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物探与化探  2020, Vol. 44 Issue (3): 507-513    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2020.1445
     地质调查·资源勘查 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
薛宝林1, 刘桂梅2, 田增彪1, 赵强1, 任磊1, 徐新学2, 付金强1
1. 华北地质勘查局 五一九大队,河北 保定 071051
2. 天津市地球物理勘探中心,天津 300170
Indication significance of in-situ IP in exploration of concealed copper deposits
Bao-Lin XUE1, Gui-Mei LIU2, Zeng-Biao TIAN1, Qiang ZHAO1, Lei REN1, Xin-Xue XU2, Jin-Qiang FU1
1. No. 519 Geological Party of North China Geological Exploration Bureau, Baoding 071051, China
2. Tianjin Geophysical Exploration Center, Tianjin 300170, China
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关键词 井中激电井—地充电法剖面隐伏铜矿产状    

In-well IP is one of the effective means to explore deep sulfide-type metal ore. In the well, the electric field-well method is used to find the bottom of the well and the blind mine near the well; in the well, the electric well-ground method is used to determine the ore body’s direction and judge its occurrence. The exploration examples of the Beiwopu copper deposit in Inner Mongolia indicate that the ground-well IP measurement corresponds to high polarization anomalies in the pyrite-rich and brass mineralization-enriched rock sections; the well-ground charging method is used to measure the occurrence of ore bodies. Judging, retrieving the direction of the ore body, guiding the drilling project, reducing the investment in exploration, and achieving A better prospecting effect.

Key wordsin-well excitation    well-ground charging profile    concealed copper ore deposit    attitude
收稿日期: 2019-09-16      出版日期: 2020-06-24
:  P631  
作者简介: 薛宝林(1982-),男,工程师,主要从事矿产勘查工作。Email:
薛宝林, 刘桂梅, 田增彪, 赵强, 任磊, 徐新学, 付金强. 井中激电在隐伏铜矿勘查中的指示意义[J]. 物探与化探, 2020, 44(3): 507-513.
Bao-Lin XUE, Gui-Mei LIU, Zeng-Biao TIAN, Qiang ZHAO, Lei REN, Xin-Xue XU, Jin-Qiang FU. Indication significance of in-situ IP in exploration of concealed copper deposits. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2020, 44(3): 507-513.
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Fig.1  井旁不同产状矿体的理论曲线
Fig.2  矿体在钻孔左侧ΔV2曲线
Fig.3  矿体在钻孔右侧ΔV2曲线
序号 岩石名称 标本数 磁化率/(10-6SI)
变化区间 平均值
1 闪长岩(含Cu、Fe矿化) 34 3010~28900 12457
2 正长斑岩 34 239~1190 605
3 闪长岩 37 35~573 121
4 流纹岩 40 1340~7740 4597
5 玄武岩 34 3780~11700 7081
6 砂岩 35 35~128 76
7 板岩 35 274~1510 650
8 花岗岩 34 74~924 359
9 花岗闪长岩 30 67~175 107
10 花岗斑岩 30 114~451 221
Table 1  岩石磁性参数统计
序号 岩石名称 标本数 极化率/% 电阻率/(Ω·m)
变化范围 平均值 变化范围 平均值
1 闪长岩(含Cu、Fe矿化) 28 1.75~9.35 3.56 420~8714 3995
2 正长斑岩 34 0.36~2.19 1.30 657~9026 3089
3 闪长岩 36 0.64~2.08 1.43 408~9550 3942
4 流纹岩 36 0.35~2.67 1.04 555~4650 1982
5 玄武岩 30 0.76~6.07 2.0 272~8619 4241
6 砂岩 30 0.18~1.75 0.92 219~3705 920
7 板岩 30 0.16~1.56 0.82 252~2448 1169
8 花岗岩 30 0.64~2.71 1.6 322~4530 1304
9 花岗闪长岩 30 0.22~2.04 1.12 213~2516 1361
10 花岗斑岩 30 0.74~2.56 1.55 762~8817 2303
Table 2  岩石电性参数统计
Fig.4  ZKW0001井中激电测量曲线
Fig.5  井—地充电法视极化率剖面测量结果及解释成果
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