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物探与化探, 2021, 45(1): 159-164 doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2021.1251



苏鹏,, 杨进

中国地质大学(北京) 地球物理与信息技术学院,北京 100083

Simulation study of inversion of time-lapse resistivity

SU Peng,, YANG Jin

School of Geophysics and Information Technique, China University of Geosciences, Beijing 100083, China

责任编辑: 沈效群

收稿日期: 2020-05-11   修回日期: 2020-11-20   网络出版日期: 2021-02-20

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目“深部多金属矿勘探中天然场激电法正反演计算和野外试验研究”.  41374133

Received: 2020-05-11   Revised: 2020-11-20   Online: 2021-02-20

作者简介 About authors




关键词: 电阻率法 ; 时移反演 ; 数值模拟


The resistivity method can be used for the detection of near ground surface, and can also be employed to monitor dynamic underground targets. For the inversion of monitoring data, the single inversion of different data sets has certain defects. For this reason, on the basis of the traditional resistivity inversion algorithm, the time-lapse resistivity inversion formula was derived and the time-lapse inversion program was realized; for the purpose of demonstrating the superiority of the time-lapse inversion algorithm for imaging of dynamic underground targets, a set of multiple forward models was established, and the simulation data were used for single inversion and time-lapse inversion. The results show that, although both algorithms can draw the dynamic underground targets, the time-lapse inversion algorithm can eliminate random errors contained in different observation data sets and reduce the occurrence of inversion artifacts.

Keywords: resistivity method ; time-lapse inversion ; numerical simulation

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苏鹏, 杨进. 时移电阻率反演模拟研究. 物探与化探[J], 2021, 45(1): 159-164 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2021.1251

SU Peng, YANG Jin. Simulation study of inversion of time-lapse resistivity. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration[J], 2021, 45(1): 159-164 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2021.1251

0 引言




1 时移电阻率反演

1.1 电阻率法反演理论






最小化目标函数: Φ(m)m=0,利用高斯牛顿法求其模型迭代公式,可得


式中:J为雅可比矩阵,形式为Jij= di(m)mj

1.2 时移电阻率反演



式中: Φd˙为多个数据集的数据拟合差,采用Tikhonov正则化; Φm˙为多个模型的空间模型正则项,采用光滑约束;Φt为时间模型正则项,采用平滑约束;αβ是时间约束和模型约束的正则化参数。



式中: d˙是多个数据集的集合, d˙= d1dt; m˙是对应的不同模型, m˙= m1mt; Wm˙为二阶差分算子,对应于光滑约束,Wt为一阶差分算子,对应于平滑约束。

最小化目标函数: Φ(m˙)m˙=0,可得


式中: J˙为不同时间模型的雅可比矩阵的组合,可表示为




$\boldsymbol{W}_{t}=\left[\begin{array}{ccccccccc}1 & \cdots & 0 & -1 & \cdots & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\\vdots & 1 & \vdots & \vdots & -1 & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\0 & \cdots & 1 & 0 & \cdots & -1 & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\0 & \cdots & 0 & 1 & \cdots & 0 & -1 & \cdots & 0 \\\vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 1 & 0 & \cdots & -1 \\0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 \\\vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots & \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0 & 0 & \cdots & 0\end{array}\right]$


2 模拟数据反演分析

为了研究时移电阻率法反演的效果,首先建立一组(多个)正演模型(图1)。其中,T0模型(图1a)由两部分组成,位于0~19 m,埋深4.44~7.88 m区域的电阻率设置为200 Ω·m,其余区域设定为100 Ω·m;后续的T1、T2、T3在T0模型基础之上,设置一个随着时间变化的目标低阻体,电阻率为10 Ω·m,随着时间的推移,目标体逐渐扩散,在横向和纵向均有变化,以便于检验反演算法的横向(纵向)分辨能力。模拟常用的温纳阵列类型的数据,测线共有51个电极,电极距为1 m,在模拟数据中加入了5%的随机噪声。


图1   不同时间点的模型

Fig.1   The models of different time steps



图2   模拟数据单独和时移反演结果

Fig.2   The single inversion and time-lapse inversion results on simulation data



图3   不同模型反演结果的差异

Fig.3   The difference images of inversion results


3 结论

1) 通过对反演算法的理论推导可发现,时移反演算法有别于常规算法之处在于该算法在目标函数中添加了一个时间约束项,所以时移反演算法的效果主要取决于时间约束项构建得是否合理。

2) 监测的多个数据集中存在不同程度的随机噪声,是导致反演中出现假异常的原因之一。由于时移反演算法中时移约束项的存在,将不同时间点的数据集统一放入一个目标函数中进行综合考量,从而使得时间序列上相邻的响应模型构成一定的联系,在时空域(4D)尺度上进行最优化,而不是孤立地对各个数据集和模型进行单独反演。

3) 模拟数据的实验表明,对于随时间变化的电阻率异常体,电阻率法时移反演克服了多个数据集存在不同随机噪声的影响,能够较好地约束地下动态目标,追踪其随时间的变化情况。


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In hard-rock aquifers, fractured zones constitute adequate drinking water exploitation areas but also potential contamination paths. One critical issue in hydrogeological research is to identify, characterize, and monitor such fractured zones at a representative scale. A tracer test monitored with surface electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) could help by delineating such preferential flow paths and estimating dynamic properties of the aquifer. However, multiple challenges exist including the lower resolution of surface ERT compared with crosshole ERT, the finite time that is needed to complete an entire data acquisition, and the strong dilution effects. We conducted a natural gradient salt tracer test in fractured limestones. To account for the high transport velocity, we injected the salt tracer continuously for four hours at a depth of 18 m. We monitored its propagation with two parallel ERT profiles perpendicular to the groundwater flow direction. Concerning the data acquisition, we always focused on data quality over temporal resolution. We performed the experiment twice to prove its reproducibility by increasing the salt concentration in the injected solution (from 38 to 154 g/L). Our research focused on how we faced every challenge to delineate a preferential flow and solute transport path in a typical calcareous valley of southern Belgium and on the estimation of the transport velocity (more than 10 m/hour). In this complex environment, we imaged a clear tracer arrival in both ERT profiles and for both tests. Applying filters (with a cutoff on the relative sensitivity matrix and on the background-resistivity changes) was helpful to isolate the preferential flow path from artifacts. Regarding our findings, our approach could be improved to perform a more quantitative experiment. With a higher temporal resolution, the estimated value of the transport velocity could be narrowed, allowing estimation of the percentage of tracer recovery.

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AbstractGeophysical monitoring is used principally to interpret the locations and amounts of ground condition changes. To achieve these objectives, differences are computed and examined using time-lapse images calculated under the time-invariant static assumption, that any material property changes during the data measurement can be practically ignored. These monitored data, however, can be contaminated with noise and frequently generate false anomalies of ground condition changes. Furthermore, the assumption of the static model can be invalid if the material property changes significantly during data acquisition. To alleviate these problems, we developed a new least-squares inversion algorithm that allows for the subsurface properties to continuously change in time. We define the subsurface structure and the entire monitoring data in the space–time domain, allowing us to obtain a four-dimensional space–time model using just one inversion process. We introduce the regularizations not only in the space domain but also in time, resulting in reduced inversion artifacts and improved stability of the inverse problem. We demonstrated the performance of the proposed algorithm through numerical experiments that assumed several scenarios of ground condition changes and data acquisition sequences. Finally, the applicability to field data was proven by applying the developed algorithm to the monitoring data of crosshole resistivity tomography jointly performed with a dye tracer flooding experiment. This experiment had a small enough scale that we could not ignore the change of material properties during the data measurement.]]>

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Time-lapse monitoring is a powerful tool for observing dynamic changes in the subsurface. In particular it offers the potential for achieving inversion results with increased fidelity through the inclusion of complementary information from multiple time-steps. This inclusion of complementary information can reduce the need for spatial smoothing, without adding inversion artifacts to the resulting images. Commonly used time-lapse inversion methods include the ratio method, cascaded time-lapse inversion, difference inversion and differencing independent inversions. We introduce two additional methods in which both time-lapse data sets are inverted simultaneously. In the first, called temporally constrained time-lapse inversion, inversion of both datasets is done under a single optimization procedure and constraints are added to the regularization to ensure that the changes from one time to another are smooth. In the second method, called simultaneous time-lapse inversion, the inversions at time 1 and time 2 are performed simultaneously and constraints of smoothness and closeness to a reference model are applied to the difference image produced at each iteration, and subsequently, the constraints are updated at each iteration. Through both a numerical and a field example we compare the results of common time-lapse inversion methods as well as the introduced approaches. We found that of the commonly used time-lapse inversion methods the difference inversion method produced the best resolution of time-lapse changes and was the most robust in the presence of noise. However, we found that the alternative approach of simultaneous time-lapse inversion produced the best reconstruction of modeled EC changes in the numerical example and easily interpretable high resolution difference images in the field example. Moreover, there was less tailoring of regularization parameters with our simultaneous time-lapse approach, suggesting that it will lend itself well to an automated inversion code. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V.

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4D active time constrained resistivity inversion

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Here the time regularization is not considered to be constant between different time steps but is now allowed to vary depending on the degree of spatial resistivity changes occurring between different monitoring stages. Two methods are proposed to assign different time Lagrangian values, one based on a pre-estimation during execution time, and one using a-priori information. Both methods require a threshold to characterize the significance of the observed resistivity changes with time. We performed numerous numerical experiments using synthetic data to provide reasonable threshold values. Synthetic data tests illustrate that the new algorithm, named 4D Active Time Constrained (4D-ATC), produces in most cases improved time-lapse images when compared with existing techniques. Further the applicability of the new scheme is demonstrated with real data. Overall, the new algorithm is shown to be a useful tool for processing time-lapse resistivity data, which can be used with minor modifications to other types of time-lapse geophysical data. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V.]]>

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Smoothness-constrained time-lapse inversion of data from 3D resistivity surveys

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Three-dimensional resistivity surveys and their associated inversion models are required to accurately resolve structures exhibiting very complex geology. In the same light, 3D resistivity surveys collected at multiple times are required to resolve temporally varying conditions. In this work we present 3D data sets, both synthetic and real, collected at different times. The large spatio-temporal data sets are then inverted simultaneously using a least-squares methodology that incorporates roughness filters in both the space and time domains. The spatial roughness filter constrains the model resistivity to vary smoothly in the x-, y- and z-directions. A temporal roughness filter is also applied that minimizes changes in the resistivity between successive temporal inversion models and the L-curve method is used to determine the optimum weights for both spatial and temporal roughness filters. We show that the use of the temporal roughness filter can accurately resolve changes in the resistivity even in the presence of noise. The L1- and L2-norm constraints for the temporal roughness filter are first examined using a synthetic model. The synthetic data test shows that the L1-norm temporal constraint produces significantly more accurate results when the resistivity changes abruptly with time. The model obtained with the L1-norm temporal constraint is also less sensitive to random noise compared with independent inversions (i.e., without any temporal constraint) and the L2-norm temporal constraint. Anomalies that are common in models using independent inversions and the L2-norm and L1-norm temporal constraints are likely to be real. In contrast, anomalies present in a model using independent inversions but that are significantly reduced with the L2-norm and L1-norm constraints are likely artefacts. For field data sets, the method successfully recovered temporal changes in the subsurface resistivity from a landfill monitoring survey due to rainwater infiltration, as well as from an experiment to map the migration of sodium cyanide solution from an injection well using surface and borehole electrodes in an area with significant topography.

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