The mine drilling resistivity method used to determine the development height of the "three zones" top interface of the mining face |
Guo-Cai YAN |
China Coal Technology and Engineering Group Chongqing Research Institute, Chongqing 400037, China |
Abstract The influence range of the mining work on the overlying rock strata is directly related to the safe production of the coal mine. In order to accurately determine the development height of the "three zones" top interface of the mining face, the author used the mine drilling resistivity method to detect the different depths of the mining face at different periods. The sectional view was used to explore the apparent resistivity cross value between different mining positions and the reference position. The deviation rate curve of the "three zones" development was analyzed. The development height of the top interface of each zone was determined. And the results were compared with the calculation results by the derivation formula of the double-end plugging segmental water injection method. The results show that the borehole resistivity method has strong resistance to the complex environment of the underground, and has good coupling with the coal-rock layer. The height of the "three-band" top interface determined by the difference of apparent resistivity is higher. The determinations by the deviation rate curve are as follows: The development height of the top of the falling zone is 29.6m, the development height of the top interface of the fracture zone is 47.8m, and the development height of the top of the curved zone is 71m. The results are similar to those of the double-ended plugging water injection, and the deviation rate can be clearly distinguished. The interface of the three belts improves the resolution of the height detection of the "three belts" top interface, and has a high promotion and practical value.
Received: 12 January 2019
Published: 25 October 2019
Schematic diagram of the Winner device
Stereoscopic line layout diagram of the drilling resistivity method
Sectional view of the apparent resistivity difference between the mining position at 300 m from the drill chamber and 200 m from the drill chamber
Sectional view of the apparent resistivity difference between the mining position at 140 m from the drill chamber and 200 m from the drill chamber
Sectional view of the apparent resistivity difference between the mining position at 80 m from the drill chamber and 200 m from the drill chamber
“Three-band” developmental dissociation rate curve of mining face
The height of the “three belts” top interface development
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