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物探与化探  2019, Vol. 43 Issue (6): 1297-1308    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2019.0299
  方法研究·仪器研制 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
邵广周1, 岳亮1, 李远林1, 吴华2
1. 长安大学 地质工程与测绘学院,陕西 西安 710054
2. 长安大学 理学院,陕西 西安 710064
A study of quality control of extracting dispersion curves by two-channel method of passive Rayleigh waves
Guang-Zhou SHAO1, Liang YUE1, Yuan-Lin LI1, Hua WU2
1. School of Geological Engineering and Geomatics,Chang'an University,Xi'an 710054,China
2. School of Science,Chang'an University,Xi'an 710064,China
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关键词 瑞利波频散曲线被动源地震质量控制    

In recent years,the rapidly developed passive Rayleigh wave technology has the advantage of strong anti-interference capability and less limited construction conditions by using environmental noise as the source,which is more suitable for exploration in urban areas.However,the key factor affecting the imaging accuracy of the passive source method is the extracting quality of the dispersion curves.The current passive source Rayleigh wave method mainly uses the Aki formula to calculate the Rayleigh wave dispersion curve according to the relationship between spatial autocorrelation and time domain cross-correlation.This method has a good extraction effect for long-period observation data (for several months or more).Nevertheless,for practical engineering applications,it is desirable that the data observation period is as short as possible (such as one day or several hours).Under this circumstance,it will lead the zero points of the cross-correlation spectrum to increase or disappear,which will bring errors in the extraction of the dispersion curves when the Aki method is used to pick up them.Aimed at solving this problem,the authors put forward a set of quality control processes,such as using different normalization methods,selecting different window lengths for cross-correlation operations,setting Gaussian filters to filter cross-correlation functions,and selecting spectral zeros,to improve the extracting quality of dispersion curves.The authors combined certain evaluation criteria to verify the reliability of the dispersion curves and achieved the purpose of controlling the quality of the dispersion curves extraction.The passive source numerical simulation of theoretical model testing and the actual field noise data processing in Fengxiang County of Shaanxi show that the quality control method in the dispersion curve extraction is feasible and effective.This study has certain reference value and practical significance for the dispersion curve extraction of passive source Rayleigh wave method.

Key wordsRayleigh wave    dispersion curve    passive source    quality control
收稿日期: 2019-05-28      出版日期: 2019-11-28
:  P631.4  
作者简介: 邵广周(1977-),男,副教授,研究生导师,主要从事地震勘探与地球物理信号处理方面的研究工作。
邵广周, 岳亮, 李远林, 吴华. 被动源瑞利波两道法提取频散曲线的质量控制方法[J]. 物探与化探, 2019, 43(6): 1297-1308.
Guang-Zhou SHAO, Liang YUE, Yuan-Lin LI, Hua WU. A study of quality control of extracting dispersion curves by two-channel method of passive Rayleigh waves. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2019, 43(6): 1297-1308.
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Table 1  两层速度递增模型参数
Fig.1  噪声震源点分布
Fig.2  两层速度递增模型被动源瑞利波地震记录
Fig.3  野外测线排列情况
Fig.4  野外实测背景噪声信号
Fig.5  被动源瑞利波数据处理流程
Fig.6  野外实测背景噪声信号滤波结果
Fig.7  时间域归一化处理结果
Fig.8  频率域白化处理结果
道号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
one-bit法 25.502 22.875 16.163 24.941 8.827 4.439 5.872 13.765 4.665
滑动绝对平均法 30.723 28.434 18.740 26.238 9.266 4.501 6.907 15.059 5.015
Table 2  白化后互相关结果的信噪比
Fig.9  不同时窗长度对于互相关结果的影响
时窗长度/s 1 3 6 12 30 60
信噪比 5.3514 15.0542 12.002 9.154 7.5446 4.642
Table 3  不同时窗长度的信噪比
Fig.10  高斯滤波后的互相关记录
Fig.11  理论模型数据不同m时1~14号检波器对提取得到的频散曲线
Fig.12  理论模型数据只经过部分处理得到的频散曲线
处理方案 均方误差 相关系数
只经历时间域归一化 15.9982 0.7615
只经历频率域归一化 11.6416 0.8852
时频域归一化、滤波等 9.2487 0.9948
Table 4  频散曲线提取结果与理论频散曲线接近程度
Fig.13  野外实测数据不同m值时提取得到的频散曲线
Fig.14  测线6频散曲线
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