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物探与化探, 2024, 48(2): 411-427 doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2024.1304



周绍钰,1, 包乾宗,1,2,3, 石卫4,5

1.长安大学 地质工程与测绘学院,陕西 西安 710054

2.自然资源部 矿山地质灾害成灾机理与防控重点实验室,陕西 西安 710054

3.海洋油气勘探国家工程研究中心,陕西 西安 710054

4.陕西省城市地质与地下空间工程技术研究中心,陕西 西安 710068

5.陕西省水工环地质调查中心,陕西 西安 710068

Advances in research on the distributed optical fiber acoustic sensing system in the field of geophysical exploration

ZHOU Shao-Yu,1, BAO Qian-Zong,1,2,3, SHI Wei4,5

1. School of Geological Engineering and Surveying, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710054,China

2.Key Laboratory of Mine Geological Disaster Mechanism and Prevention, Ministry of Natural Resources, Xi’an 710054,China

3. National Engineering Research Center for Offshore Oil and Gas Exploration, Xi’an 710054,China

4. Shaanxi Engineering Technology Research Center for Urban Geology and Underground Space, Xi’an 710068, China

5. Shaanxi Hydrogeolog Engineering Geology and Environment Geology Survey Center, Xi’an 710068, China

通讯作者: 包乾宗(1972-),男,副教授,主要从事地震波正演模拟、全波形反演、高铁地震学及工程地球物理等领域的教学与科研工作。Email:qzbao@chd.edu.cn

责任编辑: 沈效群

收稿日期: 2023-07-11   修回日期: 2023-12-1  

基金资助: 国家重点研发计划项目课题“黄土地质体/灾害体结构和物性参数大范围快速探测技术装备”(2022YFC3003402)

Received: 2023-07-11   Revised: 2023-12-1  

作者简介 About authors




关键词: 分布式声波传感技术; 地球物理勘探; 文献调研; 成果总结


Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) technology, one of the most advanced sound field detection technologies, can achieve distributed, long-distance, and high-precision real-time detection of the ambient vibration and sound field information interacting with optical fiber. The optical fiber exploration system of the DAS technology solves the problems of high cost and deployment difficulty of conventional geophones in complex geological environments. In recent years, the DAS technology has experienced rapid development, especially in monitoring application scenarios that require long-term and large-scale deployment. However, its systematic understanding is insufficient due to divergent research results. To further understand the research advances of the DAS technology in geophysical exploration for more effective subsequent research, this study systematically classified and summarized the development history of the DAS technology and its recent research results in geophysical exploration based on the oil and gas, marine, and environmental engineering application scenarios through literature research. This study focused on the development process of the DAS technology in different directions, the research advances in data processing, and relevant literature with specific results. Finally, this study generalized the development trend and urgent problems of the DAS acquisition system, analyzing the DAS development prospect.

Keywords: distributed acoustic sensing technology; geophysical exploration; literature research; result summary

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周绍钰, 包乾宗, 石卫. 分布式光纤声学传感系统在地球物理勘探领域内的研究进展[J]. 物探与化探, 2024, 48(2): 411-427 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2024.1304

ZHOU Shao-Yu, BAO Qian-Zong, SHI Wei. Advances in research on the distributed optical fiber acoustic sensing system in the field of geophysical exploration[J]. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2024, 48(2): 411-427 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2024.1304

0 引言

分布式声波传感(distributed acoustic sensing,DAS)技术引入我国以来发展十分迅速,与之配套的光纤系统也因为低廉与便捷的优势,让各学科的学者将这种全新的数据采集方式应用在多种不同条件的环境中。在近期发表的相关文献中,利用中国本土的测量数据进行处理和解释文章的出现,证实了DAS技术正在地球物理领域中蓬勃发展。目前DAS技术配合光纤系统的勘探方法不仅被利用于收集自然条件下的地质数据,还因为能够测量人类活动创造的各种建筑体内部的相关结构的特点,被应用于多种需要测量结构和采集数据的场景中,采集环境包括但不限于山区、河床、隧道、坝体、桥梁等情景。


1 文献检索分析

通过对已发表文章的检索、总结并分析,能够有效帮助我们了解一个学科的发展重点、发展方向及发展目标。本文所得文献来源为:以关键词“分布式光纤声波传感”在中国知网内检索中文文献,以关键词“distributed optical fiber acoustic sensing”在Web of Science网站检索文献。同时,利用Web of Science和中国知网提供的相关数据,对截至2023年5月30日两个文献数据库所收录的DAS相关文章的相关信息进行分析,主要对比主题包括:发表年份趋势(发表年份截至2022年)(图1)、相关文献的学者国籍(图2)、DAS文献类型(图3)和研究方向(图4)。


图1   发表年份趋势

Fig.1   Trend of publication year


图2   国家或地区发表的文献数量(数据来源:Web of Science)

Fig.2   Number of publications by country or region (data from: Web of Science)


图3   主要文献类型及同类型文献数量对比

Fig.3   Comparison of the main literature types and the number of the same types


图4   研究方向与文献数量对比

Fig.4   Comparison of research direction and literature quantity

图1对比了Web of Science与中国知网两个文献数据库自1998年以来的文献发表数量。在Web of Science的数据中,DAS的相关文献的发表数量在逐年增长,并且在2019年有明显的增加,2022年和2023年发表的文献总数更是比之前所有文章的总数都多;在中国知网的数据中,DAS的相关中文文献自2011年开始稳步增长,自2019年起数量快速增长,2020年虽然有所减少,但发表数量仍多于学科发展前期。上述情况表明,DAS技术近年来受到的关注越来越多,我国对DAS技术的研究虽然起步与世界范围内相比较晚,但近年来取得了极大的进展,相关文献的数量也在稳步提升。DAS技术在新背景下的地质学中有极高的发展潜力和蓬勃的发展前景,能够面向国家“三深一系统”国家战略[1],为未来地球物理的发展提供更高效的勘探方法。

图2是由Web of Science所统计的关于DAS主题所发表文章的国家或地区及其发表的文献数量,图中数据仅使用了自2013年起至今发表文献数量大于5篇的记录。中国与美国发表的文献数量最多,其中收录的中国学者所发表的文献达到了343篇,说明近年来DAS在我国的发展较为迅速,我国学者也积极将DAS这一方法应用在各个学科中,并取得了一定的成果。

Web of Science提供了更多的文献类型,但中国知网目前只有论文、会议论文和综述论文3种,因此图3展示的是两个网站中与DAS技术相关的主要文献类型及同一类型文献的数量对比。根据两个网站所提供的数据能够明显发现:首先,与DAS技术相关的中文论文明显少于国际相关论文,这一方面是由于国内引入DAS技术和开展DAS技术研究的时间较晚,另一方面是因为目前相关学科的理论研究尚不完善,不足以支撑DAS技术的大规模、多学科应用;其次,综述论文较另外两种文献类型在数量上更少,这种情况在国内与国际范围内都相同,国内与国外在综述文献方面相差多于10倍。造成这种情况的原因可能是DAS技术虽然被应用于多种场景,但各个学者只根据自己的需要对获得的数据进行特定处理,在其熟悉的领域进行应用。DAS技术发展迅速,如果缺乏整体系统的认识,将会对后期的发展造成一定的影响。

图4展示了国内外DAS在各个研究方向中的文献数量。Web of Science网站收录的相关研究方向有38种,而中国知网收录的相关研究方向目前只有13种。图中只展示了部分研究方向的文献数量。从数据来看,DAS技术在国内的研究方向远少于国外,大概率是由于国内引入DAS技术的时间较晚,应用尚不成熟造成的;从文献数量来看,国内自动化技术方向的文献较多,国外工程方向的文献较多,不难看出国内在DAS技术方面更趋向于数据处理,而国外更趋向于实际应用。由于Web of Science将地球化学和地球物理的相关文献归为了一类,而中国知网中有地球物理类别但没有地球化学类别,因此不能进行同学科论文数量对比。

分别从Web of Science和知网两个数据库下载文献导入Citespace软件进行可视化分析。由于软件能够处理的数据量有限,在对数据统计时使用了Web of Science数据库中2017~2023年的全部文献,在中国知网数据库中则使用了2013~2023年的全部文献。经过软件处理后,使用聚类功能对近期“分布式光纤声波传感”方向的文章关键词进行统计(图5~图8)。


图5   数据库文献聚类图谱(数据来源:Web of Science)

Fig.5   Database literature clustering map (data from: Web of Science)


图6   数据库文献时间图谱(数据来源:Web of Science)

Fig.6   Database document time map (data from: Web of Science)


图7   数据库文献时间图谱(数据来源:中国知网)

Fig.7   Database document time map (data from: CNKI)


图8   数据库文献聚类图谱(数据来源:中国知网)

Fig.8   Database Literature Clustering Map (data from: CNKI)

图5图6可知,在Web of Science数据库中“分布式光纤声波传感”主要围绕降噪、瑞利后向散射、波传播、相敏光学时域反射仪、光学时域反射仪、布里渊散射等15个主题展开。其中作为主要方法的“分布式声传感”和主要理论的“瑞利后向散射”成为关键词聚类中出现次数较多的关键词,在2017年左右发表的文献较多。次要理论“波传播”和主要仪器“相敏光学时域反射计”出现次数较多。由于分布式光纤声波传感的数据量大、噪声多等问题,数据处理中的“降噪”处理作为关键词出现频率最多,是目前国内外关于DAS技术研究的热点问题。


相较于Web of Science数据库中的内容,中国知网的内容明显较少,但近年来的数量较多,这也侧面验证了虽然国内引入分布式声学传感技术的时间晚,但呈现出快速发展的特点。


2 光纤声学传感系统的原理和技术发展

2.1 技术简介



2.2 基本原理



图9   三种传感器原理示意[9]

Fig.9   Schematic diagram of three sensors[9]




2.3 技术发展







3 DAS在油气地球物理中的应用


3.1 垂直地震剖面法中的应用




图10   地表地震剖面(左)和DAS Walkaway VSP图像沿Walkaway VSP测量线插入地表地震剖面(右)[33]

Fig.10   Surface seismic profile (left) and DAS Walkaway VSP image inserted along Walkaway VSP survey line (right)[33]



3.2 油藏监测中的应用


众多学者在世界各地的油气井中进行了DAS技术的相关实验,并验证了DAS技术用于井中监测的可行性。Johannessen等[38]在挪威大陆架7口海上油气井DAS技术的相关实验中获得了有效井筒流体流动的光纤信号;van der Horst等[39]在位于北美非常规气田中的致密砂岩气水平井进行了基于DAS技术的动态监测;Carpenter等[40]在文莱注采井井筒进行了基于DAS技术实时流动状态监测的应用;Liang等[41]在四川盆地南部A井进行了DAS技术产气剖面测井解释与评价。



图11   加砂量与每段产气量的对比[42]

Fig.11   Comparison of sand addition and gas production in each section[42]






3.3 矿产资源勘探中的应用




图12   利用神经网络估计的FORGE速度模型[60]

Fig.12   Velocity model of FORGE estimated by the neural network[60]


4 DAS在海洋地球物理中的应用


陈同彦等[64]开发并研究了新型海底管道分布式光纤传感器的和安装工艺,成功在埕岛油田实现了分布式光纤传感器新建海底管道的布设。Matsumoto等[65]为了调查日本四国岛附近地震结构,利用OptaSense有限公司制造的远程DAS Plexus系统进行了一次舰载地震调查,图13展示了水听器OBS51(黑线)和DAS仪器(蓝线)在相同入射信号下的功率谱密度(PSD)。由于两种仪器所得信号的换算方式不同,左侧PSD轴表示水听器所接收到气枪震源与背景噪声的信号值,右侧PSD轴表示DAS仪器所接收到气枪震源与背景噪声的信号值,结果证明DAS仪器检测到的短持续时间和宽带水声信号具有与共定位水听器非常相似的特征。如果选择相应的海底电缆路线,DAS能够探测海底火山的水声信号,为海底火山的远程监测提供了可能。


图13   DAS测量和水听器相同信号的功率谱密度(PSD)与气枪射击之间的环境噪声的比较[65]

Fig.13   Power spectral densities (PSD) of the same signals of the DAS measurement and the hydrophone comparing with the ambient noise between the air-gun shots[65]



5 DAS在环境工程地球物理中的应用

5.1 地质灾害监测



Hudson等[72]提出了一种能够准确表征各向异性冰结构引起的横波劈裂的二维DAS阵列多分量传感器。Nayak等[73]证明DAS技术在局部和区域小地震事件检测方面具有显著的潜力。余双勇[74]基于DAS机理的地震检波器总体结构设计光电探测模块,选择光缆外部材料以及脉冲宽度,证明传统地震检波器与DAS平台单点探测输出信号相符,但DAS平台在微弱信号的探测上更为灵敏。Lyu等[75]提出了一种小样本集的DAS海量数据事件检测算法,就结果来看该方法检测出的地震事件数量明显多于CENC所检测到的地震数量(图14)。同时,该方法为DAS相关的海量数据事件监测提供了新的思路,但检测能力受信噪比限制,检测下限在2 dB左右。


图14   基于小样本集的DAS海量数据事件检测算例[75]

Fig.14   An example of DAS massive data event detection based on small sample set[75]

5.2 城市建设

分布式光纤声波传感系统(DAS)是一种以光纤电缆进行声波信号采集的新兴技术。光纤电缆价格低廉、可代替性高,更加适用于对城市建设过程中可能出现的公路裂隙、隧道坍塌、桥梁坍塌等问题的日常监测。而DAS具有可便捷调节标距的特点,能够通过在目标一侧布设长距离的光纤进行实时监测的同时,避免对关键位置的监测偏差, 大幅提升了工作效率。





6 DAS的发展前景




图15   DAS技术将提供全新物探方法

Fig.15   DAS technology will provide new geophysical methods



图16   人工智能为DAS技术带来的改变

Fig.16   Changes to DAS technology brought about by artificial intelligence



图17   DAS技术在CCUS中的应用

Fig.17   Application of DAS technology in CCUS



图18   DAS技术在环境安全监测领域的应用

Fig.18   Application of DAS technology in the field of environmental safety monitoring

7 结论




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Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) using fiber-optic cables is a recent addition to seismic acquisition methods. However, a DAS “sensor” differs significantly from conventional, discrete sensing devices such as geophones or accelerometers. For one, DAS measures something akin to strain instead of particle velocity or acceleration. Other properties of the DAS system also aren't obvious at first. What is its instrument response, noise performance, and repeatability? How are DAS channels properly positioned, e.g., in case of a borehole deployment: depth calibrated? To better understand these issues and their impact on the DAS seismic method's application space, a field test was conducted in which three DAS vendors recorded the same survey using a borehole-installed fiber while recording simultaneously with a conventional downhole array. The results show that all DAS systems achieved good, repeatable signal integrity while exhibiting different noise characteristics. DAS noise can be addressed with well-established processing algorithms, but further benefits can be gained from DAS-specific algorithms. Where required, DAS seismic data can be processed to closely match the vector response of conventional geophones. DAS data converted in this way can assist in the up/down separation step without the need for dip filters. DAS VSP data can also be merged with conventional 3D and 4D seismic, adding value in situations such as undershooting of surface facilities in marine settings.

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In order to solve fading problem and realize sub-meter spatial resolution in DAS, this paper proposes a novel configuration of time-gated digital optical frequency domain reflectometry (TGD-OFDR) based on optical intensity modulator (IM). IM has a large modulation bandwidth and the positive and negative harmonics can be fully used to suppress fading while the spatial resolution remains unchanged. In experiments, with fading suppressed, the spatial resolution of DAS is 0.8 m and the strain resolution is about 245.6 pε√Hz along the total 9.8-km sensing fiber. The response bandwidth of vibration is 5 kHz, only/limited by the fiber length.

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We report on a high-resolution static strain sensor developed with distributed feedback (DFB) fiber laser. A reference FBG resonator is used for temperature compensation. Locking another independent fiber laser to the resonator using the Pound-Drever-Hall technique results in a strain power spectral density better than S<sub>ε</sub>(f) = (4.6 × 10<sup>-21</sup>) ε<sup>2</sup>/Hz in the frequency range from 1 Hz to 1 kHz, corresponding to a minimum dynamic strain resolution of 67.8 pε/√Hz. This frequency stabilized fiber laser is proposed to interrogate the sensing DFB fiber laser by the beat frequency principle. As a reasonable DFB fiber laser setup is realized, a narrow beat frequency line-width of 3.23 kHz and a high beat frequency stability of 0.036 MHz in 15 minutes are obtained in the laboratory test, corresponding to a minimum static strain resolution of 270 pε. This is the first time that a sub-0.5 nε level for static strain measurement using DFB fiber laser is demonstrated.

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With the developing of optical fiber technology and its popularization in seismic exploration,there are more and more types of fiber optic cable now.From the fiber structure and working principle,this paper made a comprehensive introduction to a variety of optical fiber cable types and patterns adopting for most used seismic instruments,and the matters needing attention in application.

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[J]. 地球物理学报, 2020, 63(2):532-540.

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近年来发展的新型地震观测系统——分布式光纤声波传感器(DAS,Distributed Acoustic Sensing)可以实现低成本高密度观测,有望提高浅层结构成像的精度以及分辨率.最近国内研发了一系列具有自主知识产权的DAS设备,为验证国产设备在浅层结构研究中的可行性以及应用效果,2018年7月我们开展了一次DAS观测实验.实验采集了50 kg落锤震源激发的地震信号,并采用多道面波分析方法提取了8~20 Hz频段的主动源Rayleigh波相速度频散曲线,得到了实验区浅层30 m的S波速度结构.获得的主动源面波频散曲线与共址检波器的结果吻合,也与背景噪声提取的结果具有较好的一致性,表明国产设备的可靠性和DAS在浅层结构主动源面波成像研究中的可行性.

Song Z H, Zeng X F, Xu S H, et al.

Distributed Acoustic Sensing for imaging shallow structureⅠ:Active source survey

[J]. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2020, 63(2):532-540.

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林融冰, 曾祥方, 宋政宏, .


[J]. 地球物理学报, 2020, 63(4):1622-1629.

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随着城市化的发展,城市地球物理日益成为地球物理研究的重要方向,地震成像是构建城市地下空间三维/四维图像的重要手段,但面临观测成本高的困难.近年来国际上新发展的分布式光纤声波传感器作为高密度地震观测系统已经在地震层析成像方面得到了应用,在提高成像分辨率的同时,又降低了观测成本.本研究使用国产分布式光纤声波传感器开展了观测实验,利用480 m埋地光缆记录了13 h背景噪声,计算得到噪声互相关函数,获得了高频Rayleigh面波信号.采用多道面波分析方法提取相速度频散曲线,其结果与传统检波器记录和主动源结果较为一致.采用遗传算法反演得到了研究区内二维S波速度剖面,获得了下方沉积物横向变化特征.通过本次实验,初步验证了国产设备开展地震背景噪声成像研究、构建地下浅层结构模型的可行性.

Lin R B, Zeng X F, Song Z H, et al.

Distributed acoustic sensing for imaging shallow structure Ⅱ:Ambient noise tomography

[J]. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2020, 63(4):1622-1629.

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Shallow structure imaging using higher-mode Rayleigh waves based on F-J transform in DAS observation

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3D VSP has long been viewed as conceptually attractive for illuminating targets under complex overburden, both for exploration purposes and for time-lapse monitoring of reservoirs. However, the widespread use of 3D VSP has been hindered by the cost and risk of deploying geophones in a borehole, and by the limited availability of accessible wells. These hurdles are largely removed when acquiring downhole seismic with a new measurement called distributed acoustic sensing (DAS).

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Research and application of the DAS-VSP acquisition and processing method

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<p>Distributed optical-fiber acoustic sensing (DAS) is a new type of acquisition technology that uses backward Rayleigh scattering to demodulate the phase change of optical signals to characterize seismic signals.DAS is characterized by logging-scale density;as such,a single VSP acquisition can cover the entire distance from the surface wellhead to the end of the deployed fiber in the well.Because of its advantages,DAS has received widespread attention,leading to great improvements in construction efficiency and data consistency.In this work,a case in which DAS was applied for borehole acquisition is presented.The optical signal demodulation and acquisition factors that affect the SNR and resolution of the DAS data are discussed,and a method to calibrate DAS-VSP data without simultaneous geophone acquisition is developed.The SNR of the upward wave and the high frequency part of the full wave field can be improved by subtracting the inverse DAS coupling noises and estimating the time derivative.From the pre-processed high-density DAS-VSP data,the layer velocity and anisotropy parameters are extracted and used for well-controlled pre-stack anisotropic depth migration,which has broadened the frequency band by approximately 20Hz,and resulted in a borehole seismic error of the main target layer of less than 0.15%.These results show that high density DAS has good application prospects in borehole seismic studies.&nbsp;</p>

Guo Y L, Peng S P, Du W F, et al.

Denoising and wavefield separation method for DAS VSP via deep learning

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光纤分布式声波传感(DAS)技术因其耐高温高压和高密度全井段采集等技术优势使得井地联合勘探技术更加高效,在井驱参数提取及井旁成像等方面具有广泛的应用前景,但目前该技术面临记录数据的信噪比偏低、单分量数据波场分离困难、地面激发点稀疏造成照明不均匀和成像质量欠佳等技术难题。为此,系统分析了长庆油田珠60井的套管外DAS-VSP井地联采数据的采集质量及对处理结果的影响、DAS单分量波场特征及反射波分离、井驱参数提取、井地联合多次波分析、3D-VSP成像的技术优势和不足等,形成了高效初至拾取及井驱参数提取、单分量保真波场分离、扩展面元VSP CDP成像等一系列技术成果,提出了下一步的研究重点是将高密度优势转化为高信噪比,进一步提高波场分离保真度,并在处理中尽可能克服激发点稀疏的影响,以实现3D-VSP的精确成像,最终实现井地联合成像,这些结果对于今后的DAS井地联合勘探具有非常积极的指导意义。

Li Y P, Liu X G, Wang D X, et al.

DAS joint VSP and 3D surface seismic:A case study on HX3D in the Changqing oilfield

[J]. Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum, 2022, 61(1):112-121.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1441.2022.01.012      [本文引用: 1]

Optical fiber distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) technology makes downhole-surface joint exploration more efficient because of its high temperature,high pressure resistance,and high-density whole-wellbore acquisition.It has been widely used in well-driven parameter estimation and near-well imaging,but it currently faces technical problems such as low signal-to-noise ratio,difficult wavefield separation due to one-component (1C) data,inhomogeneous illumination,and unsatisfactory imaging caused by sparse shot points.In this study,many issues were investigated,such as the acquisition quality and its influence on the processing of DAS VSP data with cemented fiber,separation of DAS 1C wavefield,well-driven parameter extraction,multiple reflection analysis,and technical advantages and weakness of 3D-VSP imaging.A series of technical achievements were presented,such as efficient first break picking,refined well-driven parameter extraction,high-fidelity 1C wavefield separation,and extended bin VSPCDP imaging.It has been pointed out that the emphases would achieve high S/N data from high-density raw data,further improving the wavefield separation fidelity,and overcoming the effect of shot point sparsity as much as possible in the processing,realizing 3D-VSP precision imaging,and finally achieving joint borehole and surface imaging.This understanding has very positive guidance for DAS joint VSP and surface seismic exploration in the future.

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In the presented work, the potential of fiber-optic distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) for detection of small gas pipeline leaks (&lt;1%) is investigated. Helical wrapping of the sensing fiber directly around the pipeline is used to increase the system sensitivity for detection of weak leak-induced vibrations. DAS measurements are supplemented with reference accelerometer data to facilitate analysis and interpretation of recorded vibration signals. The results reveal that a DAS system using direct fiber application approach is capable of detecting pipeline natural vibrations excited by the broadband noise generated by the leaking medium. In the performed experiment, pipeline vibration modes with acceleration magnitudes down to single μg were detected. Simple leak detection approach based on spectral integration of time-averaged DAS signals in frequency domain was proposed. Potential benefits and limitations of the presented monitoring approach were discussed with respect to its practical applicability. We demonstrated that the approached is potentially capable of detection and localization of gas pipeline leaks with leak rates down to 0.1% of the pipeline flow volume and might be of interest for monitoring of short- and medium-length gas pipelines.

Peng Z Q, Jian J N, Wen H Q, et al.

Distributed fiber sensor and machine learning data analytics for pipeline protection against extrinsic intrusions and intrinsic corrosions

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This paper presents an integrated technical framework to protect pipelines against both malicious intrusions and piping degradation using a distributed fiber sensing technology and artificial intelligence. A distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) system based on phase-sensitive optical time-domain reflectometry (φ-OTDR) was used to detect acoustic wave propagation and scattering along pipeline structures consisting of straight piping and sharp bend elbow. Signal to noise ratio of the DAS system was enhanced by femtosecond induced artificial Rayleigh scattering centers. Data harnessed by the DAS system were analyzed by neural network-based machine learning algorithms. The system identified with over 85% accuracy in various external impact events, and over 94% accuracy for defect identification through supervised learning and 71% accuracy through unsupervised learning.

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Lateral positioning of vibration source for underground pipeline monitoring based on ultra-weak fiber Bragg grating sensing array

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随着常规和易采油气资源日渐减少,勘探开发复杂地质油气资源,对降低我国油气对外依存度,保障国家能源安全发挥着越来越重要的作用。复杂地质油气藏具有储层更薄、更深,非均质性更强等特性,现有地震波检测技术难以实现有效勘探。设计了一种用于油气地震波勘探开发的分布式光纤声波监测系统,使用光缆作为传感器来检测声音信号,采用基于背向瑞利散射的相位调制解调技术,实现了10 m的空间分辨率、-145.35 dB的声压灵敏度的测试,并进行了地震弹炮实地勘探,完成了地震波信号采集处理,获得了清晰的地层反演信息。

Wang C, Shang Y, Wang C, et al.

Distributed optical fiber acoustic seismic wave exploration technology

[J]. Shandong Science, 2021, 34(4):1-8.

[本文引用: 1]

Wamriew D, Pevzner R, Maltsev E, et al.

Deep neural networks for detection and location of microseismic events and velocity model inversion from microseismic data acquired by distributed acoustic sensing array

[J]. Sensors, 2021, 21(19):6627.

DOI:10.3390/s21196627      URL     [本文引用: 3]

Fiber-optic cables have recently gained popularity for use as Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) arrays for borehole microseismic monitoring due to their physical robustness as well as high spatial and temporal resolutions. As a result, the sensors record large amounts of data, making it very difficult to process in real-/semi-real-time using the conventional processing routines. We present a novel approach, based on deep learning, for handling the large amounts of DAS data in real-/semi-real-time. The proposed neural network was trained on synthetic microseismic data contaminated with real-ambient noise from field data and was validated using field DAS microseismic data obtained from a hydraulic fracturing operation. The results indicate that the trained network is capable of detecting and locating microseismic events from DAS data and simultaneously update the velocity model to a high degree of precision. The mean absolute errors in the event locations and the velocity model parameters are 2.04, 0.72, 2.76, 4.19 and 0.97 percent for distance (x), depth (z), P-wave velocity, S-wave velocity and density, respectively. In addition to automation and computational efficiency, deep learning reduces human expert data handling during processing, thus preserving data integrity leading to more accurate and reproducible results.

刘辉, 李静, 迟本鑫.


[J]. 地球物理学报, 2022, 65(9):3584-3598.

[本文引用: 1]

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Study of distributed acoustic sensing data waveform inversion based on strain rate

[J]. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2022, 65(9):3584-3598.

[本文引用: 1]

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Study on the application of marine geophysical comprehensive detection method in submarine pipeline detection

[J]. Electric Power Survey & Design, 2020(S1):200-204.

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刘保华, 丁继胜, 裴彦良, .


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陈同彦, 蒋习民.


[J]. 中国石油大学胜利学院学报, 2020, 34(4):27-31.

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Chen T Y, Jiang X M.

Research on installation technology of distributed fiber optic sensor in submarine pipeline

[J]. Journal of Shengli College China University of Petroleum, 2020, 34(4):27-31.

[本文引用: 1]

Matsumoto H, Araki E, Kimura T, et al.

Detection of hydroacoustic signals on a fiber-optic submarine cable

[J]. Scientific Reports, 2021, 11:2797.

DOI:10.1038/s41598-021-82093-8      PMID:33531541      [本文引用: 3]

A ship-based seismic survey was conducted close to a fiber-optic submarine cable, and 50 km-long distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) recordings with air-gun shots were obtained for the first time. We examine the acquired DAS dataset together with the co-located hydrophones to investigate the detection capability of underwater acoustic (hydroacoustic) signals. Here, we show the hydroacoustic signals identified by the DAS measurement characterizing in frequency-time space. The DAS measurement can be sensitive for hydroacoustic signals in a frequency range from [Formula: see text] to a few tens of Hz which is similar to the hydrophones. The observed phases of hydroacoustic signals are coherent within a few kilometers along the submarine cable, suggesting the DAS is suitable for applying correlation analysis using hydroacoustic signals. Although our study suggests that virtual sensor's self-noise of the present DAS measurement is relatively high compared to the conventional in-situ hydroacoustic sensors above a few Hz, the DAS identifies the ocean microseismic background noise along the entire submarine cable except for some cable sections de-coupled from the seafloor.

黄毓华, 李辰, 孙廷玺.


[J]. 中国新技术新产品, 2021(14):8-11.

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Huang Y H, Li C, Sun T X.

Research on monitoring technology of submarine cable operation state

[J]. New Technology & New Products of China, 2021(14):8-11.

[本文引用: 1]

宛立君, 吴梦实, 严爱博.


[J]. 声学与电子工程, 2021(2):11-14.

[本文引用: 1]

Wan L J, Wu M S, Yan A B.

Marine environmental noise monitoring technology based on distributed optical fiber acoustic sensing

[J]. Acoustics and Electronics Engineering, 2021(2):11-14.

[本文引用: 1]

吴文婧, 冯新.


[J]. 应用科学学报, 2022, 40(5):779-789.

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Recognition method of lateral buckling of submarine pipeline based on distributed optical fiber sensing

[J]. Journal of Applied Sciences, 2022, 40(5):779-789.

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Earthquake emergency response framework on campus based on multi-source data monitoring

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A study of the geophysical response of distributed fibre optic acoustic sensors through laboratory-scale experiments

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Seismic observation and subsurface imaging using an urban telecommunication optic-fiber cable

[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2021, 66(20):2590-2595.

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Hudson T S, Baird A F, Kendall J M, et al.

Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) for natural microseismicity studies:A case study from Antarctica

[J]. Journal of Geophysical Research:Solid Earth, 2021, 126(7):1-14.

[本文引用: 1]

Nayak A, Ajo-Franklin J.

Distributed acoustic sensing using dark fiber for array detection of regional earthquakes

[J]. Seismological Research Letters, 2021, 92(4):2441-2452.

DOI:10.1785/0220200416      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The intrinsic array nature of distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) makes it suitable for applying beamforming techniques commonly used in traditional seismometer arrays for enhancing weak and coherent seismic phases from distant seismic events. We test the capacity of a dark-fiber DAS array in the Sacramento basin, northern California, to detect small earthquakes at The Geysers geothermal field, at a distance of ∼100  km from the DAS array, using beamforming. We use a slowness range appropriate for ∼0.5–1.0  Hz surface waves that are well recorded by the DAS array. To take advantage of the large aperture, we divide the ∼20  km DAS cable into eight subarrays of aperture ∼1.5–2.0  km each, and apply beamforming independently to each subarray using phase-weighted stacking. The presence of subarrays of different orientations provides some sensitivity to back azimuth. We apply a short-term average/long-term average detector to the beam at each subarray. Simultaneous detections over multiple subarrays, evaluated using a voting scheme, are inferred to be caused by the same earthquake, whereas false detections caused by anthropogenic noise are expected to be localized to one or two subarrays. Analyzing 45 days of continuous DAS data, we were able to detect all earthquakes with M≥2.4, while missing most of the smaller magnitude earthquakes, with no false detections due to seismic noise. In comparison, a single broadband seismometer co-located with the DAS array was unable to detect any earthquake of M&amp;lt;2.4, many of which were detected successfully by the DAS array. The seismometer also experienced a large number of false detections caused by spatially localized noise. We demonstrate that DAS has significant potential for local and regional detection of small seismic events using beamforming. The ubiquitous presence of dark fiber provides opportunities to extend remote earthquake monitoring to sparsely instrumented and urban areas.

余双勇. 基于DAS分布式光纤声学传感地震检波器设计[D]. 长春: 长春理工大学, 2022.

[本文引用: 1]

Yu S Y. Design of distributed optical fiber acoustic sensor geophone based on DAS[D]. Changchun: Changchun University of Science and Technology, 2022.

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Lyu H, Zeng X F, Bao F, et al.

ADE-net:A deep neural network for DAS earthquake detection trained with a limited number of positive samples

[J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2022, 60:3143120.

[本文引用: 3]

Kowarik S, Hussels M T, Chruscicki S, et al.

Fiber optic train monitoring with distributed acoustic sensing:Conventional and neural network data analysis

[J]. Sensors, 2020, 20(2):450.

DOI:10.3390/s20020450      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) over tens of kilometers of fiber optic cables is well-suited for monitoring extended railway infrastructures. As DAS produces large, noisy datasets, it is important to optimize algorithms for precise tracking of train position, speed, and the number of train cars. The purpose of this study is to compare different data analysis strategies and the resulting parameter uncertainties. We present data of an ICE 4 train of the Deutsche Bahn AG, which was recorded with a commercial DAS system. We localize the train signal in the data either along the temporal or spatial direction, and a similar velocity standard deviation of less than 5 km/h for a train moving at 160 km/h is found for both analysis methods. The data can be further enhanced by peak finding as well as faster and more flexible neural network algorithms. Then, individual noise peaks due to bogie clusters become visible and individual train cars can be counted. From the time between bogie signals, the velocity can also be determined with a lower standard deviation of 0.8 km/h. The analysis methods presented here will help to establish routines for near real-time train tracking and train integrity analysis.

Wiesmeyr C, Litzenberger M, Waser M, et al.

Real-time train tracking from distributed acoustic sensing data

[J]. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10(2):448.

DOI:10.3390/app10020448      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In the context of railway safety, it is crucial to know the positions of all trains moving along the infrastructure. In this contribution, we present an algorithm that extracts the positions of moving trains for a given point in time from Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) signals. These signals are obtained by injecting light pulses into an optical fiber close to the railway tracks and measuring the Rayleigh backscatter. We show that the vibrations of moving objects can be identified and tracked in real-time yielding train positions every second. To speed up the algorithm, we describe how the calculations can partly be based on graphical processing units. The tracking quality is assessed by counting the inaccurate and lost train tracks for two different types of cable installations.

Wang S L, Liu F, Liu B.

Research on application of deep convolutional network in high-speed railway track inspection based on distributed fiber acoustic sensing

[J]. Optics Communications, 2021, 492:126981.

DOI:10.1016/j.optcom.2021.126981      URL     [本文引用: 1]



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Distributed fiber optic sensors for comprehensive monitoring of railway infrastructure

[J]. China Municipal Engineering, 2022(1):81-84,88,127.

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曹卫平, 黄旭日, 姚海, .


[J]. 地球物理学报, 2021, 64(7):2530-2539.

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分布式光纤声波传感系统(DAS)是近年来迅速发展的高密度、低成本的地震观测设备,已经在基于面波的速度层析反演、反射成像、微地震监测等多个领域显示巨大潜力.本文基于美国加利福尼亚州Garner Valley实验中DAS记录的交通噪声数据,分析交通噪声数据特点,并利用地震干涉方法从交通噪声记录提取出近地表传播的面波信息.结果显示,利用记录时长6 s的DAS记录的车辆噪声数据,可以提取与主动源数据信号信噪比略高、特征一致的面波记录.同时,分析比较了互相关干涉、反褶积干涉和互相干干涉三种方法.结果显示三种方法均能从Garner Valley实验中DAS系统记录的公路噪声中有效提取面波信息,其中的互相干干涉和互相关干涉结果具有较高的高信噪比,互相干干涉和反褶积干涉结果有更优的频带宽度.

Cao W P, Huang X R, Yao H, et al.

Seismic interferometry for traffic noise recorded by a distributed acoustic sensing system

[J]. Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2021, 64(7):2530-2539.

[本文引用: 1]

胡蝶. 基于光纤分布式声波传感的隧道加固钢环失效监测技术研究[D]. 武汉: 华中科技大学, 2021.

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Vibration monitoring of asphalt runway using distributed optical fiber sensor

[J]. Journal of Civil Aviation, 2022, 6(6):38-43.

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纪然然, 宛立君, 吴梦实.


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Application of distributed optical fiber acoustic wave sensing technology in PCCP pipeline monitoring

[J]. Acoustics and Electronics Engineering, 2021(2):15-17,20.

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Research on bridge monitoring technology based on new distributed sensor

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苟量, 张少华, 余刚, .


[J]. 石油物探, 2022, 61(1):15-31.

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Gou L, Zhang S H, Yu G, et al.

Optical fiber geophysics:Development status and future prospects

[J]. Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum, 2022, 61(1):15-31.

DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1000-1441.2022.01.002      [本文引用: 1]

In recent years,optical fiber sensing systems have been applied to the acquisition of land 3C seismic,marine 4C seismic,borehole seismic,and borehole-surface joint seismic data,which has promoted the application of optical fiber sensing techniques in geophysics,especially in the field of seismic data acquisition.This paper briefly introduces optical fiber seismic data acquisition systems applied in land,marine,and boreholes around the world,and focuses on the application of the distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) technique in the acquisition,processing,and comprehensive interpretation of borehole seismic data and borehole-surface jointly acquired seismic data.Optical fiber sensing is a novel and revolutionary technique.Because of their small size,non-electrical nature,distribution,high density,multi-parameter nature,high-temperature and high-pressure resistance,full cable sensing capability,and low cost,optical fibers will bring a revolution in borehole,marine,and terrestrial geophysical data acquisition.The downhole distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) technique has been widely used in VSP data acquisition,hydraulic fracturing microseismic monitoring,and precision engineering monitoring.It can thus achieve the entire life cycle monitoring,management,and use of oil and gas wells.The large-scale application of distributed optical fiber sensing techniques in the exploration and development of oil and gas resources has extended from well to land and marine environments,from downhole 1C measurements to downhole and terrestrial 3C measurements,and from single well single parameter measurements to multi-well multi-parameter simultaneous measurements.The capability of the demodulation instrument also has been enhanced,from a single channel and single parameter system to multi-channel and multi-parameter composite demodulation systems.The application of optical fiber sensing techniques has extended from the field of seismic exploration to oil and gas reservoir development and production.The static characterization and dynamic permanent monitoring of subsurface structures based on optical fiber application gradually form the basis of optical fiber reservoir geophysical technology.In the future,the distributed three-component optical fiber acoustic sensing technology will be used to replace the conventional three-component geophone to collect high-density full-wave field three-component seismic data in the well,land (desert),and sea,which can realize high-efficiency,low-cost,and high-density three-component seismic data acquisition on land,sea,and underground.In addition,a multi-component,multi parameter and multi-channel composite modulation and demodulation instrument integrating distributed optical fiber acoustic wave,temperature,and strain sensing needs to be developed.Future directions of research include the development and mass production of special optical fibers with high temperature resistance,high Rayleigh scattering coefficient,hydrogen loss resistance and bending insensitiveness;the development of a three component distributed optical fiber acoustic wave (seismic wave) sensing data acquisition system;the development of a high-density distributed three component optical fiber seismic data processing software;research on a joint migration imaging method of well ground three component combined mining seismic data;research and development of a positioning and orientation technology,as well as development of an armored optical cable outside the casing and a supporting directional perforation optical cable anti shooting technology.In addition,with vigorous promotion and application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of optical fiber sensing,all the developments will promote the implementation of the optical fiber geophysical technology,which will achieve the optical fiber-based intelligent reservoir sensing,description,simulation and monitoring of the whole oil and gas field reservoir.Finally,these developments will lead to an intelligent optimization of development schemes and production systems,and will play an important technical support role in the construction of smart oil and gas fields in the future.



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