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物探与化探, 2020, 44(5): 1059-1065 doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2020.0196



王永兵,, 尹文斌, 张磊

湖南继善高科技有限公司,湖南 长沙 410083

A preliminary exploration of the wide field electromagnetic method in aerogeophysical prospecting

WANG Yong-Bing,, YIN Wen-Bin, ZHANG Lei

Hunan Geosun High-tech Co., Ltd., Changsha 410083,China

责任编辑: 王萌

收稿日期: 2020-04-22   修回日期: 2020-07-31   网络出版日期: 2020-10-20

基金资助: 国家自然科学基金项目.  41227803

Received: 2020-04-22   Revised: 2020-07-31   Online: 2020-10-20

作者简介 About authors

王永兵(1983-),男,2011年毕业于济南大学,硕士,高级工程师,从事地球物理勘探理论、方法技术研究,物探设备的研究、研发工作。Email: netwyb@yeah.net


文章基于广域电磁法(WFEM)的基本理论,结合当前资源勘查所面临的问题及航空物探的发展现状,主要从基本理论、装备研究、应用测试3个主要方面对航空广域电磁法进行了初步探索。通过探索我们认识到,航空广域电磁数据采集质量易受飞机飞行姿态及飞机本体噪声的影响,但是大于100 Hz的高频段具有更好的数据质量和实际工程应用的可行性。

关键词: 广域电磁法 ; 航空物探 ; 探索


Based on the basic theory of wide-field electromagnetic method (WFEM) and combined with the current problems of resource exploration and the development status of aviation geophysical prospecting, the authors mainly deal with the aviation wide-area electromagnetic method in three main aspects as a preliminary exploration: basic theory, equipment research and application testing. It is held that the quality of aviation wide-area electromagnetic data collection is susceptible to aircraft flight attitude and aircraft body noise, and high frequency bands greater than 100 Hz have better data quality and practical engineering application feasibility.

Keywords: WFEM ; aerogeophysical prospecting ; exploration

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王永兵, 尹文斌, 张磊. 航空广域电磁法初步探索. 物探与化探[J], 2020, 44(5): 1059-1065 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2020.0196

WANG Yong-Bing, YIN Wen-Bin, ZHANG Lei. A preliminary exploration of the wide field electromagnetic method in aerogeophysical prospecting. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration[J], 2020, 44(5): 1059-1065 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2020.0196

0 引言



广域电磁法(wide field electromagnetic method)[2],是一种人工源频率域电磁测深方法,是在包括远区,也包括非远区的广大区域进行电磁测深的一种新的电法勘探方法。将该方法与航空物探技术有机的结合,充分发挥二者的优点,为当前物探技术的发展提供了一种新的方法和思路。

1 航空广域电磁法

1.1 航空物探的发展

航空物探的发展[3,4,5,6,7]开始于20世纪30年代。1936年,苏联用旋转线圈感应式航磁仪进行航空物探,灵敏度约达100 nT。第二次世界大战中,美国发明了灵敏度近1 nT的磁通门式航空磁力仪,在海上侦察敌国的潜艇,1946年开始用于地质勘探。1948年,加拿大首先试验航空放射性法成功,美国和英国同年也完成了类似的试验。1950年,第一台航空电磁仪在加拿大试用成功。1955年,瑞典和美国相继试验成功新类型的航空电磁仪,各种航空物探方法相继迅速发展。





1.2 航空广域电磁法理论









图1   航空广域电磁法勘探示意

Fig.1   Schematic diagram of AWFEM



2 航空广域电磁法应用

2.1 应用装备研究




图2是集发电系统、AC-DC电源系统、an伪随机信号[11,14]逆变系统、保护系统、控制系统为一体的180 kW大功率广域发射系统。该系统能够在0~1 000 V之间实现无极调压、稳压,在0~180 A之间实现稳流,完全满足广域电磁法在航空物探应用上的信号发射需求。


图2   180 kW广域发射系

Fig.2   WFEM transmission system of 180 kW



图3   单分量广域接收器

Fig.3   Single component receiver based on aviation-WFEM


航空广域电磁系统发射、接收基于2n+1.5×2n混合编码的19频波伪随机信号序列[11,14],频率范围为8 192~16 Hz。

目前比较常用的航空广域最主要的载体飞行器是小型无人机。图4所示的是大疆公司的经纬M600Pro系列无人机。M600Pro系列无人机具有高负载和优秀的飞行性能,采用模块化设计,可靠性高,使用便捷。M600Pro载重高达 6.0 kg,最大起飞全重15.5 kg,最大水平飞行速度65 km/h,可以无负载飞行32 min,挂载6 kg飞行16 min,满足航空物探的需求。


图4   大疆经纬M600Pro无人机

Fig.4   DJI M600Pro drone



图5   磁棒、线圈、磁通门产品示例

Fig.5   The product example of magnetic rod, coil and fluxgate


1) 线圈在一定的截面积和体积、质量的情况下,能够实现较大的磁通量,获得较强的信号大小,有利于提高数据测量质量,且由于线圈一般均为圆形,直径较大,频率响应范围较宽,一般在1 Hz~100 kHz范围。但是,正是由于线圈的直径较大、重量较大(一般在2~5 kg),在应用到航空广域上时,与飞机的接驳、固定以及XYZ三分量上倾角的修正是个难点。

2) 磁棒由于是棒状的,在与飞机的接驳、固定上,无论是软连接还是硬连接均较线圈有优势,且在频率响应范围上较宽,一般在1 Hz~100 kHz范围。但是,与线圈一样,应用到航空广域上,在进行XYZ三分量倾角修正时,磁棒的重量(一般在2~5 kg)也不能忽视。

3) 磁通门体积较小,质量轻(一般在200~500 g),在用小型无人机挂载时有较大的优势。磁通门较大的缺点是频率响应范围偏低,一般在0~1 000 Hz范围,无法适用于大多数的工程施工应用,同时,也不利于航空物探连续飞行测量的需求;而且,磁通门感应的磁场信号包含了地磁信号,会给后期的数据处理带来较大误差。

2.2 工程应用初步探索




图6   接收器、线圈与飞机的接驳

Fig.6   Connection of receiver, coil and drone


图7   接收器、磁棒与飞机的接驳(软连接)

Fig.7   Connection of receiver, magnetic rod and drone (soft connection)


图8   接收器、磁棒与飞机的接驳(硬连接)

Fig.8   Connection of receiver, magnetic rod and drone (hard connection)



图9   磁棒与飞机硬连接3个主频分量的信号曲线对比

Fig.9   Comparison of the signal curve of the three main frequency components of the hard connectionbetween the magnetic rod and the drone


图10   磁棒与飞机软连接3个主频分量的信号曲线对比

Fig.10   Comparison of the signal curve of the three main frequency components of the soft connection between the magnetic rod and the drone




图11   环境背景场噪声

Fig.11   Environmental background field noise


图12   磁棒离飞机不同距离各个主频分量的信号曲线对比

Fig.12   Comparison of signal curves of various main frequency components of magnetic rods at different distances from the drone

图11表明了在飞行测试过程中,飞机及环境噪声干扰相对较大,且频率的越低干扰越大。这种干扰主要来源于飞机旋翼电机磁场及飞机本身电子电路辐射噪声,以及飞机姿态变化产造成的数据跳动。图12则表明,磁棒与飞机的相对距离以大约100 Hz为分界,在大于100 Hz的高频段,所测得的曲线基本吻合,在小于100 Hz的低频段,吻合度较差。因此,在现阶段,大于100Hz的高频段是需要重点研究的频率范围。


表1   飞机相对磁棒不同距离情况下测得数据的相对偏差

Table 1  The relative deviation of the measured data of the aircraft relative to the magnetic rod at different distances


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图13是飞机离地不同高度各个主频分量的信号曲线对比。通过曲线我们看到,在高频段,飞机离地不同高度的信号曲线基本平行,且随高度增加,信号呈衰减趋势。分析原因,主要可能是飞机旋翼电机磁场及飞机本身电子电路辐射噪声造成了磁棒距离飞机太近数据质量变差,以及地面的电磁辐射导致了飞机离地高度太低数据不稳定;同时,飞机飞行姿态的变化以及传感器的晃动均属于低频扰动,导致了低频段(100 Hz以下)数据明显差于高频段数据,这一实验结果与实际环境条件相吻合。


图13   飞机离地不同高度各个主频分量的信号曲线对比

Fig.13   Comparison of signal curves of various main frequency components at different altitudes of the drone

实际工程应用中,飞机一般的飞行高度为50~100 m,磁传感器距离飞机本体距离可以适当加大,从而可以有效减少或规避这些问题。


1) 磁传感器软、硬连接都受到飞机调整、振动和空气气流扰动的影响。

2) 硬连接后对飞机的姿态稳定性影响较大。

3) 软连接时,如果环境风速较大,磁棒晃动幅度较大,对高频也产生较大干扰。

4) 线圈、磁棒、磁通门在实际测试中各有特点,要根据实际的工程需求和各自特点合理的选择信号传感器。

5) 不同的飞行高度对信号接收的大小、稳定度有较大影响,需要通过同步记录飞机飞行姿态参数进行数据校正。

6) 磁通门的全频段以及线圈、磁棒的低频段受飞机的姿态变化扰动、空气气流扰动等因素影响比高频段大。

3 结论



1) 线圈、磁棒、磁通门各有特点,适合于不同的工程需求,而线圈、磁棒无论是从信号强度,还是从连接方式上看,更适合于航空广域的应用需求。

2) 综合考虑分级姿态、环境因素等各种噪声影响,以及工程应用的实际情况,100 Hz以上高频段伪随机信号序列是当前更能够快速工程化实现的频率范围。

3) 为了有效较少或规避飞机旋翼和本身电子噪声的影响,磁棒离飞机距离尽可能的大,一般要求6 m以上。






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Because of the severe electromagnetic interference and the human interference in a copper mine in Anhui Province, the traditional electromagnetic method is unable to obtain valid data. CSAMT method has stronger anti-interference capability, but the mean square relative error of CSAMT checkpoints data reaches 53.6% and the exploration effect is poorer. In this paper, wide field electromagnetic method was applied to the mining area and led to the obtaining of the high quality data, with the average relative mean square error being 5.6%. Compared with the inversion result of CSAMT method, wide-area electromagnetic inversion result is in accordance with the geological data, the depth error is less than 10%, and the position of the orebody is consistent with the drilling information. The test results show that wide field electromagnetic method has stronger anti-interference capability and can be used in strong interference field detection.

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Some very important problems concerning the effects of airborne electromagnetic method are discussed in this paper, such as the selection of the surveyed area and the application mechanism of the frequency field airborne electromagnetic method. It is held that this method is suitable for such fields as the exploration of iron, copper polymetallic deposits and noble metal deposits, the underground water resource investigation, the land resource survey, the sea water invasion survey and the detection of water depth of the shallow sea and sea ice thickness, and the reconnaissance survey of low-resistivity nonmetallic deposits. The frequency field airborne electromagnetic has a wide range of applications. It characteristics such as low cost and high efficiency can be brought into full play as long as the surveyed area is properly selected and the work is reasonably arranged. And it will surely make its due contributions to national economic construction.

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The IMPULSE helicopter frequency electromagnetic system imported from Canada is a new type digital and broad band system. This paper has analyzed the exploration efficiency of the IMPULSE system in the Hongguang iron deposit, including profile and plan characteristics of the electromagnetic and magnetic field, the transformed apparent resistivity and the apparent resistivity depth section. The surveying result between the IMPULSE system and the Tridem fixed plane EM system was also compared. It is shown that the IMPULSE system has higher penetration and resolving power than the Tradem system, and that the IMPULSE system will surely show good exploration efficiency in further mineral and groundwater exploration in China.

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在航空重力飞行时,针对GT-1A航空重力系统在同一条测线中使用两种爬升率(1 m/s和2 m/s)进行起伏飞行。考察起伏飞行引起的飞机姿态变化对测量数据的影响,以及在航空重力测量中小坡度缓起伏作业的可行性,是笔者的研究目的。试验结果表明,所使用的两种爬升率对航空重力测量数据未有明显影响,GT-1A航空重力系统可以进行缓起伏飞行测量。

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Under the condition of airborne gravity drape flying, the authors employed the GT-1A airborne gravity system to explore whether changes in aircraft attitude could affect the airborne gravity data and to test the possibility of applying the slight slope drape flying to gravity survey. The authors collected data from the same line with two kinds of rate of climb ( 1m/s and 2m/s), and the results showed that there were no significant differences in the airborne gravity data between these two drape flying conditions. The findings imply that the GT-1A airborne gravity system could be applied to airborne gravity survey with drape flying.

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[J]. 物探与化探, 2016,40(1):93-99.

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飞机振动对航空重力或重力梯度测量而言十分重要,为充分了解飞机振动特性,并为相关仪器系统量程和结构设计提供参考和依据,笔者针对Y-12和Cessna 208固定翼飞机典型航空物探飞行状态下的振动情况进行了大量测量和深入分析。研究结果表明:飞机地板上的振动主要由发动机引起,振动能量随螺旋桨转速呈倍频规律分布,该倍频的基频为螺旋桨转速基频乘螺旋桨叶片数,飞机在飞行状态下的振动为典型的周期性振动信号。

Gao W, Shu Q, Qu J H, et al.

A study of vibrational characteristics of the airborne geophysics aircraft under typical flight conditions

[J]. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2016,40(1):93-99.

DOI:10.11720/wtyht.2016.1.17      URL    

Aircraft vibration has an effect on airborne gravity and gravity gradient measuring system.In order to have a full understanding of aircraft vibrational characteristics and provide some advices and references for instrument system ranges and physical design,the authors carried out a large amount of measurement and depth analysis of vibration characteristics of Y-12 and Cessna 208 aircraft.The results show that the vibration of aircraft floor is mainly caused by the engine,the propellers speed shows regular multiple frequency distribution in vibration energy,and its fundamental frequency of multiple frequency is expressed as fundamental frequency of propellers speed multiplied by the propeller vane.The vibration of the aircraft under flight conditions is the typical periodic vibration signal.

王林飞, 薛典军, 刘国锋, .


[J]. 物探与化探, 2015,39(S1):133-136.

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A study of the rapid testing and restoring technology for data of aero geophysical survey

[J]. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2015,39(S1):133-136.

DOI:10.11720/wtyht.2015.S1.26      URL     [本文引用: 1]

In this paper, the authors proposed a rapid detection algorithm to deal with some problems existent in aero geophysical survey, such as failure to update GPS time and data of latitude and longitude, and abnormal magnetic peak caused by external magnetic disturbance. The algorithm utilizes threshold of raw data and its gradients based on characteristics of the observed data to conduct rapid detection. When the jump point is determined, one dimensional interpolation is computed with normal data nodes to replace the jump point. In this paper, the proposed algorithm was accomplished with C++ language. Meanwhile, and other six one-dimensional interpolation fitting methods were calculated for comparison. Moreover, the authors developed plug-in modules for these algorithms on the platform of GeoProbe. The plug-in modules on GeoProbe provide effective tools for the detection and repairing of jump points in airborne geophysical prospecting.

周道卿, 谭林, 谭捍东.


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Helicopter aviation electromagnetic data processing and interpretation method and time domain aviation electromagnetic system scheme research report

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[本文引用: 1]


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