Abstract The original salinity of formation water is high in Zhongyuan oil field. The salinity of injected water is usually
lower than original salinity. Based on the experiment of water displacing oil, the resistivity curve of some reservoirs change in
“U” shape after waterflooding. The law of changing is different according to the salinity ratio of injected water to original
formation water and pore structure of the reservoir. Thus there are interpretation ambiguity to identify oiliness of the
reservoir using resistivity curve, which adding the difficulties of identifying waterflooded formation using conventional logging
data. The new logging technologies of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Dual Frequency Resistivity have the advantage that they are
hardly affected by lithology and salinity. They are unique in identifying waterflooded formation, which somewhat making up the
deficiency of conventional logging technology. According to practical application, this paper discusses the methods of evaluating
high salinity waterflooded formation in Zhongyuan Oilfield using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Dual Frequency Resistivity
logging data. The effect is good. The paper can use for reference for the new logging technology application in evaluating
waterflooded formation.