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物探与化探, 2023, 47(4): 1010-1017 doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2023.1424



杨天春,1, 胡峰铭1, 于熙1, 付国红1, 李俊2, 杨追3

1.湖南科技大学 地球科学与空间信息工程学院,湖南 湘潭 411201

2.湖南省核地质调查所,湖南 长沙 410007

3.湖南普奇地质勘探设备研究院,湖南 长沙 410000

Analysis and application of the responses of the frequency selection method of telluric electricity field

YANG Tian-Chun,1, HU Feng-Ming1, YU Xi1, FU Guo-Hong1, LI Jun2, YANG Zhui3

1. School of Earth Sciences and Spatial Information Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan 411201, China

2. Nuclear Geological Survey of Hunan, Changsha 410007, China

3. Hunan Puqi Geologic Exploration Equipment Institute, Changsha 410000, China

第一作者: 杨天春(1968-),男,教授,博士,主要从事物探方面的教学与科研工作。Email: ytc6803@163.com

责任编辑: 沈效群

收稿日期: 2022-08-29   修回日期: 2023-02-27  

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目(42074219)

Received: 2022-08-29   Revised: 2023-02-27  



关键词: 地球物理勘探; 静态效应法; 可控源音频大地电磁测深; 有限单元法; 天然电场选频法; 地下水


As an inevitable physical phenomenon in the application of frequency-domain electromagnetics, the static shift effect is generally suppressed or eliminated by correction. This study proposed a new approach of directly utilizing the static shift effect of natural electromagnetic methods to explore shallow electrical anomalies. The frequency selection method of telluric electricity field (FSM) is to study the variations in electrical properties of subsurface media by measuring several horizontal electric field components with different frequencies generated on the surface by the natural alternating electromagnetic field. In this study, the forward modeling of FSM data was conducted using the two-dimensional finite element method. The modeling results are shown as follows: (1) In the case of low-resistivity anomalies near the surface, the curves of horizontal electric field components along the survey line on the surface showed the same morphologies as the FSM-derived curves, with significant low-potential anomalies above the low-resistivity anomalies; (2) As the calculated frequencies increased, both the profile curves and the pseudosection map of electric field components exhibited a static shift effect, indicating that the FSM-derived anomalies were mainly caused by the static shift effect. Both the FSM application results and the drilling verification results showed that with the presence of groundwater, the FSM-derived profile curves and pseudosection map exhibited a significant static shift effect, which was consistent with the CSAMT exploration results. As indicated by theoretical and practical research, it is feasible to directly use the components of the telluric electricity field for the exploration of shallow electrical anomalies. Moreover, shallow geological exploration can be conducted by utilizing the static shift effect of the frequency domain electromagnetics.

Keywords: geophysical exploration; static shift effect; CSAMT; finite element method; FSM; groundwater

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杨天春, 胡峰铭, 于熙, 付国红, 李俊, 杨追. 天然电场选频法的响应特性分析与应用[J]. 物探与化探, 2023, 47(4): 1010-1017 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2023.1424

YANG Tian-Chun, HU Feng-Ming, YU Xi, FU Guo-Hong, LI Jun, YANG Zhui. Analysis and application of the responses of the frequency selection method of telluric electricity field[J]. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2023, 47(4): 1010-1017 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2023.1424

0 引言



天然电场选频法(简称选频法,FSM)是以往中国学者在文献中提到的电脉冲自然电场法等众多方法的总称[12],它是由中国学者于20世纪80年代提出来的,通过在地面上测量天然交变电磁场产生的一个或几个不同频率的电场水平分量的变化规律,来研究地下地电断面的电性变化。以往指针式仪器的工作频率一般为15~1 500 Hz,目前智能化仪器大多为10~5 000 Hz;在开展剖面法观测时,MN的极距大小一般取10 m或20 m。过去人们对FSM的研究主要集中在仪器研制和实践应用两方面,而对其理论研究甚少。杨杰、林君琴等[13-14]曾分别以不同的场源观点对FSM开展过理论探讨;杨天春等[12,15]推导并计算了简单二维地质地球物理模型的FSM异常,并对三维电磁场共同作用下球体的异常进行过正演模拟;近期,Yang T C等[16]又基于MT理论对FSM的剖面异常开展了理论分析。


1 天然电场选频法二维正演理论


根据以往的应用可知,相对于MT或AMT而言,选频法(FSM)的勘探深度一般比较浅,大多在200 m之内[15,18],所以,其一次场场源除了与MT一样有地球之外的场源外,地表人文活动所产生的干扰信号也会成为主要场源。由此,可用CSAMT理论来近似模拟FSM的信号。

1.1 电磁场二维偏微分方程



图1   二维地电模型与坐标系

Fig.1   2D geoelectrical model and coordinate system








$\begin{array}{c} F \hat{E}_{y}+M G \frac{\partial \hat{E}_{y}}{\partial x}+M H \frac{\partial \hat{E}_{y}}{\partial z}-R\left[\left(\sigma_{x x}-\mathrm{i} \frac{k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial^{2} \hat{E}_{y}}{\partial z^{2}}+\left(\sigma_{z z}-\mathrm{i} \frac{k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial^{2} \hat{E}_{y}}{\partial x^{2}}\right]+ \\ R\left[\sigma_{z x} \frac{\partial}{\partial z}\left(\frac{\partial \hat{E}_{y}}{\partial x}\right)+\sigma_{x z} \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(\frac{\partial \hat{E}_{y}}{\partial z}\right)\right]+\frac{1}{\mathrm{i} \omega \mu}\left(\frac{\partial^{2} \hat{E}_{y}}{\partial z^{2}}+\frac{\partial^{2} \hat{E}_{y}}{\partial x^{2}}\right)-\frac{P}{B} \frac{\partial \hat{H}_{y}}{\partial x}-\frac{Q}{B} \frac{\partial \hat{H}_{y}}{\partial z}+ \\ M\left(\sigma_{z x} \frac{\partial^{2} \hat{H}_{y}}{\partial z^{2}}-\sigma_{x z} \frac{\partial^{2} \hat{H}_{y}}{\partial x^{2}}\right)+M\left[\left(\sigma_{x x}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial}{\partial z}\left(\frac{\partial \hat{H}_{y}}{\partial x}\right)-\left(\sigma_{z z}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(\frac{\partial \hat{H}_{y}}{\partial z}\right)\right]= \\ \hat{J}_{\mathrm{e} y}+\frac{Q}{B} \hat{J}_{\mathrm{e} x}-M\left(\sigma_{z x} \frac{\partial \hat{J}_{\mathrm{e} x}}{\partial z}-\sigma_{z z} \frac{\partial \hat{J}_{\mathrm{e} x}}{\partial x}+\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu} \frac{\partial \hat{J}_{\mathrm{e} x}}{\partial x}\right), \end{array}$
$\begin{array}{c} -\frac{A}{B} \frac{\partial \hat{E}_{y}}{\partial x}-\frac{C}{B} \frac{\partial \hat{E}_{y}}{\partial z}+M \sigma_{z x} \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(\frac{\partial \hat{E}_{y}}{\partial x}\right)-M \sigma_{x z} \frac{\partial}{\partial z}\left(\frac{\partial \hat{E}_{y}}{\partial z}\right)-M\left(\sigma_{x x}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(\frac{\partial \hat{E}_{y}}{\partial z}\right)+ \\ M\left(\sigma_{z z}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial}{\partial z}\left(\frac{\partial \hat{E}_{y}}{\partial x}\right)+\frac{\sigma_{z x}}{B} \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(\frac{\partial \hat{H}_{y}}{\partial z}\right)+\frac{\sigma_{x z}}{B} \frac{\partial}{\partial z}\left(\frac{\partial \hat{H}_{y}}{\partial x}\right)+\frac{1}{B}\left(\sigma_{x x}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial}{\partial x}\left(\frac{\partial \hat{H}_{y}}{\partial x}\right)+ \\ \frac{1}{B}\left(\sigma_{z z}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial}{\partial z}\left(\frac{\partial \hat{H}_{y}}{\partial z}\right)+\mathrm{i} \omega \mu \hat{H}_{y}=-\frac{\sigma_{z x}}{B} \frac{\partial \hat{J}_{\mathrm{e} x}}{\partial x}-\frac{1}{B}\left(\sigma_{z z}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial \hat{J}_{\mathrm{e} x}}{\partial z} ; \end{array}$













$\hat{E}_{x}=-\frac{C}{B} \hat{E}_{y}+\frac{k_{y}}{\omega \mu B}\left(\sigma_{z z}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial \hat{E}_{y}}{\partial x}-\frac{k_{y} \sigma_{x z}}{\omega \mu B} \frac{\partial \hat{E}_{y}}{\partial z}+\frac{\sigma_{x z}}{B} \frac{\partial \hat{H}_{y}}{\partial x}+\frac{1}{B}\left(\sigma_{z z}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial \hat{H}_{y}}{\partial z}+\frac{1}{B}\left(\sigma_{z z}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \hat{J}_{\mathrm{ex}} 。$


1.2 波数域电磁场二维有限单元法[19]











$\begin{array}{c} \sum_{e=1}^{m} \iint_{\Omega}\left\{-N_{i}^{e} N_{j} F \hat{E}_{y}+M G \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial x} N_{j} \hat{E}_{y}+M H \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial z} N_{j} \hat{E}_{y}-R\left(\sigma_{x x}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial z} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial z} \hat{E}_{y}-\right. \\ R\left(\sigma_{z z}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial x} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial x} \hat{E}_{y}+R \sigma_{z x} \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial z} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial x} \hat{E}_{y}+R \sigma_{x z} \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial x} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial z} \hat{E}_{y}+\frac{1}{\mathrm{i} \omega \mu}\left(\frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial z} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial z} \hat{E}_{y}+\right. \\ \left.\frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial x} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial x} \hat{E}_{y}\right)-\frac{P}{B} \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial x} N_{j} \hat{H}_{y}-\frac{Q}{B} \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial z} N_{j} \hat{H}_{y}+M\left(\sigma_{z x} \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial z} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial z} \hat{H}_{y}-\sigma_{x z} \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial x} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial x} \hat{H}_{y}\right)+ \\ \left.M\left[\left(\sigma_{x x}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial z} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial x} \hat{H}_{y}-\left(\sigma_{z z}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial x} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial z} \hat{H}_{y}\right]\right\} \mathrm{d} x \mathrm{~d} z= \\ \sum_{e=1}^{m} \iint_{\Omega}\left\{N_{i}^{e} \hat{J}_{\mathrm{e} y}+\frac{Q}{B} N_{i}^{e} \hat{J}_{\mathrm{e} x}-M \sigma_{z x} \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial z} \hat{J}_{\mathrm{e} x}+M \sigma_{z z} \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial x} \hat{J}_{\mathrm{e} x}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2} M}{\omega \mu} \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial x} \hat{J}_{\mathrm{e} x}\right\} \mathrm{d} x \mathrm{~d} z, \end{array}$
$\begin{array}{c} \sum_{e=1}^{m} \iint_{\Omega}\left[-\frac{A}{B} \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial x} N_{j} \hat{E}_{y}-\frac{C}{B} \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial z} N_{j} \hat{E}_{y}+M \sigma_{z x} \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial x} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial x} \hat{E}_{y}-M \sigma_{x z} \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial z} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial z} \hat{E}_{y}-\right. \\ M\left(\sigma_{x x}-\frac{i k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial x} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial z} \hat{E}_{y}+M\left(\sigma_{z z}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial z} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial x} \hat{E}_{y}+\frac{\sigma_{z x}}{B} \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial x} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial z} \hat{H}_{y}+\frac{\sigma_{x z}}{B} \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial z} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial x} \hat{H}_{y}+ \\ \left.\frac{1}{B}\left(\sigma_{x x}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial x} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial x} \hat{H}_{y}+\frac{1}{B}\left(\sigma_{z z}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial z} \frac{\partial N_{j}}{\partial z} \hat{H}_{y}-\mathrm{i} \omega \mu N_{i}^{e} N_{j} \hat{H}_{y}\right] \mathrm{d} x \mathrm{~d} z= \\ \sum_{e=1}^{m} \iint_{\Omega}\left[-\frac{\sigma_{z x}}{B} \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial x} \hat{J}_{\mathrm{e} x}-\frac{1}{B}\left(\sigma_{z z}-\frac{\mathrm{i} k_{y}^{2}}{\omega \mu}\right) \frac{\partial N_{i}^{e}}{\partial z} \hat{J}_{\mathrm{e} x}\right] \mathrm{d} x \mathrm{~d} z_{\circ} \end{array}$



2 天然电场选频法的模拟计算与分析


设置2个模型进行模拟计算。模型的场源长度为200 m,发射电流为100 A,计算频率f 为101、101.25、101.5、101.75、102 Hz,场源到测线的垂直距离为6.6 km。采用矩形网格对模型进行剖分,剖分原则为:对异常体赋存区域以均匀网格剖分,对无异常体的网格外延区域,网格步长按大于1的倍数递增。这样,可在保证计算精度的情况下减少网格剖分数,节省计算时间。

2.1 模型1

模型1如图2所示。假设一个三层水平介质模型,从地表往下的岩性分别为细粒松散沉积物、白云质灰岩和花岗岩,电阻率分别为ρ1=350 Ω·m、ρ2=1 500 Ω·m、ρ3=5 500 Ω·m,覆盖层厚度h1=80 m、h2=1 000 m;在白云质灰岩中存在一个被地下水充填的低阻岩溶异常体,假定其电阻率ρ0=40 Ω·m,大小为160 m×80 m,即dm=160 m、dn=80 m,其顶部埋深h0=200 m。根据上述模拟参数可知,图2中的点O'距离图1中的坐标原点O的距离即为6.6 km。


图2   层状介质中的异常体模型1

Fig.2   A abnormal body in layered half space of model 1

图3为模型1的5个频率模拟结果。由水平电场分量Ex的剖面结果(图3a)可见,Ex的剖面曲线在x=0处出现极小值,且Ex曲线随着频率的升高而整体向上抬升,总体形态不变,相对异常大小变化不明显;其中,101.50 Hz与101.75 Hz二者的剖面曲线差异较小,在图中几乎重合在一起。在Ex拟断面图中(图3b),Ex值随频率的降低而减小,且等值线在低阻体正上方(x=0 m)附近出现向上拉伸现象,即“挂面条”现象,等值线在x=0 m附近较密集,梯度变化较大。


图3   模型1的模拟计算结果

Fig.3   Simulation calculation results of model 1


2.2 模型2

图4所示模型2,假设一个二层水平介质,岩性分别为第四系覆盖层和白云岩,电阻率分别为ρ1=140 Ω·m、ρ2=2000 Ω·m,覆盖层的厚度h1=20m。基岩中有一矩形异常体,其顶部埋深h0=h1=20 m,即顶面与岩性分界面齐平,宽度dm=10 m、高度dn=20 m;假定异常体为泥质半充填状态,即充填高度为10 m,上部10 m为空气。令泥质的电阻率ρw=60 Ω·m,空气的电阻率为ρa=60 000 Ω·m。


图4   层状介质中的异常体模型2

Fig.4   A abnormal body in layered half space of model 2

图5为模型2的模拟计算结果。图5a中的水平电场分量Ex剖面曲线特征与图3a中的剖面曲线特征相似,曲线随着频率的升高而整体向上平移,相对异常大小变化也不明显,但101.75 Hz与102 Hz二者的剖面曲线差异较小。图5b中,Ex拟断面图的总体特征也与图3b相同,在x=0 m附近等值线总体向上拉伸,出现比图3b 宽度窄一些的“挂面条”现象,这是由于模型2中异常体的宽度小于模型1的异常体宽度。


图5   模型2的模拟计算结果

Fig.5   Simulation calculation results of model 2


3 FSM实践应用


图6为MFE型选频仪在四川古叙煤田官文煤矿的勘探成果[12],MN电极距为10 m,点距5 m,图中曲线旁的频率值为探测频率。在该测线平距50 m、埋深约80 m处存在充水岩溶。由图6可以看出,在低阻异常体的对应位置上出现了明显的低电位异常,曲线整体随着频率的增大出现向上抬升,这与前文的正演结果基本一致。


图6   选频法在充水岩溶上的探测成果[12]

Fig.6   Exploration results of FSM in water filled karst[12]


图7为鸳鸯草场地下水物探勘探成果。鸳鸯草场位于福建省柘荣县东源乡鸳鸯头村,距离县城18 km,海拔高程980~1 110 m,面积近万亩,为福建省最大的天然草场。该区域严重缺水,地表第四系以下为紫色、灰白色凝灰质砂砾岩、砂岩夹粉砂质泥岩。图7a为CSAMT的视电阻率拟断面,测量点距为20 m,图中可见,在剖面80 m附近的近地表出现向下延伸的低阻异常带,即存在静态效应。在以往的频率域电磁法勘探中,大多关注的是深部地质体,这种浅部的静态效应常常会被当作干扰予以压制或消除。在此,根据前面的正演分析结果,推测该剖面80 m附近的近地表存在地下水等低阻异常体,因此,进一步采用选频法对该浅部低阻异常体开展综合探测。选用TC150型智能化选频仪,工作频率33个,范围在100~5 000 Hz,点距为2 m,MN为10 m。图7b为选频法的电位差ΔV拟断面,其纵坐标视深度h是由电磁波的趋肤深度和经验系数反演获得的。由图7b可见,ΔV等值线在剖面80 m附近存在明显向下延伸的低电位异常带,即“挂面条”现象,这进一步验证了CSAMT静态效应异常的可靠性。在该剖面80 m处布置钻孔ZK1,钻井深度120 m,出水量为115 t/d。


图7   鸳鸯草场地下水勘探成果

Fig.7   Map of groundwater exploration results in Yuanyang meadow


4 结论







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Shallow inhomogeneities can lead to severe problems in the interpretation of magnetotelluric (MT) data by shifting the MT apparent resistivity sounding curve by a scale factor, which is independent of frequency on the standard log‐apparent‐resistivity versus log‐frequency display. The amount of parallel shift, commonly referred to as the MT static shift, can not be determined directly from conventionally recorded MT data at a single site. One method for measuring the static shift is a controlled‐source measurement of the magnetic field. Unlike the electric field, the magnetic field is relatively unaffected by surface inhomogeneities. The controlled‐source sounding (which may be a relatively shallow sounding made with lightweight equipment) can be combined with a deep MT sounding to obtain a complete, undistorted model of the earth. Inversions of the static shift‐corrected MT data provide a much closer match to well‐log resistivities than do inversions of the uncorrected data. The particular controlled‐source magnetic‐field sounding which we used was a central‐induction Transient ElectroMagnetic (TEM) sounding. Correction for the static shift in the MT data was made by jointly inverting the MT data and the TEM data. A parameter which allowed vertical shifts in the MT apparent resistivity curves was included in the computer inversion to account for static shifts. A simple graphical comparison between the MT apparent resistivities and the TEM apparent resistivities produced essentially the same estimate of the static shift (within 0.1 decade) as the joint computer inversion. Central‐induction TEM measurements were made adjacent to over 100 MT sites in central Oregon. The complete data base of over 100 sites showed an average static shift between 0 and 0.2 decade. However, in the rougher topography and more complex structure of the Cascade Mountain Range, the majority of the sites had static shifts of the order of 0.3 to 0.4 decade. The static shifts in this area are probably due to a combination of topography and surficial inhomogeneities. The TEM apparent resistivity (which is used to estimate the unshifted MT apparent resistivity) does not necessarily agree with either the transverse electric (TE) or the transverse magnetic (TM) MT polarization. TEM apparent resistivity may occur between the two, or may agree with one of the two polarizations, or may lie outside the MT polarizations.

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选频法是音频大地电场法的进一步应用与发展。本文通过实践应用说明选频法在浅层地下水勘探中的有效性,并对选频法测深极距(MN)与地下水埋深之间的关系开展对比分析和初步理论研究。首先,采用水平交变电场、交变磁场共同作用下的均匀半空间中低阻导电球体简化地质地球物理模型,对选频法测深曲线开展正演计算;然后,对选频法在广西“十二五”农村饮水安全工程应用中的131口钻井出水量情况进行统计,并对其中98口钻井的钻探情况开展详细列表统计分析,对比研究测深曲线异常处MN极距大小与实际钻探出水深度之间的关系。理论分析与实践应用表明,选频法在浅层地下水勘探中效果明显,是一种确定浅层地下水井位的有效方法;同时,实践统计结果表明,选频法测深法异常曲线处MN极距的大小与实际钻探出水深度之间存在1∶1的近似关系,验证了理论模拟计算结果的正确性;另外,本文的研究成果表明,在浅层(<200 m)天然电磁法勘探中,天然电场观测值的大小除了与大地的电阻率、信号的频率有关外,还与电极距大小是相关的。

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Theoretical analysis of sounding anomaly and field application of the natural electric field frequency selection sounding method in groundwater exploration

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The frequency selection method is a further development of the audio frequency telluric electricity field method. In this report, we illustrate the usefulness of the method in shallow groundwater exploration through field application examples. We studied the relationship between potential electrode spacing MN and groundwater depth and carried out preliminary theoretical analysis. Firstly, under the combined action of horizontal alternating electric and magnetic fields, we established a simplified geophysical model of low resistivity conductive sphere in homogeneous half space, and performed forward calculation on the sounding curve. We then recorded water yields of 131 rural drinking wells in Guangxi Province. In addition, we performed detailed tabular statistical analysis of 98 drilling wells, and compared the relationship between potential electrode spacing MN in abnormal sounding curve and actual drilling water depth. Theoretical analysis and field application show that the frequency selection method can be very useful in shallow groundwater exploration for determining shallow groundwater well location. At the same time, the tabular statistics show that there is 1∶1 approximation between the size of potential electrode spacing MN in the anomaly curve and actual drilling water depth, validating the theoretical simulation results. Moreover, we show that the observed value of telluric electric field is related not only to the Earth's resistivity and signal frequency, but also to the potential electrode spacing in a shallow (< 200 m) magnetotelluric exploration.

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New insights into the anomaly genesis of the frequency selection method:Supported by numerical modeling and case studies

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