The impact and effect of DEM grid spacing on the accuracy of gravity remote topographic correction |
LI Zhong-Ping1,2(), DAI Guang-Kai3, ZHANG Mao-Hui4 |
1. School of Geophysics and space information, China University of Geosciences(Wuhan),Wuhan 430074,China 2. Zhengyuan Geology & Exploration Institute of Shandong,Bureau of China Metallurgy and Geology,Jinan 250014,China 3. Shandong Institute of Geological Survey, Jinan 250013, China 4. School of Geophysics and Space Information, China University of GeosciencesOcean University of China, Qingdao 266100, China |
Abstract The 1∶50 000 gravity far area terrain correction is generally obtained from the 1∶50 000 DEM elevation model correction in the survey area. 1∶50 000 DEM can be spliced according to different grid spacings, which correspond to different terrain correction accuracies; RGIS is calculated by its own elevation database, and the topographic correction of 1∶50 000 gravity far area in the survey area is completed. The authors chose the 1∶50 000 gravity remote area I (2~20 km) land reform of Zangjiazhuang area in Qixia City, Shandong Province, as an example. Through the use of 25, 50, 100, 200 m four grid node spacings for 1∶50 000 DEM data splicing and the use of the improved bilinear interpolation method, the authors calculated the terrain correction and mean square error in the far area I of gravity. Compared with the terrain correction mean square error of gravity far area I of RGIS own elevation reservoir, it is confirmed that the terrain correction accuracy of gravity far-Ⅰ area based on 1∶50 000 DEM elevation model is better than that of gravity far-Ⅰ area with RGIS.
Received: 15 January 2020
Published: 29 December 2020
Bilinear Interpolation Graphics
Improved bilinear interpolation method
Plane of Bouguer gravity anomaly in the Yantai area of Shandong Province
节点 | x坐标/m | y坐标/m | g(xi,yi)=-11.15 | 302130 | 4136486 | g(xi,yi+1)=-11.58 | 302130 | 4137983 | g(xi+1,yi)=-8.03 | 305036 | 4136486 | g(xi+1,yi+1)=-9.03 | 305036 | 4137983 | 双线性插值法地改后布格重力异常值 | -9.55×10-5m·s-2 | 改进的双线性插值法地改后布格重力异常值 | -10.69×10-5m·s-2 |
Comparison table of test calculation of improved bilinear interpolation method
节点距 | 重力远Ⅰ区地改时间 | 重力远Ⅰ区地改均方误差 | 25 m×25 m | 1.52 h | 0.000 360 | 50 m×50 m | 15 min | 0.000 360 | 100 m×100 m | 6 min | 0.000 385 | 200 m×200 m | 4 min | 0.000 408 |
Statistical table of terrain correction accuracy in distant I area of gravity with different mesh spacing
Topographic map of the study area
Structure of the study area and Titanium Vein 1—speculated fracture; 2—compression torsion fracture; 3—tensile fracture; 4—ductile fault;5—structural fracture zone; 6—gold vein vein; 7—drilling
Based on the Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the remote area of RGIS with its own elevation
Modified Bouguer gravity anomaly map of far area by bilinear interpolation based on DEM
Based on the distribution of elevation kupger gravity anomaly and elevation correlation coefficient in RGIS
Improved bilinear interpolation kupger gravity anomaly and elevation correlation coefficient distribution based on DEM
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