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物探与化探, 2023, 47(2): 391-400 doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2023.1125



王莉利,1,2, 杜功鑫1, 高新成3, 王宁4, 王维红4

1.东北石油大学 计算机与信息技术学院,黑龙江 大庆 163318

2.黑龙江省油气地球物理勘探重点实验室,黑龙江 大庆 163318

3.东北石油大学 现代教育技术中心,黑龙江 大庆 163318

4.东北石油大学 地球科学学院,黑龙江 大庆 163318

FWI seismic low frequency recovery method based on the U-Net

WANG Li-Li,1,2, DU Gong-Xin1, GAO Xin-Cheng3, WANG Ning4, WANG Wei-Hong4

1. School of Computer & Information Technology,Northeast Petroleum University,Daqing 163318,China

2. Heilongjiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Geophysical Exploration,Daqing 163318,China

3. Modern Education Technology Center, Northeast Petroleum University,Daqing 163318,China

4. School of Earth Science,Northeast Petroleum University,Daqing 163318,China

第一作者: 王莉利(1979-),女,博士,副教授,主要从事基于人工智能技术的地震数据处理等领域的科研工作。Email:lily@nepu.edu.cn

收稿日期: 2022-03-22   修回日期: 2023-02-1  

基金资助: 国家重点自然科学基金项目“粘声介质最小二乘逆时偏移及全波形反演研究”(41930431)

Received: 2022-03-22   Revised: 2023-02-1  



关键词: 全波形反演; 低频恢复; 局部极小值; 能量均衡; U-Net


The lack of low-frequency data in actual seismic data makes the full waveform inversion (FWI) tend to fall into the local minimum,resulting in poor inversion quality and unreliable results.In view of this,data-driven low-frequency recovery mapping was adopted in this study.First,high-pass and low-pass filters were employed to separate high-frequency and low-frequency data from raw data,respectively,and then data preprocessing was carried out.The processed data were used as the training set of the model.Then,the model was built based on the U-Net to establish the mapping relationship between high and low frequencies.To effectively prevent the model from overfitting,the dropout layer and batch processing layer were added based on the U-Net model.Finally,the trained model was used to predict the corresponding low-frequency data from the high-frequency data and conduct inverse data preprocessing.The errors between the predicted low-frequency data after inverse data preprocessing and the real low-frequency data were compared and analyzed,The effectiveness of multi-scale FWI was verified using the depression and Marmousi models.The experimental results show that the average relative errors between the predicted low-frequency data and the real low-frequency data were 5.02% and 13.32%,respectively for training and test data,indicating small errors and high data coincidence.The inversion results of the depression model,the Marmousi model,and actual data show that the prediction of low-frequency data significantly improved the inversion quality and delivered a great performance in the processing of data with much noise.

Keywords: full waveform inversion; low frequency recovery; local minimum; energy equalization; U-Net

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王莉利, 杜功鑫, 高新成, 王宁, 王维红. 基于U-Net网络的FWI地震低频恢复方法[J]. 物探与化探, 2023, 47(2): 391-400 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2023.1125

WANG Li-Li, DU Gong-Xin, GAO Xin-Cheng, WANG Ning, WANG Wei-Hong. FWI seismic low frequency recovery method based on the U-Net[J]. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2023, 47(2): 391-400 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2023.1125

0 引言

全波形反演(full waveform inversion,FWI)可以通过数据拟合建立高分辨率地下速度模型,是一种建立在非线性优化算法基础上的地震处理技术。然而,许多现有FWI算法都存在一个主要缺点:易陷入局部极值[1]。反演过程中产生的周波跳跃现象是使FWI陷入局部极值的直接原因,导致周波跳跃的原因主要包括地震信号缺失低频成分和初始速度模型与地下真实速度模型相差过大。由于传统地震采集技术的限制以及地震资料处理过程中面波压制等原因,对于反演精度至关重要的低频信息往往是缺失的。有效缓解FWI周波跳跃问题的方法是从地震数据中“挖掘”出低频信息,再结合多尺度反演策略,实现高精度的速度建模。



1 方法原理

1.1 改进U-Net网络架构


本文是在继承 U-Net网络模型优点的同时,还对传统U-Net网络模型进行了优化。针对其收敛速度慢和易发生梯度消失的问题,本文在每个卷积层中加入批处理层(batch normal,BN),使每层神经元的输入规范化,对每个卷积层的输出结果进行归一化,整体提升梯度,改善梯度弥散问题,加快模型训练速度。此外,加入批处理层还可以在一定程度上防止模型的过拟合。本文还在编码器下采样的第四层和第五层卷积池化加入Dropout层,Dropout层可以在每次迭代时随机“杀死”设定比例的神经元,减少模型体量的同时,还可以有效地预防模型过拟合,提高模型泛化能力。本文 Dropout 设置为0.5,每次训练都会随机舍弃50%的神经元。具体结构如图1所示。


图1   改进后的U-Net模型网络结构

Fig.1   Network structure of improved U-Net model

1.2 相关公式



















2 实验与分析

2.1 实验环境



软件方面:选择使用语言为Python和Matlab,深度学习框架为TensorFlow2.0及Keras,地震处理软件为Madagascar,编译软件为Pycharm和Matlab R2016a,操作系统为Ubuntu 18.04,具体实验环境数据如表1所示。

表1   实验环境

Table 1  Experimental environment

CPUIntel Xeon Sliver 4210 @2.20GHz 500GB
GPUGeForce RTX 2080(16GB)
CUDACUDA 9.0.176
操作系统Ubuntu 18.04
编译软件Pycharm 2019、Matlab R2016a
Pyhton解释器Python 3.8

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2.2 数据准备与处理

2.2.1 数据集构建

本文采用有限差分求解波动方程,差分阶数为时间方向二阶、空间方向十阶,利用正演模拟方法生成观测数据。地表均匀放置40个震源,120个检波器。正演建模详细参数如表2所示,频谱见图2。准备训练和测试切片对数据集,根据实际资料中常常缺失6 Hz以下的低频数据,首先使用6 Hz高低通截止滤波器过滤原始观测数据,将缺失6 Hz以下的数据看作高频数据,低于6 Hz的数据作为低频数据。将数据集中过滤后的高低频数据切分成46 224个大小为64×64的高低频切片数据对(如图3部分显示),随机取其中75%(34 668个)的数据作为训练集,利用构建的神经网络进行40次迭代训练。再利用剩余的25%(11 556个)的高低频数据中的高频数据作为测试集,将其放入经过训练集训练好的模型中进行测试,确保训练数据集与测试数据集互不相交。

表2   有限差分正演参数

Table 2  Finite difference forward modeling parameters


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图2   观测数据频谱(部分)

Fig.2   Spectrum of observation data(part)

2.2.2 数据预处理及逆数据预处理


1) AGC能量平衡






2) 数据归一化处理








3) 数据切片处理


4) 数据增强



图3   训练集高频数据与对应低频标签可视化展示


Fig.3   Visual display of training set high-frequency data and corresponding low-frequency tags

a—6 high frequency datas input from 64×64 training sets;b—fig.a low frequency label datas corresponding to high frequency data

2.3 网络模型训练

2.3.1 激活函数




2.3.2 参数设置

本文实验使用自适应学习率的Adadelta优化算法进行网络优化,使用均方误差作为计算低频标签与预测低频之间的误差损失函数。U-Net模型中编码器区域和解码器区域的卷积核尺寸均为3×3,填充方式为全零填充,编码器区域池化(下采样)方式选择的是最大池化,池化核尺寸大小均为2×2,解码器区域反卷积(上采样)的卷积核均为2×2,最后一层卷积的卷积大小为1×1。此外,卷积层初始化权重的方法为glorot_uniform,参数从[-limit, limit]的均匀分布产生,其中limit为sqrt[6/(fanin+fanout)]fanin为权值张量的输入单元数,fanout是权值张量的输出单元数。

2.3.3 训练结果





图4   真实低频与预测低频道集图像对比


Fig.4   Comparison of real low frequency and predicted low frequency channel set images

a—missing low frequency data;b—predicted low frequency data;c—true low frequency data;d—error between prediction and real low-frequency data


图5   真实低频与预测低频频谱对比

Fig.5   Spectrum comparison between real low frequency and predicted data


图6   原始与补充低频数据道集图像对比


Fig.6   Comparison of original and supplementary low frequency data gather images

a—original data;b—missing low frequency data;c—predicted low frequency data;d—supplementary data after low frequency prediction


图7   观测数据与补充低频数据的频谱对比

Fig.7   Spectrum comparison between observed data and supplementary low frequency data


图8   第250道的波形对比

Fig.8   Waveform comparison of trace 250

2.4 中间层可视化分析



图9   测试集高频数据与对应预测低频结果可视化展示


Fig.9   Visual display of test high frequency set and prediction results

a—6 pieces of test high frequency data with the size of 64×64;b—fig. a prediction of low frequency data from test data


图10   网络模型提取特征过程可视化展示


Fig.10   Visual display of feature extraction process of network model

a~e—sampling and feature extraction in the coding process;f~i—upper sampling recovery feature during decoding


3 低频预测数据有效性验证


3.1 洼陷模型

为了验证低频预测数据的有效性,本文首先选取相对简单的洼陷模型进行反演模拟。图11a为洼陷速度模型,图11b为初始速度模型,网格大小为x方向上300个网格点,z方向上200个网格点,空间采用间隔为10 m,共设置29炮震源激发,均匀分布于水下10 m,水平方向0.4~2.6 km范围内。每炮87道接收,检波点均匀分布于地表水平方向0.4~2.6 km范围内,不随炮点移动。选取主频为10 Hz的雷克子波作为震源,采用完全匹配层(PML)吸收边界条件。选取12个频率数据进行全波形反演,频率范围在0~20 Hz,对这12个频段的多尺度FWI[18]进行了40次迭代,且目标函数收敛阈值设定为0.01。图11c为原始数据的反演结果,图11d为缺失低频数据的反演结果,图11e为补充低频数据的的反演结果。图12为洼陷模型某1炮原始数据及其预测低频道集。


图11   洼陷模型试验反演结果


Fig.11   Inversion results of depression model experiment

a—velocity model of depression;b—initial velocity model;c—inversion result of original data;d—inversion result of missing low frequency;e—supplementary prediction low frequency


图12   洼陷模型某一炮原始数据及其预测低频数据道集

Fig.12   Original data of a certain shot of depression model and its predicted low-frequency data gathers

3.2 Marmousi模型

本文还在复杂的Marmousi模型上进行反演模拟,图13a为Marmousi速度模型,图13b为初始速度模型,网格大小为x方向上722个网格点,z方向上200个网格点,空间采用间隔为10 m,共设置29炮震源激发,均匀分布于地表水平方向0.4~7 km范围内。每炮87道接收,检波点均匀分布于地表水平方向0.4~7 km范围内,不随炮点移动。选取主频为25 Hz的雷克子波作为震源子波,采用完全匹配层(PML)吸收边界条件,减少左右底边的非物理反射。采用多尺度FWI技术,选取0~20 Hz中12个频率进行反演,最大迭代次数为40次,目标函数收敛阈值设定为0.01,保证数据可以在给定的最大迭代次数范围内充分迭代。图13c为原始数据的反演结果,图13d为缺失低频数据的反演结果,图13e为补充低频数据的的反演结果。图14为Marmousi模型某1炮原始数据及其预测低频道集。


图13   Marmousi模型试验反演结果


Fig.13   Inversion results of Marmousi model test

a—velocity model of depression;b—initial velocity model;c—inversion result of original data;d—inversion result of missing low frequency;e—supplementary prediction low frequency


图14   Marmousi某1炮原始数据及其预测低频数据道集

Fig.14   Original data and predicted low-frequency data athers of a certain shot in Marmousi

3.3 实际数据

本文还在现场实际数据中进行反演模拟。所选网格大小为x方向上800个网格点,z方向上240个网格点,空间采用间隔为25 m,对实际数据和补充预测低频的实际数据进行多尺度FWI,选取0~25 Hz中12个频率进行反演,最大迭代次数为40次,目标函数收敛阈值设定为0.01,保证数据可以在给定的最大迭代次数范围内充分迭代。反演结果如图1516所示。


图15   实际数据的反演结果

Fig.15   Inversion results of actual data


图16   加入预测低频的实际数据的反演结果

Fig.16   Inversion results of actual data with redicted low frequency

3.4 加入噪声的洼陷模型



图17   洼陷原始数据及加入噪声后的数据道集

Fig.17   Original data of depression and data trace set after adding noise


图18   加入噪声的洼陷原始数据及其预测低频数据的道集

Fig.18   Trace plot of original data of depression with noise and its predicted low-frequency data


图19   加入噪声的洼陷原始数据反演结果

Fig.19   Inversion results of sag original data with noise


图20   补充低频的噪声洼陷原始数据反演结果

Fig.20   Inversion results of original data of low frequency noise sag supplemented

3.5 结果分析


4 结论与讨论






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We recognized that the envelope fluctuation and decay of seismic records carries ultra low-frequency (ULF, i.e., the frequency below the lowest frequency in the source spectrum) signals that can be used to estimate the long-wavelength velocity structure. We then developed envelope inversion for the recovery of low-wavenumber components of media (smooth background), so that the initial model dependence of waveform inversion can be reduced. We derived the misfit function and the corresponding gradient operator for envelope inversion. To understand the long-wavelength recovery by the envelope inversion, we developed a nonlinear seismic signal model, the modulation signal model, as the basis for retrieving the ULF data and studied the nonlinear scale separation by the envelope operator. To separate the envelope data from the wavefield data (envelope extraction), a demodulation operator (envelope operator) was applied to the waveform data. Numerical tests using synthetic data for the Marmousi model proved the validity and feasibility of the proposed approach. The final results of combined [Formula: see text] (envelope-inversion for smooth background plus waveform-inversion for high-resolution velocity structure) indicated that it can deliver much improved results compared with regular full-waveform inversion (FWI) alone. Furthermore, to test the independence of the envelope to the source frequency band, we used a low-cut source wavelet (cut from 5 Hz below) to generate the synthetic data. The envelope inversion and the combined [Formula: see text] showed no appreciable difference from the full-band source results. The proposed envelope inversion is also an efficient method with very little extra work compared with conventional FWI.

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The availability of low-frequency data is an important factor in the success of full-waveform inversion (FWI) in the acoustic regime. The low frequencies help determine the kinematically relevant, low-wavenumber components of the velocity model, which are in turn needed to avoid convergence of FWI to spurious local minima. However, acquiring data less than 2 or 3 Hz from the field is a challenging and expensive task. We have explored the possibility of synthesizing the low frequencies computationally from high-frequency data and used the resulting prediction of the missing data to seed the frequency sweep of FWI. As a signal-processing problem, bandwidth extension is a very nonlinear and delicate operation. In all but the simplest of scenarios, it can only be expected to lead to plausible recovery of the low frequencies, rather than their accurate reconstruction. Even so, it still requires a high-level interpretation of band-limited seismic records into individual events, each of which can be extrapolated to a lower (or higher) frequency band from the nondispersive nature of the wave-propagation model. We have used the phase-tracking method for the event separation task. The fidelity of the resulting extrapolation method is typically higher in phase than in amplitude. To demonstrate the reliability of bandwidth extension in the context of FWI, we first used the low frequencies in the extrapolated band as data substitute, to create the low-wavenumber background velocity model, and then we switched to recorded data in the available band for the rest of the iterations. The resulting method, extrapolated FWI, demonstrated surprising robustness to the inaccuracies in the extrapolated low-frequency data. With two synthetic examples calibrated so that regular FWI needs to be initialized at 1 Hz to avoid local minima, we have determined that FWI based on an extrapolated [1, 5] Hz band, itself generated from data available in the [5, 15] Hz band, can produce reasonable estimations of the low-wavenumber velocity models.

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Low-frequency seismic data are crucial for convergence of full-waveform inversion (FWI) to reliable subsurface properties. However, it is challenging to acquire field data with an appropriate signal-to-noise ratio in the low-frequency part of the spectrum. We have extrapolated low-frequency data from the respective higher frequency components of the seismic wavefield by using deep learning. Through wavenumber analysis, we find that extrapolation per shot gather has broader applicability than per-trace extrapolation. We numerically simulate marine seismic surveys for random subsurface models and train a deep convolutional neural network to derive a mapping between high and low frequencies. The trained network is then tested on sections from the BP and SEAM Phase I benchmark models. Our results indicate that we are able to recover 0.25 Hz data from the 2 to 4.5 Hz frequencies. We also determine that the extrapolated data are accurate enough for FWI application.

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Data-driven low-frequency signal recovery using deep-learning predictions in full-waveform inversion

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DOI:10.1190/geo2020-0159.1      URL     [本文引用: 1]

The lack of low-frequency signals in seismic data makes the full-waveform inversion (FWI) procedure easily fall into local minima leading to unreliable results. To reconstruct the missing low-frequency signals more accurately and effectively, we have developed a data-driven low-frequency recovery method based on deep learning from high-frequency signals. In our method, we develop the idea of using a basic data patch of seismic data to build a local data-driven mapping in low-frequency recovery. Energy balancing and data patches are used to prepare high- and low-frequency data for training a convolutional neural network (CNN) to establish the relationship between the high- and low-frequency data pairs. The trained CNN then can be used to predict low-frequency data from high-frequency data. Our CNN was trained on the Marmousi model and tested on the overthrust model, as well as field data. The synthetic experimental results reveal that the predicted low-frequency data match the true low-frequency data very well in the time and frequency domains, and the field results show the successfully extended low-frequency spectra. Furthermore, two FWI tests using the predicted data demonstrate that our approach can reliably recover the low-frequency data.

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Bunks C, Saleck F M, Zaleski S, et al.

Multiscale seismic waveform inversion

[J]. Geophysics, 1995, 60(5):1457-1473.

DOI:10.1190/1.1443880      URL     [本文引用: 1]

Iterative inversion methods have been unsuccessful at inverting seismic data obtained from complicated earth models (e.g. the Marmousi model), the primary difficulty being the presence of numerous local minima in the objective function. The presence of local minima at all scales in the seismic inversion problem prevent iterative methods of inversion from attaining a reasonable degree of convergence to the neighborhood of the global minimum. The multigrid method is a technique that improves the performance of iterative inversion by decomposing the problem by scale. At long scales there are fewer local minima and those that remain are further apart from each other. Thus, at long scales iterative methods can get closer to the neighborhood of the global minimum. We apply the multigrid method to a subsampled, low‐frequency version of the Marmousi data set. Although issues of source estimation, source bandwidth, and noise are not treated, results show that iterative inversion methods perform much better when employed with a decomposition by scale. Furthermore, the method greatly reduces the computational burden of the inversion that will be of importance for 3-D extensions to the method.


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