The application of electrical method to tracking underground river of reservoir dam area |
Zhan-Jun WANG |
Shanghai Tongji Testing Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200092, China |
Abstract In the primary design stage of a certain reservoir in Guizhou Province, geologists found that intensively developed karst has great influence on reservoir leakage. The author discussed the experience of tracing underground river and seepage channel using charging method and high density resistivity method, which has been proved through practical connection test and water level change.
Received: 03 September 2018
Published: 25 October 2019
Layout of geophysical survey line of upstream dam site
Potential curve of charge method CDIII-CDIII'
Potential curve of charge method CDV-CDV'
Apparent resistivity isoline chromatogram of line GM9-GM9'
Apparent resistivity isoline chromatogram of line GM10-GM10'
Layout of survey line and result map of karst Lake recharge channel downstream of dam
Potential gradient curve of line TD I-I' charging method
Potential gradient curve of line TDIII-TDIII' charging method
Potential gradient curve of TD1-TD1' charging method
TD1-TD1' charging potential curve (validation)
TD5-TD5' charging potential gradient curve
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