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物探与化探  2021, Vol. 45 Issue (3): 590-600    DOI: 10.11720/wtyht.2021.1533
  地质调查 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
王云云(), 兰学毅(), 郭冬, 张莎莎, 丁文祥, 陶龙, 张慧杰, 张媛媛, 叶林, 尤淼
安徽省勘查技术院,安徽 合肥 230001
Diagenesis and mineralization in Tongling and Fanchang areas, Anhui Province: Constrains from the integrated geophysical exploration study
WANG Yun-Yun(), LAN Xue-Yi(), GUO Dong, ZHANG Sha-Sha, DING Wen-Xiang, TAO Long, ZHANG Hui-Jie, ZHANG Yuan-Yuan, YE Lin, YOU Miao
Geological Exploration Technology Institute of Anhui Province, Hefei 230001,China
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关键词 铜陵断隆区繁昌断凹区综合地球物理探测控岩控矿构造深部地质结构    

In the Middle-Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt, the possibility of the development of copper-gold mineralization similar to things of the fault-uplift area in the depth of volcanic basin has attracted extensive attention. Based on the geophysical profile through the Tongling fault-uplift area and Fanchang volcanic basin and using integrated geophysical exploration methods, the authors identified the deep geological structure, rock and ore-controlling structure and the distribution of intrusions. The comparative study shows that the lithology, height and distribution of intrusions are different in Tongling and Fanchang area, and the intrusions in Fanchang is more felsic and shallow than those in Tongling. The faults in Tongling area only control the shallow location of intrusions, while the boundary faults in Fanchang basin are the channels for magma rising. The intrusion in Tongling area is characterized by "one mother and multiple offspring" and different intrusive branches or strains derived from the same magma chamber, which directly proves that different types of intrusive rocks in Tongling area are the products of the evolution of the same magma source region, and different degrees of evolution may be one of the reasons for their different kinds of mineralization. In this study, the authors used integrated geophysical exploration methods to discuss the difference of diagenesis and mineralization between Tongling fault-uplift area and Fanchang volcanic basin and explain the reason why only small iron mineralization exists in Fanchang region while large copper (-gold) deposit occurs in Tongling region. In addition, large-scale intrusion of granitic magma in the depth of Fanchang region indicates that there is no "second Tongling" in the depth of the Fanchang volcanic basin. These results further deepen the understanding of the regularity of copper and iron mineralization in the Middle and Lower Yangtze River metallogenic belt and provide theoretical support for ore prospecting and exploration in the future.

Key wordsTongling fault-uplift area    Fanchang volcanic basin    integrated geophysical exploration    rock and ore-controlling structure    deep geological structure
收稿日期: 2020-11-23      修回日期: 2021-01-21      出版日期: 2021-06-20
ZTFLH:  P631  
通讯作者: 兰学毅
作者简介: 王云云(1987-),女,2013年毕业于合肥工业大学,工程师,主要从事物探与地质找矿工作。Email:
王云云, 兰学毅, 郭冬, 张莎莎, 丁文祥, 陶龙, 张慧杰, 张媛媛, 叶林, 尤淼. 安徽铜陵—繁昌地区深部成岩成矿作用探讨——来自综合地球物理探测的制约[J]. 物探与化探, 2021, 45(3): 590-600.
WANG Yun-Yun, LAN Xue-Yi, GUO Dong, ZHANG Sha-Sha, DING Wen-Xiang, TAO Long, ZHANG Hui-Jie, ZHANG Yuan-Yuan, YE Lin, YOU Miao. Diagenesis and mineralization in Tongling and Fanchang areas, Anhui Province: Constrains from the integrated geophysical exploration study. Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration, 2021, 45(3): 590-600.
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Fig.1  安徽铜陵隆起区东部—繁昌盆地地质简图
地层 岩性 厚度/m 密度/
(10-6 SI)
N+Q 黏土、粉质黏土 <100 1.76 0 100~101
K2c 砾岩、砂岩、粉砂岩 <5000 1.88 101~102
K1k 凝灰岩、粉砂岩、玄武岩夹页岩、流纹岩、角砾岩 <1288 2.54 101~102
K1c 凝灰角砾岩、粗面岩 <90 2.52
K1z 流纹岩、凝灰岩、角砾凝灰岩、火山碎屑岩 <2167 2.50
T2 粉砂岩、粉砂质页岩、泥岩夹石英砂岩 175~405 2.62 102~103
T1 白云岩、灰岩、泥灰岩 <576 2.71 103~106
P2-3 硅质页岩、页岩、炭质页岩 <267 2.63 102~104
C-P1 灰岩、白云岩 <799 2.69 103~106
D-S1g 粉砂质泥岩、石英粉砂岩、石英砂岩、中厚层细砂岩、粉砂岩及页岩互层,夹炭质泥岩 <2995 2.7 101~103
O-$\in$ 灰岩 2.72 0 103~106
γ 花岗岩 2.65 980~2000 102~104
γδ 花岗闪长岩 2.70 2600~4100
γπ 花岗斑岩 2.66 980~2000
δο 石英闪长岩 2.73 3500~5800 103~106
ηδο 石英二长闪长岩 2.68 400
Table 1  铜陵—繁昌地区岩石物性参数
Fig.2  铜陵隆起区东部—繁昌盆地布格重力异常(a)和航磁化极异常(b)
Fig.3  铜陵隆起区东部—繁昌盆地TL11-05线反射地震偏移剖面(据吕庆田等,2012修改)[24]
Fig.4  铜陵隆起区东部—繁昌盆地廊带1线地质—地球物理综合模型
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