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物探与化探, 2020, 44(5): 1031-1038 doi: 10.11720/wtyht.2020.0228



曾何胜,, 徐元璋, 刘磊, 唐宝山, 张祎然, 李义, 陈宇峰

湖北省地质局 地球物理勘探大队,湖北 武汉 430056

Researches on the application of wide field electromagnetic method to the complex electromagnetic interference environment:Exemplified by the geothermal exploration around a city

ZENG He-Sheng,, XU Yuan-Zhang, LIU Lei, TANG Bao-Shan, ZHANG Yi-Ran, LI Yi, CHEN Yu-Feng

Geophysical Exploration Party of Hubei Bureau of Geology,Wuhan 430056,China

责任编辑: 叶佩

收稿日期: 2020-05-7   修回日期: 2020-07-15   网络出版日期: 2020-10-20

Received: 2020-05-7   Revised: 2020-07-15   Online: 2020-10-20

作者简介 About authors

曾何胜(1987-),男,工程师,主要从事常规电法及电磁法的应用研究工作。Email: 360644941@qq.com



关键词: 广域电磁法 ; 复杂电磁干扰环境 ; 地热资源大深度勘探


The wide field electromagnetic method establishes a harmonic electromagnetic field through an artificial ground field source,sends alternating currents of different frequencies to the ground,and surveys one or more electromagnetic field components to detect geological targets of different buried depths with wide field apparent resistivity.In this method,high power and strong artificial field is used to suppress the interference field to improve the signal-to-noise ratio.Under the environment of complex human noise interferences such as high voltage line,railway,factory building,mining area,substation and periphery of the city,the amplitude of interference field signal reaches hundreds or even thousands of microamplitude,and its intensity is greater than that of wide field electromagnetic artificial field signal,so it is difficult to achieve the suppression effect.In this paper,the large-scale exploration of geothermal resources around a city was taken as an example to study the application of wide field electromagnetic method in the complex electromagnetic interference environment,with good quality observation data obtained.This example provides a direction for the application of wide area electromagnetic method in the complex electromagnetic interference environment.

Keywords: wide field electromagnetic method ; complex electromagnetic interference environment ; large-scale exploration of geothermal resources

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曾何胜, 徐元璋, 刘磊, 唐宝山, 张祎然, 李义, 陈宇峰. 广域电磁法在复杂电磁干扰环境的应用研究——以某市周边地热勘查为例. 物探与化探[J], 2020, 44(5): 1031-1038 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2020.0228

ZENG He-Sheng, XU Yuan-Zhang, LIU Lei, TANG Bao-Shan, ZHANG Yi-Ran, LI Yi, CHEN Yu-Feng. Researches on the application of wide field electromagnetic method to the complex electromagnetic interference environment:Exemplified by the geothermal exploration around a city. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration[J], 2020, 44(5): 1031-1038 doi:10.11720/wtyht.2020.0228

0 引言



人工源电磁勘探方法采取的主要抗干扰措施有:利用大功率手段增加电偶极距[2]或磁极距[3];增加叠加次数和重复观测累加信号[4];进行频谱分析后采用叠加、平滑、滤波等手段[5];可控源采用全区视电阻率、磁道参考替换等技术[6];TEM采用双极性同步采样方式、工频50 Hz陷波器等[7];脉冲干扰信号设置采样时窗进行排除[8]。天然场电磁勘探方法抗干扰措施有:张量阻抗分析、远参考分析、Robust估计及甘布尔的互功率谱法[9]。还有采用综合物探[10]等。


1 工区地质及地球物理特征

1.1 地质特征


1.2 地球物理特征

论文采用的物性资料是实地 “小四极”电性测定及前人在区内物性工作成果的统计。如表1所示,白垩系(K)、志留系(S)、寒武系下段(∈1)的砂岩、粉砂岩、炭质(泥)页岩等地层表现为低电阻率、低密度特征;三叠系(P)、二叠系(T)、奥陶系(O)、寒武系中上段(∈2-3)等碳酸盐岩地层表现为中高电阻率、高密度特征;因为主要为沉积地层,磁性上没有明显差异。即地热资源盖层(白垩系、志留系)表现为相对低电阻率、低密度特征,储水层(三叠系、二叠系、奥陶系及寒武系等碳酸盐岩)表现为相对高电阻率、高密度特征。构造断裂带附近因岩石破碎、导水性较好,电阻率、密度与完整围岩差异较大。综上所述,地热资源盖层、储水层及导热(水)通道(断裂构造)的电阻率、密度存在明显差异,为勘探提供了物性基础。

表1   某市工区周边地热资源调查物性统计

Table 1  Statistics of the physical properties for geothermal resources investigation in surrounding areas of a city


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2 广域电磁法原理简介(E-Ex装置)








式中: fE-Ex(ikr)为rkρφ构成的复函数,称为E-Ex方式广域电磁测深的电磁效应函数,反映地下电磁传播的特性,其采集点处分量示意如图1


图1   采集点处分量示意

Fig.1   Component diagram at collection point

3 广域电磁法在复杂电磁干扰区的应用效果

3.1 工区复杂电磁干扰强度评估



图2   测线周边电磁干扰环境示意

Fig.2   Schematic diagram of electromagnetic interference environment around survey line


1)单支曲线幅值大致处于100~3 500 μV区间,在256 Hz附近达到极值,干扰场信号强度整体高于广域电磁法人工场信号。

2)8 192~48 Hz的中高频段,干扰场幅值约300~3 500 μV;48~0.011 7 Hz的低频段,干扰场幅值约100~250 μV。中高频段干扰场幅值大于低频段,即中高频段受干扰影响相对较大。


图3   工区内某点噪声水平评估曲线

Fig.3   Evaluation curve of noise level at a point in the work area


3.2 复杂电磁干扰环境下场源试验

广域电磁法在该工区的装置选择9.5 km收发距场源进行试验。为保证人工源信号强度,发射端供电电流为122 A。同测点人工场与干扰场信号幅值曲线对比如图4所示。


图4   工区某点人工场与天然场信号幅值曲线对比

Fig.4   Comparison of the electric field amplitude curves between the signal of human workshop and natural field



2)两种场源信号幅值大致处于100~3 000μV之间,呈锯齿状,形态杂乱。

人工场源信号强度试验结论:从以上两点并结合干扰场评估曲线特征,测点处人工场信号基本被干扰场信号淹没,试验采集数据的信号源主要为干扰场,原施工方案下难以采集到人工场源(收发距9.5 km)的信号。

3.3 分析工区复杂电磁干扰特征



图5   工区干扰场幅值12小时监测曲线

Fig.5   Interference field amplitude monitoring curve for 12 hours


1)8:10~9:50、14:00~16:00两时间段内(绿色虚线框),干扰场幅值小于20 μV,干扰强度小;

2)9:50~14:00、16:00~18:00两个时间段干扰场幅值大,幅值大小分别达到700、300 μV,干扰强度大。



3.4 选取干扰强度小的时间区段进行人工场试验



图6   工区某点在8:10~9:50、14:00~16:00时间区段人工场与天然场信号幅值曲线对比

Fig.6   Comparison of the electric signal curves of artificial field and interference field at a certain point in the work area at 8:10~9:50,14:00~16:00

1)干扰场信号幅值基本小于5 μV,而人工源信号幅值达到60 μV,人工场信号幅值远大于干扰场。


从而判定8:10~9:50、14:00~16:00两个时间区段内可以进行广域电磁法野外作业。在干扰场幅值较小的8:10~9:50、14:00~16:00两个时间区段进行人工源试验,工区某点(收发距9.5 km)的人工场信号幅值单支曲线如图7所示,该曲线形态清楚,质量等级为二级,质量可靠。


图7   工区某点在8:10~9:50、14:00~16:00时间区段人工电场幅值单支曲线

Fig.7   A single curve of artificial field amplitude at 8:10~9:50,14:00~16:00


3.5 采取分时间段作业后的应用效果分析

3.5.1 地质模型



图8   某市地热资源调查剖面1线地质模型

Fig.8   Geological model of line 1 for geothermal resources survey section

3.5.2 广域成果分析



图9   某市地热资源调查剖面1线广域电磁成果图

Fig.9   Wide field electromagnetic results of line 1 of geothermal resources survey profile

1) 地层分析解释

点号1050~2000段:地层向NE倾斜。标高约-500 m往上,视电阻率为几百至1万Ω·m,表现为高阻,结合地质资料,推测为三叠系—泥盆系灰岩等碳酸盐岩地层;标高-500~-1 700 m,视电阻率小于100 Ω·m,表现为低阻,推测为志留系粉砂岩、砂岩地层;标高-1 700~-2 500 m段,视电阻率整体表现为中高阻,推测为奥陶系及寒武系中上段白云岩地层。

点号2000~4250段:标高-700 m往地表,视电阻率为几十至几百Ω·m,表现为中低阻,推测为志留系纱帽组、罗惹坪组、新滩组粉砂岩、砂岩地层;标高-700~-2 000 m,视电阻率为几百至几千Ω·m,表现为中高阻,推测为奥陶系和寒武系中上段白云岩地层;标高-2 000 m往深部,视电阻率小于100 Ω·m,表现为低阻,推测为寒武系下段泥质页岩、泥岩地层。

点号4250~剖面大号端:标高400 m往上厚度约200 m,视电阻率为几千至1万Ω·m,表现为高阻,结合地质资料推测为二叠系灰岩地层;标高200~-100 m,视电阻率小于100Ω·m,表现为低阻,推测为志留系粉砂岩、砂岩地层;标高-100 m往深部,视电阻率表现为中高阻,推测为奥陶—寒武中上段白云岩地层。



点号4200 m附近,标高-1 000 m往上,视电阻率曲线存在线性的在横向间断、错动现象,推测在该处存在断裂破碎带F1。往剖面大号端(SE)倾斜,倾角约65°~70°,较为陡立。

通过分析认为,地层整体呈背斜构造,小号端往NW倾斜。地热资源盖层志留系砂岩地层厚度约 1 200 m;地热资源储水层奥陶—寒武系中上段白云岩地层厚度约1 200~2 000 m;控热导热构造为断裂构造带F1、F2、F3,往剖面大号端(SE)倾斜,倾角约65°~70°。通过广域电磁法勘探提供了两处地热资源有利靶区(蓝色虚线椭圆圈定)。


4 结论



3)广域电磁法反演结果清晰地反映了地下3 km以浅的地层和构造,证明广域电磁法是大深度勘探的有效工具。

4)广域电磁法应用于复杂电磁干扰环境时,建议先进行干扰场12 h或者24 h监测,了解电磁干扰场强度,摸清了工区电磁干扰规律,避开强干扰时间段进行观测。





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Of the geoelectromagnetic techniques, multi-electrode Direct Current(DC)and Transient Electromagnetic(TEM)methods are the most powerful tools for shallow soundings. For city active fault detection, urban noise is a key problem in the use of electrical or electromagnetic methods. Effects of some major noises on DC and TEM are discussed on the basis of the experiments carried out in Fuzhou City in 2001. The experiments show that underground noises(pipes, cables, etc.)are most harmful to DC soundings, while for TEM, in addition to the underground noises, the aerial noises(power lines, metal sheds, etc.)will also lead to serious effects. Even so, effective soundings can be obtained providing that the noises are not too strong and some proper countermeasures are taken. In the experiments, specific measurement environments, including aerial and underground power lines and cables, water supply pipelines, roads, metal sheds, waste disposal sites, etc., were chosen as the urban noise sources. A set of RESECS instruments from DMT, Germany, were used for DC test, and EM-47/EM-67 by Geonics, Canada, for TEM test. The results of the experiments show that for DC soundings if the underground noise is not too strong, an effective record generally can be obtained, and especially the results would be much improved if the sampling time window of the instrument could be adjusted according to the noise distribution. We strongly recommend, therefore, that an instrument with real-time display of injection current and measurement potential, having adjustable time window be used for the active fault detection in urban areas. The configuration of electrodes is also important in some cases. For TEM soundings, it is better to set the measurement traverse at least 50m away from power lines, roads, cables, and big pipes. If the pipes are not big and not densely distributed within the transmitter loop, good data can be obtained at the sites several meters away from the pipes. In an area with electric current channeling, different configurations of the transmitter loops of different dimensions should be tested before the measurement.



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Because of the severe electromagnetic interference and the human interference in a copper mine in Anhui Province, the traditional electromagnetic method is unable to obtain valid data. CSAMT method has stronger anti-interference capability, but the mean square relative error of CSAMT checkpoints data reaches 53.6% and the exploration effect is poorer. In this paper, wide field electromagnetic method was applied to the mining area and led to the obtaining of the high quality data, with the average relative mean square error being 5.6%. Compared with the inversion result of CSAMT method, wide-area electromagnetic inversion result is in accordance with the geological data, the depth error is less than 10%, and the position of the orebody is consistent with the drilling information. The test results show that wide field electromagnetic method has stronger anti-interference capability and can be used in strong interference field detection.



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In order to study the effective detection depth of the wide field electromagnetic method (WFEM) under the condition of transition zone, the authors designed four geoelectrical models, i.e., homogenous half space, two layers section, three layers section and four layers section, with the skin depth-apparent resistivity curves obtained by forward calculation. Taking magnetotelluric sounding (MT) for reference, the authors made a comparative study of the detection depth of the wide field electromagnetic method and the controlled source audio magnetotelluric method (CSAMT) at the same transmit-receive distance. The results show that the wide field electromagnetic method can be measured in the transition zone and can get larger detection depth with the smaller transmit-receive distance.


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