲线特征(电阻率) | 明水组 | 中强振幅、中高频连续反射,局部为弱振幅或复合波,Tk2m反射层在本区相对稳定,反射时间在100~500 ms之间,全区容易对比追踪 | 视电阻率曲线上部呈锯齿状中—低值,下部呈群峰状高阻值,自然电位曲线呈箱状中幅度负异常值 | 四方台组 | 中强振幅、中高频连续反射,局部为弱振幅或复合波,T03反射层在本区相对稳定,反射时间在150~550 ms之间,全区容易对比追踪。四方台GR异常反射特征表现为河道下切,顶部丘形反射,能量较弱,连续性差,未发育辨状河道处表现为强连续反射 | 视电阻率曲线上部呈低值,中、下部呈高阻值,自然电位曲线上部无负异常,中、下部呈中幅度负异常值,具水层特征 | 嫩江组三段 | 中弱振幅、中高频连续反射,局部表现为弱振幅的反射特征,T06反射层其上为较强能量的反射特征,其下为弱能量的相对空白反射特征,反映其水退沉积环境的变化,该反射层在本区较稳定,反射时间在500~1 050 ms之间,全区容易对比追踪 | 视电阻率曲线局部呈高阻值,自然电位局部呈中幅度负异常值,组成三个较为明显的反旋回 | 嫩江组五段 | 强振幅、中高频连续反射,T1反射波组在本区稳定,断层的波组错断特征清晰,反射时间在720~1 300 ms之间,为区域性标志层,全区可对比追踪 | 视电阻率曲线上部多呈平直状低值,下部局部呈锯齿状尖峰中阻值 | 姚家组 | 中强振幅、中高频连续反射,T1-1反射波组在本区较稳定,断层的波组错断特征较明显,反射时间在800~1 400 ms之间,全区可对比追踪 | 视电阻率曲线上部为低阻值,下部为高低阻值相间的不规则锯齿状尖峰 | 青山口组 | 中强振幅、中高频连续反射,T2反射波组在本区较稳定,断层的波组错断特征明显,反射时间在1 050~1 850 ms之间,为区域性标志层,全区可对比追踪 | 电阻率曲线局部呈尖峰状高阻值,自然电位无异常值 |
Characteristics of seismic wave field and logging curve of formation interface
Stratum calibration map of line D1
T0 contour map of reflection wave in layer T03
Floor contour structure of reflection wave in layer T03
Seismic wave group characteristics of sand body in Sifangtai formation of D0 line
Undercutting characteristics of ancient river channel on seismic profile(blue dotted part)
Abnormal characteristics of channel sand body profile(red type I,pink type II)
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