Distribution of microorganisms in the typical geothermal field environment and its significance for geothermal exploration
通讯作者: 许科伟(1982-),男,博士研究生,高级工程师,主要从事油气微生物勘探开发应用研究工作。Email:xukw.syky@sinopec.com
责任编辑: 蒋实
收稿日期: 2022-03-30 修回日期: 2023-01-30
基金资助: |
Received: 2022-03-30 Revised: 2023-01-30
作者简介 About authors
As a kind of clean energy, geothermal energy has attracted the attention of scholars all over the world in recent years. Previous geochemical exploration methods for geothermal resources are limited to the analysis of individual geochemical indices. Moreover, previous studies of microorganisms in geothermal fields mostly focus on hot spring outcrops, lacking ecological studies of geothermal resources in complex terrains. This study investigated the soil geochemistry and microbial diversity of the Bantang Hot Spring geothermal field in Chaohu, Anhui Province. Geochemical indices such as head-space gas, soil gas, acid-hydrolyzed hydrocarbons, and altered carbonate were detected in this study. Combined with the microbial high-throughput sequencing technology, this study analyzed the composition and spatial-temporal distribution of the microbial population above the geothermal fields in uplifted mountains and the relationship between these bioinformatics characteristics and the geochemical indices. The results indicate that the acid-hydrolyzed hydrocarbons on the surface of the geothermal field showed a maximum methane concentration of 43.7 μL/kg in the area between faults F2 and F3, adequately reflecting the fault location of the geothermal field.Bacillaceae, Hydrogenophilaceae, and Thermodesulfovibrionaceae in the geothermal field and the background area showed large relative abundance differences, which were 0.178%, 0.108%, and 0.060%, respectively. This result indicates that they are sensitive to geothermal resources and correspond well to geochemical indices above the known geothermal field. This study preliminarily investigated the diversity of geothermal microorganisms in the geothermal field and analyzed the corresponding relationships between microbial distribution characteristics and geochemical indexes, providing technical support for the microbiological exploration of geothermal resources.
郑旭莹, 许科伟, 顾磊, 王国建, 李广之, 郭嘉琪, 邹雨, 腾格尔.
ZHENG Xu-Ying, XU Ke-Wei, GU Lei, WANG Guo-Jian, LI Guang-Zhi, GUO Jia-Qi, ZOU Yu, BORJIGIN Tenger.
0 引言
1 工区地质概况
半汤温泉与昭关温泉都位于滁河断裂带,滁河断裂发育在扬子板块内部,郯庐大断裂东侧,在空间上属郯庐大断裂的重要组成部分[26]。滁河断裂总体走向NE50°~60°,断裂主体部分在安徽境内,长约170 km,宽约5 km,自北东向南西经江苏省浦口镇、亭子山,安徽省和县香泉、石杨及含山县昭关、清溪北、巢湖市半汤, 过巢湖南延至庐江县郯庐断裂带消失[27]。半汤温泉与昭关温泉处在滁河断裂带南端,构造上处于下扬子台坳的北部,位于汤山背斜轴部断裂构造发育带,分布在丘陵与冲积平原的交接地带,有30多处泉点分布在受滁河断裂控制的伴生断层上[28]。昭关温泉受NE向滁河断裂带的控制,出露于该断裂东南一侧的寒武系观音台组白云岩及白云质灰岩NW向次级断裂构造破碎带中,成群出露[29]。半汤地热田位于汤山背斜南西倾伏端,背斜核部由震旦系、寒武系、奥陶系碳酸盐岩类地层组成,南、东、西(背斜两翼)三面则分布着志留系砂质页岩、泥岩等极弱含水层,自然形成一个封闭式储水构造。昭关地热田出露地层岩性为震旦系、寒武系碳酸盐岩,志留系、白垩系砂岩、泥岩以及第四系黏土[30]。
2 数据采集及实验方法
2.1 样品采集
将半汤温泉作为试验区部署一条穿过地热田的地表地球化学剖面(A—A’,图1)。剖面线全长5.2 km,设置采样点间距200 m,共计23个采样点,在本文中分别用1~23表示,其中地热区样品为11、12、13、14、15、16,共计6个,背景区样品为1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、17、18、19、20、21、22、23,共计17个。用麻花钻将60 cm深度的土样采集后快速装入已灭菌的密封袋中,低温运输至实验室,-20 ℃保存,以待后续测试研究。此外,为了分析不同来源的地热田微生物群落结构特征差异,Beta多样性分析中加入了与实验室前期采集的含山地区的昭关温泉6个样品的对比,其中Z4、Z5、Z6为地热田上方样品,Z1、Z2、Z3为背景区样品。
Geological and geochemical exploration profile of Bantang geothermal field
2.2 样品DNA提取
每个样品称取1 g土壤,用Fast DNA SPIN (MP Biomedicals,Santa Ana,CA)土壤试剂盒提取土壤总DNA,具体操作步骤参考试剂盒说明书。通过微量紫外分光光度计(Nano Drop ND-1000UV)测定DNA浓度和纯度(OD260/OD280和OD260/OD230)。此外,用1.2%的琼脂糖凝胶电泳分离5 μL的DNA用以检测其完整性。
2.3 实验方法
2.3.1 高通量测序
利用通用引物,对提取到的DNA进行扩增细菌16S rRNA基因的V4-V5区基因片段,通用引物分别为515F(5’-GTGCCAGCMGCCGCGG-3’)和907R(5’-CCGTCAATTCMTTTRAGTTT-3’)[31]。为区别不同的样品,用含有特异碱基的序列来标定用于焦磷酸测序的通用引物。PCR反应体系为50 μL,扩增条件为:94 ℃变性5 min;94 ℃变性45 s,55 ℃退火45 s,72 ℃延伸1 min,共进行30个循环;72 ℃延伸10 min。获得不同样品的扩增产物后,等摩尔混合到一个试管中,通过凝胶回收的方法,纯化PCR产物,并且测定其纯度。高通量测序是运用双末端测序(Paired-End sequencing)的方法实现,由上海昂朴生物科技有限公司在Illumina HiSeq测序平台完成。
将得到的测序结果进行信息学解析,对微生物物种的OTU(Operational Taxonomic Units)进行聚类分析和Beta Diversity分析(Beta多样性),其中包括半汤温泉的16个样品和昭关温泉的6个样品。对不同样品的OTU聚类和注释结果进行综合统计,生成微生物在门水平上和纲水平上的群落结构分布图,这种对每个样品注释到各分类水平上的序列数进行统计的方法,能够更加快捷、全面地了解每个样品的OTU聚类情况和注释情况,并且通过Beta多样性分析,得到半汤温泉和昭关温泉区域样品中独有的种属和共有的种属,生成多元统计分析图,结合微生物群落结构热图,解析半汤温泉及周边环境微生物群落结构特征 [32]。此外,通过统计微生物相对丰度,生成主要类群微生物相对丰度分布图。
2.3.2 酸解烃检测
称取样品50 g至于磨口烧瓶中,进行脱气,抽真空至接近-0.1 MPa,停止抽真空后15 min真空度降低不得超过0.01 MPa。加入50 mL氢氧化钾溶液,置于40 ℃水浴锅中,缓慢滴加盐酸溶液,至不再产生气泡时,停止加酸平衡20 min。使用玻璃注射器抽取脱出气体,以排水集气法注入盛过饱和氯化钠溶液的密封瓶内进行气相色谱分析检测[33]。检测工作由无锡石油地质研究所实验测试中心完成,所用仪器为GC-2010气相色谱仪(日本岛津公司生产,配AOC5000 自动进样器、FID检测器)。
2.3.3 顶空气检测
土壤样品取样时迅速装入300 mL预先加入100 mL过饱和氯化钠溶液的密封瓶中,剩余50 mL空间,立即密封,倒置到达气液固相平衡。震荡30 min,用注射器向密封瓶注入适量过饱和氯化钠溶液,使瓶内为正压。使用玻璃注射器抽取脱出气体,以排水集气法注入盛过饱和氯化钠溶液的密封瓶内进行气相色谱分析检测[34]。检测工作由无锡石油地质研究所实验测试中心完成,所用仪器为安捷伦7890A气相色谱仪和7697顶空自动进样仪(色谱柱PLOT-Q:30 m×0.53 mm×40 μm)。
2.3.4 土壤蚀变碳酸盐检测
称取2 g样品放入500 ℃的氧化炉中,恒温通氧氧化1 h。冷却后将样品放入600 ℃恒温密封分解炉中1 h,分解出的气体接气相色谱进行测定[35]。检测工作由无锡石油地质研究所实验测试中心完成,采用HP5890Ⅱ型色谱仪,由外标法进行定量,使用Wasson KC5色谱柱 (50 m×0.53 mm内径×10 μm),用氦气(纯度为99.999%) 作载气。
2.3.5 微量元素检测
称取50 mg样品置于恒温250 ℃的热释炉中热释6 min,30 s取出捕获器放入热释炉中进行捕获,按照标准曲线测定吸光值[36]。检测工作由无锡石油地质研究所实验测试中心完成,所用仪器为意大利MilestoneDMA-80测汞仪。
2.3.6 土壤气检测
将取样器插入土壤中,通过大气采样器抽取土壤中的气体,接入测氡仪后启动仪器,静置15 min后即可读取观测值;用捕汞管富集形成汞齐,将捕汞管接入测汞仪进行进样分析。检测工作由无锡石油地质研究所实验测试中心完成,所用仪器为意大利MilestoneDMA-80测汞仪以及FD216型测氡仪。
3 实验结果与综合研究
3.1 常规地球化学特征
Abnormal characteristics of geochemical indices over A-A’profile in Bantang hot spring
剖面中酸解烃甲烷平均值为7.74 μL/kg,最大值为43.7μL/kg,最大值分布于地热田F3 、F2断层与断层F5交汇部位上。半汤地热田含水岩组岩性主要为粉砂岩、灰岩、白云质灰岩、白云岩等碳酸盐类,水质类型为HCO3-Ca·Mg型、SO4-Ca型,反映存在水—岩相互作用,矿化度达1 948.1 mg/L。当地热田热水通过断层与微裂隙上渗运移到近地表时,因温度的变化部分溶解在热水中的碳酸盐类将沉淀在地表土壤中,泉华的形成就是泉水中大量的矿物质在流出地表时由于温度压力的变化而沉淀出来。地热田研究表明,甲烷也是常见的地热田伴生气体之一,地热田中甲烷通过垂向微渗漏至地表,被地表土壤碳酸盐矿物吸附形成化学吸附态烃类,通过酸解破坏碳酸盐矿物晶格释放出化学吸附的甲烷,可以指示地下热储[37]。
顶空氢气在剖面上多数样点未检出,无法反映剖面上地热地球化学特征。顶空氦气平均浓度为5.43×10-6,接近于大气平均值5.24×10-6。顶空轻烃样品经检测,烃类以甲烷为主,含量占99%以上,超过3/4的样品未检出乙烷及重烃成分,检测样品甲烷平均浓度为24.53 μL/L,最高浓度为196 μL/L,最高浓度点分布于F2、F3断层之间,且在半汤温泉地热田东部也检测到顶空甲烷异常点,甲烷浓度达到57.5 μL /L,可能为F1断层的显示。在半汤温泉地热田F3断层西部有2个化探采样点出现异常,顶空甲烷浓度分别为39.1 μL/L和48.8 μL/L。从半汤温泉地热田顶空甲烷剖面可以看出,顶空甲烷较好地反映了热水最有利部位及断裂的位置。
3.2 微生物地球化学特征
3.2.1 半汤地热区微生物群落结构
对高通量测序结果的系统发育学分析,所有样品6 507个细菌OTU共划分为22个门(图3),其中优势细菌包括酸杆菌(Acidobacteria)、放线菌(Actinobacteria)、绿弯菌(Chloroflexi)和厚壁菌(Firmicutes)。与同类研究进行比较,董海良等[38]通过高通量测序结合环境条件来综合评价西藏和腾冲中低温温泉微生物群落地理分布特征及控制因素,结果显示中温温泉中适合产水菌门(Aquificae)和泉古菌门(Crenarchaeota),然而低温温泉(22~60 ℃)更适合异常球菌—栖热菌门(Deinococcus-Thermus)、蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)和绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi);极端嗜热微生物热脱硫杆菌门(Thermodesulfobacteria)与温度呈正相关,其他几种耐热微生物如异常球菌—栖热菌门(Deinococcus-Thermus)、蓝细菌门(Cyanobacteria)和绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)与温度均为负相关关系。Guo等[39]研究了青藏高原东部地热带3个典型热场低温—高温温泉的水化学特征和微生物群落组成,结果显示中高温(55~70 ℃)温泉的优势菌为产水菌门(Aquificae)和泉古菌门(Crenarchaeota)。由此可见,前人研究的出露温泉的微生物与本研究地热田上方的微生物还是呈现一定程度的差异,而地热田区域与周边背景区样品微生物物种在门水平上未呈现显著性差异。
Microbial community map of different sources (Phylum level)
Microbial community map of different sources (Class level)
3.2.2 不同来源地热区微生物群落发育多样性解析
Beta diversity analysis of microbial community of soil samples from different sources
表1 半汤地热田微生物相对丰度排列
Table 1
排名 | 菌种名称 | 地热田上方 丰度均值/% | 背景区丰 度均值/% | 差值/% |
1 | 芽孢杆菌科(Bacillaceae) | 0.210353789 | 0.032049 | 0.178305 |
2 | 嗜氢菌科(Hydrogenophilaceae) | 0.110271807 | 0.002218 | 0.108054 |
3 | 热脱硫弧菌科(Thermodesulfovibrionaceae) | 0.060291076 | 0.002938 | 0.057353 |
4 | 消化链球菌科(Peptostreptococcaceae) | 0.041819903 | 0.000529 | 0.041291 |
5 | 梭菌科(Clostridiaceae) | 0.042082563 | 0.002736 | 0.039347 |
6 | 动球菌科(Planococcaceae) | 0.02255116 | 0.001332 | 0.021219 |
7 | 地杆菌科(Geobacteraceae) | 0.01878669 | 0.005147 | 0.01364 |
8 | 类芽孢杆菌科(Paenibacillaceae) | 0.027219813 | 0.017902 | 0.009318 |
9 | 黄单胞菌科(Xanthomonadaceae) | 0.015909608 | 0.007594 | 0.008316 |
10 | 脱硫叶菌科(Desulfobulbaceae) | 0.005723484 | 0.001101 | 0.004622 |
Distribution of relative abundances of microorganisms in geothermal indication of Bantang geothermal field
4 结论
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The particulate methane monooxygenase gene pmoA and its use as a functional gene probe for methanotrophs
[J]. ,The particulate methane monooxygenase gene pmoA, encoding the 27 kDa polypeptide of the membrane-bound particulate methane monooxygenase, was amplified by PCR from DNA isolated from a blanket peat bog and from enrichment cultures established, from the same environment, using methane as sole carbon and energy source. The resulting 525 bp PCR products were cloned and a representative number of clones were sequenced. Phylogenetic analysis of the derived amino acid sequences of the pmoA clones retrieved directly from environmental DNA samples revealed that they form a distinct cluster within representative PmoA sequences from type II methanotrophs and may originate from a novel group of acidophilic methanotrophs. The study also demonstrated the utility of the pmoA gene as a phylogenetic marker for identifying methanotroph-specific DNA sequences in the environment.
Application of geo-microbial prospecting method for finding oil and gas reservoirs
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Identification of microseepage from macroseepage and exploration practice in Changling-Longwanggou area of Zhenba block
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Syntrophic interactions within a butane-oxidizing bacterial consortium isolated from Puguang gas field in China
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Application of microbial geochemical exploration technologies in the Junggar Basin
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Microbiota and their affiliation with physiochemical characteristics of different subsurface petroleum reservoirs
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Microbial characteristics of low-amplitude structures and prediction of favorable target areas in Xinhe area,Tarim Basin
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Practical innovations for high-throughput amplicon sequencing
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We describe improvements for sequencing 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) amplicons, a cornerstone technique in metagenomics. Through unique tagging of template molecules before PCR, amplicon sequences can be mapped to their original templates to correct amplification bias and sequencing error with software we provide. PCR clamps block amplification of contaminating sequences from a eukaryotic host, thereby substantially enriching microbial sequences without introducing bias.
The microbial activity in development of hydrocarbon microseepage:An indicator for oil and gas exploration
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Molecular biological technologies applied in geo-microbiology of terrestrial geothermal environments
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Molecular technologies for assessment of bioremediation and characterization of microbial communities at pollutant-contaminated sites[G]//Bioremediation of Industrial Waste for Environmental Safety
De novo semi-alignment of 16S rRNA gene sequences for deep phylogenetic characterization of next generation sequencing data
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We addressed the challenges of analyzing next-generation 16S rRNA gene deep sequencing data from the uncharacterized microbial majority. This was performed using a novel de novo semi-alignment approach. The semi-alignments were based on Orthologous Tri-Nucleotides (OTNs), which are identical trinucleotides located in the same sequence region. OTNs in high error homopolymeric tracts were excluded to avoid overestimation of genetic distances. Phylogenetic information was derived assuming an exponential decay in shared OTNs between pairs of bacteria. OTN relatedness was also explored through principal component analysis (PCA). In evaluating the OTN approach we reanalyzed a dataset consisting of triplicate GS FLX titanium pyrosequencing runs for each of two experimental soil samples, in addition to analyses of the Greengenes core dataset. The conclusion from these comparisons was that the OTN approach was superior to traditional alignments both with respect to speed and accuracy. We therefore believe that our OTN-based semi-alignment approach will be a valuable contribution to future exploration of deep sequencing data.
Methanotrophic community detected by DNA-SIP at Bertioga's mangrove area,Southeast Brazil
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Methanotrophic bacteria can use methane as sole carbon and energy source. Its importance in the environment is related to the mitigation of methane emissions from soil and water to the atmosphere. Brazilian mangroves are highly productive, have potential to methane production, and it is inferred that methanotrophic community is of great importance for this ecosystem. The scope of this study was to investigate the functional and taxonomic diversity of methanotrophic bacteria present in the anthropogenic impacted sediments from Bertioga´s mangrove (SP, Brazil). Sediment sample was cultivated with methane and the microbiota actively involved in methane oxidation was identified by DNA-based stable isotope probing (DNA-SIP) using methane as a labeled substrate. After 4 days (96 h) of incubation and consumption of 0.7 mmol of methane, the most active microorganisms were related to methanotrophs Methylomonas and Methylobacter as well as to methylotrophic Methylotenera, indicating a possible association of these bacterial groups within a methane-derived food chain in the Bertioga mangrove. The abundance of genera Methylomonas, able to couple methane oxidation to nitrate reduction, may indicate that under low dissolved oxygen tensions, some aerobic methanotrophs could shift to intraerobic methane oxidation to avoid oxygen starvation.
Development of a prmA genes quantification technique and assessment of the technique's application potential for oil and gas reservoir exploration
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Determination of 11 major and minor elements in geothermal water of the riduo hotsprings from tibet by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry
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Determination of trace elements in thermomineral waters of a high altitude area by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry
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Breeding of alkaline protease producing strain from geothermal field and properties of the enzyme
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Multitrophic interactions in a geothermal setting:Arthropod borings,actinomycetes,fungi and fungal-like microorganisms in a decomposing conifer wood from the Jurassic of Patagonia
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[J]. ,DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137574 URL [本文引用: 1]
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